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← 55edt56edt57edt →
Prime factorization 23 × 7
Step size 33.9635¢ 
Octave 35\56edt (1188.72¢) (→5\8edt)
Consistency limit 2
Distinct consistency limit 2

The 56 equal division of 3, the tritave, divides it into 56 equal parts of 33.963 cents each, corresponding to 35.332 edo. It tempers out 245/243 in the 7-limit, 1331/1323 in the 11-limit and 275/273 in the 13-limit. It supports the temperament with mapping [<1 5 0 1 10|, <0 -6 3 2 -13|]. 56edt is the twelfth no-twos zeta peak edt.