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The equal division of 7/3 (ed7/3) is a tuning obtained by dividing the septimal minor tenth (7/3) in a certain number of equal steps.


Division of 7/3 into equal parts does not necessarily imply directly using this interval as an equivalence. The question of equivalence has not even been posed yet.

The utility of 7/3 (or another tenth) as a base though, is apparent by being the absolute widest range most generally used in popular songs[citation needed] (and even the range of a dastgah[citation needed]).

Chords and harmonies

Enneatonic scales, especially those equivalent at 7/3, can sensibly take tetrads as the fundamental complete sonorities of a pseudo-traditional functional harmony due to their seventh degree being as structurally important as it is. Many, though not all, of these scales have a perceptually important pseudo (false) octave, with various degrees of accuracy.

Incidentally, one way to treat 7/3 as an equivalence is the use of the 3:4:5:(7) chord as the fundamental complete sonority in a very similar way to the 4:5:6:(8) chord in meantone. Whereas in meantone it takes four 3/2 to get to 5/1, here it takes two 28/15 to get to 7/2 (tempering out the comma 225/224). So, doing this yields 15-, 19-, and 34-note mos 2/1 apart. While the notes are rather farther apart, the scheme is uncannily similar to meantone. Joseph Ruhf named this scheme "macrobichromatic".


7/3 provides a fairly trivial point to split the difference between the octave and the tritave, which is why Ruhf has named the region of intervals between 6 and 7 degrees of 5edo the "Middletown valley".

The proper Middletown temperament family is based on an enneatonic scale generated by a third or a fifth optionally with a period of a wolf fourth at most 560 cents wide) and, as is the twelfth (tritave), an alternative interval where invertible counterpoint has classically occurred.

The branches of the Middletown family are named thus:

  • 3&6: Tritetrachordal
  • 4&5: Montrose (between 5\4edo and 4\3edo in particular, MOS generated by [pseudo] octaves belong to this branch)
  • 2&7: Terra Rubra

The family of interlaced octatonic scale-based temperaments in the "Middletown valley" is called Vesuvius (i.e. the volcano east of Naples).

The Middlebury temperament falls in the "Middletown valley", but its enneatonic scales are "generator-remainder".

The temperaments neighboring Middletown proper are named thus:

  • 5&6: Rosablanca
  • 4&7: Saptimpun (10 1/2)
  • 5&7: 8bittone (Old Middetown)

The pyrite tuning of edXs will turn out to divide a barely mistuned 5/2 of almost exactly 45\34edo.

Individual pages for ed7/3's

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