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← 38edt 39edt 40edt →
Prime factorization 3 × 13
Step size 48.7681 ¢ 
Octave 25\39edt (1219.2 ¢)
Consistency limit 3
Distinct consistency limit 3

39 equal divisions of the tritave, perfect twelfth, or 3rd harmonic (abbreviated 39edt or 39ed3), is a nonoctave tuning system that divides the interval of 3/1 into 39 equal parts of about 48.8 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 31/39, or the 39th root of 3. It is also known as the Triple Bohlen–Pierce scale (Triple BP), since it divides each step of the equal-tempered Bohlen–Pierce scale (13edt) into three equal parts.

39edt can be described as approximately 24.606edo. This implies that each step of 39edt can be approximated by 5 steps of 123edo. 39edt contains within it a close approximation of 4ed11/5: every seventh step of 39edt equates to a step of 4ed11/5.


It is a strong no-twos 13-limit system, a fact first noted by Paul Erlich; in fact it has a better no-twos 13-odd limit relative error than any other edt up to 914edt. Like 26edt and 52edt, it is a multiple of 13edt and so contains the Bohlen-Pierce scale, being contorted in the no-twos 7-limit, tempering out the same BP commas, 245/243 and 3125/3087, as 13edt. In the 11-limit it tempers out 1331/1323 and in the 13-limit 275/273, 1575/1573, and 847/845. An efficient traversal is therefore given by Mintra temperament, which in the 13-limit tempers out 275/273 and 1331/1323 alongside 245/243, and is generated by the interval of 11/7, which serves as a macrodiatonic "superpyth" fourth and splits the BPS generator of 9/7, up a tritave, in three.

If octaves are inserted, 39edt is related to the 49f & 172f temperament in the full 13-limit, known as triboh, tempering out 245/243, 275/273, 847/845 and 1575/1573, which has mapping [1 0 0 0 0 0], 0 39 57 69 85 91]]. This has a POTE generator which is an approximate 77/75 of 48.822 cents. 39edt is the ninth no-twos zeta peak edt.

Approximation of prime harmonics in 39edt
Harmonic 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37
Error Absolute (¢) +19.2 +0.0 -6.5 -3.8 -6.0 -2.6 +20.6 +23.1 -15.0 +22.6 +4.7 -9.0
Relative (%) +39.4 +0.0 -13.4 -7.9 -12.4 -5.4 +42.3 +47.4 -30.8 +46.3 +9.6 -18.5


All intervals shown are within the 91-throdd limit and are consistently represented.

Steps Cents Hekts Enneatonic degree Corresponding subgroup
J = 1/1)
(E macro-Phrygian)
0 0 0 P1 1/1 J E
1 48.8 33.3 SP1 77/75 (+3.2¢); 65/63 (−5.3¢) ^J ^E, vF
2 97.5 66.7 sA1/sm2 35/33 (−4.3¢); 81/77 (+9.9¢) vK F
3 146.3 100 A1/m2 99/91 (+0.4¢); 49/45 (−1.1¢); 27/25 (+13.1¢) K ^F, vGb, Dx
4 195.1 133.3 SA1/Sm2 55/49 (−4.9¢); 91/81 (−6.5¢); 39/35 (+7.7¢) ^K Gb, vE#
5 243.8 166.7 sM2/sd3 15/13 (−3.9¢); 63/55 (+8.7¢) vK#, vLb ^Gb, E#
6 292.6 200 M2/d3 77/65 (−0.7¢); 13/11 (+3.4¢); 25/21 (−9.2¢) K#, Lb vF#, ^E#
7 341.4 233.3 SM2/Sd3 11/9 (−6.0¢); 91/75 (+6.6¢) ^K#, ^Lb F#
8 390.1 266.7 sA2/sP3/sd4 49/39 (−5.0¢); 81/65 (+9.2¢) vL vG, ^F#
9 438.9 300 A2/P3/d4 9/7 (+3.8¢); 35/27 (−10.3¢) L G
10 487.7 333.3 SA2/SP3/Sd4 65/49 (−1.5¢); 33/25 (+7.0¢) ^L ^G, vAb
11 536.4 366.7 sA3/sm4/sd5 15/11 (−0.5¢) vM Ab
12 585.2 400 A3/m4/d5 7/5 (+2.7¢) M ^Ab, Fx
13 634.0 433.3 SA3/Sm4/Sd5 13/9 (−2.6¢) ^M vG#
14 682.7 466.7 sM4/sm5 135/91 (+0.07¢); 49/33 (−1.6¢); 81/55 (+12.6¢) vM#, vNb G#
15 731.5 500 M4/m5 75/49 (−5.4¢); 117/77 (+7.2¢) M#, Nb vA, ^G#
16 780.3 533.3 SM4/Sm5 11/7 (−2.2¢); 39/25 (+10.4¢) ^M#, ^Nb A
17 829.0 566.7 sA4/sM5 21/13 (−1.2¢) vN ^A, vBb
18 877.8 600 A4/M5 91/55 (+6.1¢); 5/3 (−6.5¢); 81/49 (+7.7¢) N Bb
19 926.6 633.3 SA4/SM5 77/45 (−3.3¢) ^N ^Bb, vCb, Gx
20 975.3 666.7 sA5/sm6/sd7 135/77 (+3.3¢) vO vA#, Cb
21 1024.1 700 A5/m6/d7 165/91 (−6.1¢); 9/5 (+6.5¢); 49/27 (−7.7¢) O A#, ^Cb
22 1072.9 733.3 SA5/Sm6/Sd7 13/7 (+1.2¢) ^O vB, ^A#
23 1121.6 766.7 sM6/sm7 21/11 (+2.2¢); 25/13 (−10.4¢) vO#, vPb B
24 1170.4 800 M6/m7 49/25 (+5.4¢); 77/39 (−7.2¢) O#, Pb ^B, vC
25 1219.2 833.3 SM6/Sm7 91/45 (+0.07¢); 99/49 (+1.6¢); 55/27 (−12.6¢) ^O#, ^Pb C
26 1267.9 866.7 sA6/sM7/sd8 27/13 (+2.6¢) vP ^C, vDb
27 1316.7 900 A6/M7/d8 15/7 (−2.7¢) P Db, vB#
28 1365.5 933.3 SA6/SM7/Sd8 11/5 (+0.5¢) ^P ^Db, B#
29 1414.2 966.7 sP8/sd9 147/65 (+1.5¢); 25/11 (−7.0¢) vQ vC#, ^B#
30 1463.0 1000 P8/d9 7/3 (−3.8¢); 81/35 (+10.3¢) Q C#
31 1511.8 1033.3 SP8/Sd9 117/49 (+5.0¢); 65/27 (−9.2¢) ^Q vD, ^C#
32 1560.5 1066.7 sA8/sm9 27/11 (+6.0¢); 225/91 (+6.6¢) vQ#, vRb D
33 1609.3 1100 A8/m9 195/77 (−0.7¢); 33/13 (−3.4¢); 63/25 (+9.2¢) Q#, Rb ^D, vEb
34 1658.1 1133.3 SA8/Sm9 13/5 (+3.9¢); 55/21 (−8.7¢) ^Q#, ^Rb Eb
35 1706.9 1166.7 sM9/sd10 147/55 (+4.9¢); 243/91 (+6.5¢); 35/13 (−7.7¢) vR ^Eb, vFb, Cx
36 1755.7 1200 M9/d10 91/33 (+0.4¢); 135/49 (+1.1¢); 25/9 (−13.1¢) R vD#, Fb
37 1804.5 1233.3 SM9/Sd10 99/35 (+4.3¢); 77/27 (−9.9¢) ^R D#, ^Fb
38 1853.2 1266.7 sA9/sP10 225/77 (−3.2¢); 189/65 (+5.3¢) vJ vE, ^D#
39 1902.0 1300 A9/P10 3/1 J E