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← 171edo172edo173edo →
Prime factorization 22 × 43
Step size 6.97674¢ 
Fifth 101\172 (704.651¢)
Semitones (A1:m2) 19:11 (132.6¢ : 76.74¢)
Dual sharp fifth 101\172 (704.651¢)
Dual flat fifth 100\172 (697.674¢) (→25\43)
Dual major 2nd 29\172 (202.326¢)
Consistency limit 3
Distinct consistency limit 3

172 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 172edo or 172ed2), also called 172-tone equal temperament (172tet) or 172 equal temperament (172et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 172 equal parts of about 6.98 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/172, or the 172nd root of 2.

172edo is inconsistent to the 5-odd-limit and higher limits, with three mappings possible for the 5-limit: 172 273 399] (patent val), 172 272 399] (172b), and 172 273 400] (172c). Using the patent val, it tempers out the semicomma, 2109375/2097152 and 1220703125/1162261467 in the 5-limit; 245/243, 3125/3087, and 2097152/2066715 in the 7-limit, supporting the 7-limit bohpier temperament; 385/384, 896/891, 1331/1323, and 9375/9317 in the 11-limit; 169/168, 352/351, 364/363, and 1716/1715 in the 13-limit, supporting the leapweek temperament. Using the 172f val, 275/273, 640/637, 847/845, and 1575/1573 are tempered out in the 13-limit.

Using the 172c val, it tempers out the diaschisma, 2048/2025 and [1 36 -25 in the 5-limit; 4375/4374, 50421/50000, and 110592/109375 in the 7-limit; 176/175, 896/891, and 1331/1323 in the 11-limit. Using the alternative 172cf val, 196/195, 1716/1715, 2080/2079, 2197/2187, and 2200/2197 are tempered out in the 13-limit. Using the alternative 172cef val, it tempers out 441/440, 1344/1331, and 3388/3375 in the 11-limit; 196/195, 352/351, 832/825, 1001/1000, and 2197/2187 in the 13-limit.

Using the 172b val, it tempers out the unicorn comma, 1594323/1562500 and 2197265625/2147483648 in the 5-limit; 1728/1715, 3645/3584, and 390625/388962 in the 7-limit; 441/440, 1944/1925, 4000/3993, and 4125/4096 in the 11-limit; 625/624, 975/968, 1188/1183, 1287/1280, and 1573/1568 in the 13-limit. Using the alternative 172bdee val, it tempers out 225/224, 118098/117649, and 3176523/3125000 in the 7-limit; 243/242, 1617/1600, 2079/2048, and 117649/117128 in the 11-limit; 351/350, 625/624, 1188/1183, and 1573/1568 in the 13-limit.

Odd harmonics

Approximation of odd harmonics in 172edo
Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Error Absolute (¢) +2.70 -2.59 +0.94 -1.58 -0.16 -3.32 +0.10 -0.30 +2.49 -3.34 -0.37
Relative (%) +38.6 -37.2 +13.5 -22.7 -2.2 -47.6 +1.5 -4.4 +35.6 -47.9 -5.3

Subsets and supersets

Since 172 factors into 22 × 43, 172edo has subset edos 2, 4, 43, and 86.