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← 32edt33edt34edt →
Prime factorization 3 × 11
Step size 57.635¢ 
Octave 21\33edt (1210.34¢) (→7\11edt)
Consistency limit 4
Distinct consistency limit 4

33EDT is the equal division of the third harmonic into 33 parts of 57.6350 cents each, corresponding to 20.8207 edo. It has a distinct flat tendency, in the sense that if 3 is pure, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, and 23 are all flat. It is consistent to the no-twos 23-limit, tempering out 3125/3087 and 588245/531441 in the 7-limit; 125/121, 3087/3025, and 3773/3645 in the 11-limit; 147/143, 175/169, 847/845, and 2197/2187 in the 13-limit; 119/117, 189/187, 225/221, and 1105/1089 in the 17-limit; 171/169, 175/171, 247/243, and 325/323 in the 19-limit; 209/207, 255/253, and 299/297 in the 23-limit (no-twos subgroup).