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Interval information
Ratio 4/3
Factorization 22 × 3-1
Monzo [2 -1
Size in cents 498.045¢
Name just perfect fourth
Color name w4, wa 4th
FJS name [math]\text{P4}[/math]
Special properties square superparticular,
reduced subharmonic
Tenney height (log2 nd) 3.58496
Weil height (log2 max(n, d)) 4
Wilson height (sopfr(nd)) 7
Harmonic entropy
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
~3.81657 bits

[sound info]
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4/3 is the frequency ratio of the just perfect fourth. As its inversion is the perfect fifth, 3/2, 4/3 is the octave reduced form of the third subharmonic. 4/3 is one of the most common intervals one finds in the world's musical traditions, past and present.

Among many other uses, 4/3 forms the basis of tetrachords in many musical traditions, such as Ancient Greek music, as well as in modern just intonation and xenharmony.


In the florid organum of Medieval music, 4/3 was reliably considered a consonance, and indeed was frequently emphasized. Once major thirds with a tuning approximating 5/4 began to be treated as consonances, however, the perception of 4/3 was altered to where it was at times considered a dissonance. However, as of late, the perfect fourth is once again being reevaluated as a consonance.

Chord construction

Much like 3/2, 4/3 is valuable as a framework for constructing chords. However, while 3/2 provides the framework for 5-limit triads involving intervals like 5/4 and 6/5, 4/3 provides a possible framework for 7-limit triads involving intervals like 7/6 and 8/7, though such triads are ambisonances (that is, they're both consonant and dissonant at the same time) at best.

Because up to two instances of 4/3 can fit within the span of an octave, it is very easy to create xenharmonic chords using 4/3 as a framework. Regardless, the usage of 4/3 as a framework for chords is intimately connected with the use of tritaves in the same capacity- at least in octave-equivalent systems- due to the same pitch classes being involved in both 6:7:8 and 4:7:12 where 7 is kept as the same note, thus rendering the two chords as different voicings of the same underlying harmonic unit.

Approximations by EDOs

The following EDOs (up to 200) contain good approximations[1] of the interval 4/3. Errors are given by magnitude, the arrows in the table show if the EDO representation is sharp (↑) or flat (↓).

EDO deg\edo Absolute
error (¢)
error ()
Equally acceptable multiples [2]
12 5\12 1.9550 1.9550 10\24, 15\36
17 7\17 3.9274 5.5637
29 12\29 1.4933 3.6087
41 17\41 0.4840 1.6537 34\82, 51\123, 68\164
53 22\53 0.0682 0.3013 44\106, 66\159
65 27\65 0.4165 2.2563 54\130, 81\195
70 29\70 0.9021 5.2625
77 32\77 0.6563 4.2113
89 37\89 0.8314 6.1663
94 39\94 0.1727 1.3525 78\188
111 46\111 0.7477 6.9162
118 49\118 0.2601 2.5575
135 56\135 0.2672 3.0062
142 59\142 0.5466 6.4675
147 61\147 0.0858 1.0512
171 71\171 0.2006 2.8588
176 73\176 0.3177 4.6600
183 76\183 0.3157 4.8138
200 83\200 0.0450 0.7500
  1. error magnitude below 7, both, absolute (in ¢) and relative (in r¢)
  2. Super EDOs up to 200 within the same error tolerance


If 4/3 is taken as a comma to be tempered out, it leads to bixby temperament, the simplest circular temperament.

See also