No-twos subgroup temperaments

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(WIP, further entries in the catalog of 3.5.7 subgroup rank two temperaments will eventually be documented here)

This is a collection of subgroup temperaments which omit the prime harmonic of 2. Because of the absence of octaves, these are all nonoctave scales using a period of a tritave, or if harmonic 3 is also excluded, 5/1.

Overview by mapping of 5

Classified by focusing on the mapping of 5th harmonic, similar to Rank-2 temperaments by mapping of 3.

  • Arcturus, Aldebaran and Polaris have a 3/1 period and ~5/3 generator. There is one-to-one correspondence between the 3.5 subgroup and mapped intervals.
  • BPS has a ~9/7 generator, two of which give the ~5/3.
  • Sirius has a ~25/21 generator, three of which give the ~5/3.
  • Deneb has a ~11/9 generator, three of which give the ~9/5.
  • Canopus has a ~7/5 generator, five of which give the ~27/5 (9/5 up a tritave).
  • Alnilam has a ~81/55 generator, ten of which give the ~243/5 (9/5 up three tritaves).
  • Izar has a ~16807/10125 generator, twelve of which give the ~2187/5 (9/5 up five tritaves).
  • Nekkar has a ~16807/10935 generator, sixteen of which give the ~6561/5 (9/5 up six tritaves).
  • Mintaka does not include the 5th harmonic, and has an ~11/7 generator, two of which give the ~27/11, and three of which give the ~27/7 (9/7 and a tritave).
  • Antipyth uses 5/1 as a period, and has a ~7/5 generator. There is one-to-one correspondence between the 5.7 subgroup and mapped intervals.
  • Juggernaut uses half-pentave(~11/5) as a period, and has a ~7/5 generator.

3.5.7 subgroup temperaments


As for extensions of this temperament that include the prime 2, see opossum, crepuscular, catalan, bunya, bohpier, and superkleismic.

Subgroup: 3.5.7

Comma list: 15625/15309

Sval mapping: [1 0 -7], 0 1 6]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~5

POTE generator: ~5/3 = 878.042

Optimal ET sequence: b2, b11, b13

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.535


This extension of Arcturus adds Polaris's mapping for 11/9, mapping it to 5 generators down.


Comma list: 15625/15309, 177147/171875

Gencom: [3/1 5/3; 15625/15309 177147/171875]

Mapping: [1 1 -1 5], 0 1 6 -6]]

POTE generator: ~5/3 = 884.268

EDTs: 15, 13e, 28e, 43dee

Badness (Dirichlet): 2.507


For extensions to this temperament that include the octave, see Sensamagic clan. Non-octave extensions will be documented below.

Subgroup: 3.5.7

Comma list: 245/243

Sval mapping: [1 1 2], 0 2 -1]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~9/7

Optimal tuning (POTE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~9/7 = 440.4881

Optimal ET sequence: b4, b9, b13, b56, b69, b82, b95

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.066


This is a strong extension to BPS in the subgroup that equates the "semitone" of 27/25~49/45 to 13/12, and then three of these intervals to 14/11.


Comma list: 196/195, 325/324, 1001/1000

Sval mapping: [1 1 2 -1 2], 0 2 -1 11 -4]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~7/3

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~9/7 = 441.025

Supporting ETs: b13, b69, b56, b82, b43, b125, b30, b151, b95, b17é, b194d, b99, b181d, b108é (Note that é is used as the wart for 11/2.)

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.187


See also Mintaka and Deneb.

This temperament splits 27/7 (the BPS generator up a tritave) into three by means of 11/7 or, equivalently, 7/1 in three by means of 21/11, and is the intersection of BPS, Deneb, and Mintaka temperaments as well as the most natural temperament satisfied in the subgroup in 39edt.


Comma list: 245/243, 1331/1323

Sval mapping[1 5 0 1], 0 -6 3 2]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~21/11

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~11/7 = 780.752

Supporting ETs: 39, 17, 56, 22, 5, 95, 12, 61, 73, 134, 27c, 151e, 100, 90

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.302

Tridecimal Mintra

This temperament uses the canonical extension for prime 13 described at Tridecimal Mintaka.


Comma list: 245/243, 275/273, 1575/1573

Sval mapping[1 5 0 1 10], 0 -6 3 2 -13]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~21/11

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~11/7 = 780.428

Supporting ETs: 39, 17, 22, 56, 5f, 61, 95, 100, 134, 73f, 139cf, 83cf, 173e, 178cef

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.373


This temperament is a simple weak extension of BPS that splits the generator of 9/7 into two intervals of 17/15. The name was suggested by MidnightBlue after Dubhe, a bright double star (the ninth brightest) and similarities to the word "double".


Comma list: 245/243, 2025/2023

Sval mapping[1 1 2 2], 0 4 -2 5]]

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~17/15 = 220.142

Supporting ETs: 26, 9, 17, 43, 69, 8, 35, 95, 61, 60, 121, 25g, 112, 44

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.177


For extensions to this temperament that include the prime 2, see Mirkwai clan. No-twos extensions will be documented below.

Subgroup: 3.5.7

Comma list: 16875/16807

Sval mapping[1 3 3], 0 -5 -4]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~7/5

Optimal tunings:

  • CTE: ~3 = 1\1edt, ~7/5 = 584.017
  • PETE: ~3 = 1\1edt, ~7/5 = 583.9584

Optimal ET sequence: b13, b62, b75, b88, b101, b114, b355, b469, b583, b697

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.100


Tempering out the 3.13-subgroup threedie splits the tritave into three, meeting 11/1 at seven generators after tempering out the sopreisma.


Comma list: 1575/1573, 1625/1617, 4459/4455

Sval mapping[3 4 5 6 7], 0 5 4 7 0]]

Sval mapping generators: ~13/9, ~65/63

Generator tunings:

Optimized 634.144, 49.695 634.1448, 49.6946
Constrained 1\b3 = 633.985, 49.733 1\b3 = 633.985, 49.839
Destretched 1\b3 = 633.985, 49.6825 1\b3 = 633.985, 49.6821

Optimal ET sequence: b39, b114, b153, b498cf, b651cf

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.330


Subgroup: 3.5.7

Comma list: 13841287201/13839609375

Sval mapping[1 7 5], 0 -12 -7]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~16807/10125

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~16807/10125 = 877.280

Optimal ET sequence: b13, b141, b154, ... b258, b271, b800, b1071, b1342, b1613, b4568, b6181

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.017


This temperament is the no-twos restriction of squares, and as such is named after a star that belonged to the obsolete constellation of Quadrans Muralis, whose name has to do with squares. However, seeing the sheer complexity and size of the commas, Nekkar is much more naturally thought of as than 3.5.7, whereupon it becomes a strong extension of Mintaka.

Subgroup: 3.5.7

Comma list: 35303692060125/33232930569601

Sval mapping[1 8 3], 0 -16 -3]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~16807/10935

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~16807/10935 = 776.767

Supporting ETs: 22, 49, 5c, 71, 27, 17c, 120, 93, 76c, 32cc, 169d, 115, 191d, 164d

Badness (Dirichlet): 17.120 subgroup

See also Mintaka.

This continues the canonical 11-limit extension of squares.


Comma list: 1331/1323, 120285/117649

Sval mapping[1 8 3 3], 0 -16 -3 -2]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~11/7

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~11/7 = 776.781

Supporting ETs: 22, 49, 71, 5c, 27, 120, 93, 17c, 76c, 169d, 191d, 115, 164d, 125cd

Badness (Dirichlet): 1.375 subgroup

This uses the Minalzidar mapping of 13.


Comma list: 169/165, 351/343, 11011/10935

Sval mapping[1 8 3 3 6], 0 -16 -3 -2 -9]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~11/7

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~11/7 = 776.678

Supporting ETs: 22, 5c, 27, 49, 71f, 17cf

Badness (Dirichlet): 1.723


This tempers out the Don Page comma between 7/5 and 9/7, allowing an accurate representation of the 5:7:9 chord, similar to the 3:5:7 in Sirius.

Subgroup: 3.5.7

Comma list: 823543/820125

Sval mapping[1 2 2], 0 -7 -3]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~17/9

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~49/45 = 145.333

Supporting ETs: b13, b157, b144, b170, b131, b183, b118, b14, b105, b12c, b196, b92, b27, b79

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.200


Erigone splits the (tritave-augmented) generator of procyon into three, allowing for an accurate representation of 11/9 at -19 generators and 13/9 at -13 generators.


Comma list: 847/845, 1575/1573, 4459/4455

Sval mapping[1 9 5 9 7], 0 -21 -9 -19 -13]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~49/33

Optimal tuning (WE): ~3 = 1901.9699, ~49/33 = 682.4486

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~49/33 = 682.4427

Optimal ET sequence: b25ce, b39, b92, b131, b170, b301, b471

Badness (Smith): 0.00271

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.21396


By tempering out 3971/3969, erigone's tritave-augmented generator (49/11) is split into two 19/9s. Then, 17/1 is approximated at 39/35 below 19/1 (tempering out 665/663).


Comma list: 665/663, 847/845, 1575/1573, 1617/1615, 4459/4455

Sval mapping[1 30 14 28 20 25 2], 0 -42 -18 -38 -26 -33 1]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~19/9

Optimal tuning (WE): ~3 = 1902.0918, ~19/9 = 1292.3032

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~19/9 = 1292.2083

Optimal ET sequence: b25ce, b53, b78, b131, b209, b340

Badness (Smith): 0.00501

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.45479

(no-2s) 23-limit

2277/2275 may be used in the same way to extend the simpler erigone to the subgroup.


Comma list: 665/663, 847/845, 1575/1573, 1617/1615, 2277/2275, 4459/4455

Sval mapping[1 30 14 28 20 25 2 64], 0 -42 -18 -38 -26 -33 1 -90]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~19/9

Optimal tuning (WE): ~3 = 1902.0149, ~19/9 = 1292.2401

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~19/9 = 1292.1988

Optimal ET sequence: b53i, b78i, b131, b340, b471

Badness (Smith): 0.00539

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.54174


This tempers out the Don Page comma between 5/3 and 7/5, allowing an accurate representation of the 3:5:7 chord, similar to the 5:7:9 in Procyon.

For an overview of extensions to this temperament that include prime 2, see Gariboh clan#Overview to extensions.

Subgroup: 3.5.7

Comma list: 3125/3087

Sval mapping[1 1 1], 0 3 5]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~25/21

Optimal tuning (POTE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~25/21 = 293.740

Optimal ET sequence: b6, b7, b13, b71, b84, b97, b110, b123, b136

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.213


By splitting the generator of Sirius into three, remus efficiently represents the no-2s 13-limit with MOS scales of 18, 25, 32, or 39 steps.

This is essentially electra but with prime 7, or more accurately, electra is the no-sevens restriction of this temperament.


Comma list: 275/273, 1625/1617, 1575/1573

Sval mapping[1 4 6 5 6], 0 -9 -15 -10 -13]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~15/11

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~15/11 = 536.090

Supporting ETs: 39, 7, 32, 71, 110, 46, 149, 188, 181

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.286


This temperament uses a weak extension to similar to what Dubhe does: tempering out 2025/2023 to split the 7-limit generator in half; in this case, 25/7 is split into two intervals of 17/9, which turns out to occupy the position of a macrodiatonic fifth, specifically a macro-flattone fifth.


Comma list: 3125/3087, 2025/2023

Sval mapping[1 -2 -4 2], 0 6 10 1]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~17/9

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~17/9 = 1097.800

Supporting ETs: 26, 7, 19, 45, 71, 97, 33, 123, 12d, 149, 59d, 175, 64d, 85cd

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.383

Full no-twos 17-limit

This exploits the Sirius tuning of the 25/21 generator being close to 13/11 (in order to split 7/5 evenly); additionally this tempers out 459/455, equating 17/13 to 35/27.


Comma list: 275/273, 459/455, 1625/1617, 2025/2023

Sval mapping[1 -2 -4 12 11 2], 0 6 10 -17 -15 1]]

sval mapping generators: ~3, ~17/9

Optimal tuning (CWE): ~3 = 1\1edt, ~17/9 = 1098.298

Supporting ETs: 26, 71, 45, 19, 97f, 116d

Badness (Dirichlet): 0.841

Tuning diagrams

Complexity vs. damage plot. z < 1 corresponds to the "Middle Path" inclusion criterion.
Temperaments supported by 13edt, labelled by name
Temperaments not supported by 13edt, labelled by name
Both sets, labelled by name
Temperaments supported by 13edt, labelled by comma
Temperaments not supported by 13edt, labelled by comma
Both sets, labeled by comma

3.5.11 subgroup temperaments


Polaris tempers out the comma 177147/171875, and thus equates 7 5/3's with 15/11, or equivalently 7 9/5's with 11/9.

Subgroup: 3.5.11

Comma list: 177147/171875

Gencom: [3/1 5/3; 177147/171875]

Sval mapping: [1 2 1], 0 1 -6]]

POTE generator: ~5/3 = 892.6

EDTs: 17, 15, 32, 49, 13[+11], 47, 19, 11[+11], 81, 66, 79[+11], 62[+11], 28[+11], 21[-11]


Subgroup: 3.5.11

Comma list: 6655/6561

Gencom: [3/1 11/9; 6655/6561]

Sval mapping: [1 2 2], 0 -3 1]]

POTE generator: ~11/9 = 340.242

EDTs: 28, 11, 17, 6, 39, 5, 67, 45, 50, 16, 23, 73, 61, 62


Fomalhaut is an extension of Deneb to higher limits that splits the interval of 11/3 in three.

The 23-limit version of Fomalhaut was created first, as an attempt to approximate the no-2s, no-7s 23-limit as accurately as possible using 25 to 35 notes per equave, defined as the b28 & b33 temperament in this limit. Then the lower limit versions were created by simply extrapolating the temperament downwards.

Fomalhaut follows the convention of naming no-twos temperaments after stars.


Comma list: 6655/6561, 274625/264627

Gencom: [3/1 99/65; 6655/6561 274625/264627]

Sval mapping: [1 5 1 -2], 0 -9 3 11]]

POTE generator: ~99/65 = 748.0156

EDTs: b28, b5, b33, b23f, b61, b56f, b38c, b10cf, b66c, b51ff

  • Complexity: 1.561892
  • Adjusted Error: 6.495941 cents
  • TE Error: 1.755451 cents/octave


Comma list: 1105/1089, 4225/4131, 6655/6561

Gencom: [3/1 99/65; 1105/1089 4225/4131 6655/6561]

Sval mapping: [1 5 1 -2 1], 0 -9 3 11 4]]

POTE generator: ~17/11 = 748.0236

EDTs: b28, b5, b33, b23f, b61, b56f, b38c, b10cf, b66c, b51ffg

  • Complexity: 1.418914
  • Adjusted Error: 6.431616 cents
  • TE Error: 1.573498 cents/octave


Comma list: 247/243, 325/323, 1105/1089, 4675/4617

Gencom: [3/1 99/65; 247/243 325/323 1105/1089 4675/4617]

Sval mapping: [1 5 1 -2 1 7], 0 -9 3 11 4 -11]]

POTE generator: ~17/11 = 747.9960

EDTs: b28, b33, b5, b61, b56f, b23f, b38ch, b66ch, b89fgh, b10cfh

  • Complexity: 1.449992
  • Adjusted Error: 6.125446 cents
  • TE Error: 1.441985 cents/octave


Comma list: 209/207, 247/243, 255/253, 325/323, 4675/4617

Gencom: [3/1 99/65; 209/207 247/243 255/253 325/323 4675/4617]

Sval mapping: [1 5 1 -2 1 7 6], 0 -9 3 11 4 -11 -8]]

POTE generator: ~17/11 = 748.0874

EDTs: b28, b5, b33, b23f, b61, b56f, b38ch, b10cfhi, b66ch, b51ffg

  • Complexity: 1.382541
  • Adjusted Error: 7.087107 cents
  • TE Error: 1.566709 cents/octave


Effectively a microtemperament, Alnilam takes a generator of an 81/55 flat fifth and equates 9 of them with 11/9. The name was given by CompactStar to continue with the theme of naming no-twos temperaments after proper star names, but also to indirectly reference mavila.

Subgroup: 3.5.11

Comma list: [0 -35 9 0 10

Gencom: [3/1 81/55; [0 -35 9 0 10]

Sval mapping: [1 5 -1], 0 -10 9]]

CTE generator: ~81/55 = 672.410

EDTs: 99, 17, 82, 116, 181, 65, 14[-5], 280, 48, 215, 31, 133, 314, 263

3.7.11 subgroup temperaments


Extensions to prime 5 are covered at Mintra and Nekkar.

Subgroup: 3.7.11

Comma list: 1331/1323

Sval mapping: [1 0 1], 0 3 2]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~21/11

Optimal tunings:

  • PEWE (Pure-Equaves WE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~11/7 = 778.961
  • CWE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~11/7 = 778.803

Supporting ETs: b22, b5, b17, b39, b12, b61, b27, b7, b83, b49, b56, b32, b29, b100

Tridecimal Mintaka

This extension to prime 13 works in the sharper half of the Mintaka tuning range, where the most important pental extension is Mintra.


Comma list: 1331/1323, 218491/216513

Sval mapping: [1 0 1 10], 0 3 2 -13]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~21/11

Optimal tunings:

  • PEWE (Pure-Equaves WE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~11/7 = 780.155
  • CWE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~11/7 = 780.183

Supporting ETs: b39, b22, b17, b5f, b61, b56, b100, b139f, b95, b178ef, b83f, b134, b73f, b217ef


This extension to prime 13 works in the flatter half of the Mintaka tuning range, where the most important pental extension is Nekkar.


Comma list: 1331/1323, 351/343

Sval mapping: [1 0 1 -3], 0 3 2 9]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~21/11

Optimal tunings:

  • PEWE (Pure-Equaves WE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~11/7 = 774.432
  • CWE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~11/7 = 774.782

Supporting ETs: b5, b27, b22, b32, b17f, b37f, b12ff, b49, b59, b42df, b76, b39ff, b86d, b71f


Mebsuta is a microtemperament in the 3.7.11 subgroup that sets the relative sizes of 9/7 and 11/9 to be in the ratio of 5:4; its generator is identifiable as the ratio between these intervals, 81/77. It produces a 21L 1s MOS scale against the tritave, which serves as a well-temperament of 22edt; that scale's chroma is identified with 1331/1323.

Subgroup: 3.7.11

Comma list: 387420489/386683451

Sval mapping: [1 2 2], 0 -5 4]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~81/77

Optimal tunings:

  • PEWE (Pure-Equaves WE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~81/77 = 86.957
  • CWE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~81/77 = 86.957

Supporting ETs: b22, b175, b153, b197, b131, b328, b109, b21, b219, b87, b43, b372, b65, b23 subgroup

Mebsuta naturally extends itself with prime 19, identifying the two-generator interval as 21/19, since its square differs from 11/9 (the four-generator interval) by the small comma 3971/3969.


Comma list: 3971/3969, 41553/41503

Sval mapping: [1 2 2 3], 0 -5 4 -7]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~81/77

Optimal tunings:

  • PEWE (Pure-Equaves WE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~81/77 = 86.929
  • CWE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~81/77 = 86.932

Supporting ETs: b22, b175, b197, b153, b131, b219, b372, b109, b328, b241, b87, b21, b65, b43 subgroup

Tempering out 12005/11979, the unisquary comma, sets the chroma 1331/1323 equal to 245/243, producing an accurate if complex mapping for prime 5 at 32 generators up; it is notable that this sets eight 11/9s equal to 5/1, which is the 3.5.11 restriction of mohaha.


Comma list: 3971/3969, 12005/11979, 41553/41503

Sval mapping: [1 0 2 2 3], 0 32 -5 4 -7]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~81/77

Optimal tunings:

  • PEWE (Pure-Equaves WE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~81/77 = 87.065
  • CWE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~81/77 = 87.066

Supporting ETs: b131, b22, b153, b284, b415, b109, b437, b175, b546, b87c, b699, b240, b590, b721


Adhara cleaves the step of Mebsuta in three to produce a remarkable Don Page temperament for the chord 7:9:11:13:17 (that is, setting 13/11 to two-thirds of 9/7, and 17/13 to four-thirds of 11/9). It can be extended to even higher subgroups fairly naturally, and encompasses several prominent tunings within its structure (such as 65edt~41edo, 131edt, and 197edt).


Comma list: 14161/14157, 107811/107653, 1108809/1108723

Sval mapping: [1 2 2 2 2], 0 -15 12 22 38]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~119/117

Optimal tunings:

  • PETE (Pure-Equaves TE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~119/117 = 28.979
  • CTE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~119/117 = 28.970

Optimal ET sequence: b65, b66, b131, b197, b328, b525, b722, b1247f, b3216defff subgroup

This includes the natural extension of Mebsuta to prime 19.


Comma list: 3213/3211, 3971/3969, 14161/14157, 41553/41503

Sval mapping: [1 2 2 2 2 2], 0 -15 12 22 38 -21]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~119/117

Optimal tunings:

  • PETE (Pure-Equaves TE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~119/117 = 28.973
  • CTE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~119/117 = 28.970

Optimal ET sequence: b65, b66, b131, b197, b525, b722, b919, b2035df subgroup

This sets two-thirds of 11/9 to 8/7.


Comma list: 513/512, 729/728, 833/832, 969/968, 3971/3969

Sval mapping: [1 2 2 2 2 2], 0 -15 -7 12 22 38 -21]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~64/63

Optimal tunings:

  • PETE (Pure-Equaves TE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~64/63 = 28.978
  • CTE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~64/63 = 28.975

Optimal ET sequence: b65, b66, b131, b197, b328, b525, b722, b1247âf, b1969ââf (â is the wart for 8.) subgroup

At slightly lower accuracy, Procyon can be added to the Adhara structure, thereby spanning the entire triple-octave 23-limit.


Comma list: 361/360, 441/440, 513/512, 729/728, 833/832, 969/968, 1127/1125

Sval mapping: [1 2 2 2 2 2], 0 -35 -15 -7 12 22 38 -21 -75]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~64/63

Optimal tunings:

  • PETE (Pure-Equaves TE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~64/63 = 29.032
  • CTE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~64/63 = 29.041

Optimal ET sequence: b65i, b66i, b131

Other tritave-based subgroups


Subgroup: 3.5.13

Comma list: 3159/3125

Sval mapping: [1 0 5], 0 1 -2]]

Supporting ETs: 15, 17, 13, 32, 47, 28, 11[-13], 19[+13], 43, 9[-13], 7[-13], 49[+13], 21[+13], 41[-13]

CTE generator: ~5/3 = 887.76


Subgroup: 3.7.13

Comma list: 351/343

Sval mapping: [1 1 0], 0 1 3]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~7/3

Optimal tunings:

  • PEWE (Pure-Equaves WE): ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~7/3 = 1480.661
  • CWE: ~3 = 1\1ed3, ~7/3 = 1479.487

Supporting ETs: b9, b5, b14, b13, b23, b22, b32, b6f, b31, b19f, b17f, b41, b7ff, b40


Subgroup: 3.13.17

Comma list: 85293/83521

Sval mapping: [1 0 2], 0 4 1]]

Sval mapping generators: ~3, ~17/9

Optimal tunings:

Supporting ETs: b12, b5, b7, b17, b29, b19, b41, b53, b31, b65, b22f, b9ff, b77, b43

No-twos-or-threes subgroup temperaments


Subgroup: 5.7.11

Comma list: 859375/823543

Sval mapping[1 2 7], 0 1 7]]

Mapping generators: ~5, ~7/25

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~5 = 1\1ed5, ~7/5 = 592.728

Supporting ETs: c14, c5, c19, c33, c47, c9e, c61, c75, c23e, c24e, c52e, c80e, c89e, c37e


Subgroup: 5.7.11

Comma list: 125/121

Sval mapping[2 4 3], 0 1 0]]

Mapping generators: ~11/5, ~7/25

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~11/5 = 1\2ed5, ~7/5 = 582.512

Supporting ETs: c14, c10, c6, c18, c24, c22, c32, c16, c38, c8d, c34, c26d, c46, c52e

Tridecimal juggernaut


Comma list: 125/121, 637/625

Sval mapping[2 4 3 0], 0 1 0 -2]]

Mapping generators: ~11/5, ~7/25

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~11/5 = 1\2ed5, ~7/5 = 582.512

Supporting ETs: c10, c14, c6, c24, c34, c16f, c44, c18f, c38, c26f, c54, c64


See: Catalog of 3.5.7 subgroup rank two temperaments#Graphs

Projective tuning space diagrams

See: Catalog of 3.5.7 subgroup rank two temperaments#Projective tuning space diagrams