Interval information |
tridecimal minor diesis
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
In 13-limit just intonation, 40/39 is the difference between the third octave of the third 5/4 (40 = 5 × 23) and the fifth of the thirteenth partial of the same root (39 = 13 × 3). Within an octave, it is the difference between 39/32 and 5/4 and thus between 13/8 and 5/3. It is also the difference between the perfect fourth (4/3) and the tridecimal naiadic (13/10), and between the Pythagorean whole tone (9/8) and the tridecimal semifourth (15/13).
If treated as a comma to be tempered out, it leads to fendo temperament, which equates 39/32 with 5/4 and equates 13/8 with 5/3, so it does not assosciate major with greater neutral and minor with lesser neutral as one would expect (see 65/64), but the other way around.
Sagittal notation
In the Sagittal system, the downward version of this comma (possibly tempered) is represented (in a secondary role) by the sagittal and is called the 13/5 small diesis, or 13/5S for short, because the simplest interval it notates is 13/5 (equiv. 13/10), as for example in C-F . The primary role of is 6400/6561 (25S). The upward version is called 5/13S or 13/5S up and is represented (in a secondary role) by .