Ancient Greek music

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The musical system of Ancient Greece evolved over a period of more than 500 years from simple scales of tetrachords, or divisions of the perfect fourth, into several complex systems encompassing tetrachords and octaves, as well as octave scales divided into seven to thirteen intervals.[1]

Any discussion of the music of Ancient Greece, theoretical, philosophical or aesthetic, is fraught with two problems:

  1. There are few examples of written music
  2. There are many competing, sometimes fragmentary, theoretical and philosophical accounts.

See the Wikipedia page in the top right for a thorough coverage of these accounts.


Examples of Ancient Greek music

Stefan Hagel

Modern compositions using Ancient Greek tuning

Max Brumberg
Dean Drummond
Farya Faraji
Michael Levy
Socratic Swansongs



  1. Chalmers (1993) ch6, p99.
  2. Though the lyrics are in Latin, the tuning is late Ancient Greek enharmonic.