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The 13-limit or 13-prime-limit consists of just intonation intervals such that the highest prime factor in all ratios is 13. Thus, 40/39 would be within the 13-limit, since 40 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 and 39 is 3 × 13, but 34/33 would not, since 34 is 2 × 17, and 17 is a prime number higher than 13. The 13-limit is the 6th prime limit and is a superset of the 11-limit and a subset of the 17-limit.

The 13-limit is a rank-6 system, and can be modeled in a 5-dimensional lattice, with the primes 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 represented by each dimension. The prime 2 does not appear in the typical 13-limit lattice because octave equivalence is presumed. If octave equivalence is not presumed, a sixth dimension is needed.

These things are contained by the 13-limit, but not the 11-limit:

  • The 13- and 15-odd-limit;
  • Mode 7 and 8 of the harmonic or subharmonic series.

Edo approximation

Edos which represent 13-limit intervals better (with decreasing TE error): 26, 27e, 29, 31, 41, 46, 53, 58, 72, 87, 103, 111, 121, 130, 183, 190, 198, 224, 270, 494 and so on.

Here is a list of edos which tunes the 13-limit well relative to their size (TE relative error < 5.5%): 31, 41, 46, 53, 58, 72, 87, 94, 103, 111, 121, 130, 140, 152f, 159, 183, 190, 198, 212, 217, 224, 270, 282, 296, 301, 311, 320, 328, 342f, 354, 364, 369f, 373, 383, 400, 414, 422, 431, 441, 460, 472, 494, and so on.

Note: Wart notation is used to specify the val chosen for the edo. In the above list, "27e" means taking the second closest approximation of harmonic 11.


Here are all the 15-odd-limit intervals of 13:

Ratio Cents value Color name Name
14/13 128.298 3uz2 thuzo 2nd tridecimal supraminor second
13/12 138.573 3o2 tho 2nd tridecimal subneutral second
15/13 247.741 3uy2 thuyo 2nd tridecimal semifourth
13/11 289.210 3o1u3 tholu 3rd tridecimal minor third
16/13 359.472 3u3 thu 3rd tridecimal supraneutral third
13/10 454.214 3og4 thogu 4th tridecimal naiadic
18/13 563.382 3u4 thu 4th tridecimal sub-tritone
13/9 636.618 3o5 tho 5th tridecimal super-tritone
20/13 745.786 3uy5 thuyo 5th tridecimal cocytic
13/8 840.528 3o6 tho 6th tridecimal subneutral sixth
22/13 910.790 3u1o6 thulo 6th tridecimal major sixth
26/15 952.259 3og7 thogu 7th tridecimal semitwelfth
24/13 1061.427 3u7 thu 7th tridecimal supraneutral seventh
13/7 1071.702 3or7 thoru 7th tridecimal submajor seventh


E8 Heterotic
Dave Hill
Ben Johnston
performed by Kepler Quartet
Kaiveran Lugheidh
  • Unlicensed Copy (2017) – mostly 7-limit with some erstwhile 13-based chromaticisms
Claudi Meneghin
Gene Ward Smith
Tristan Bay
Randy Wells

See also
