Catalog of 3.5.7 subgroup rank two temperaments

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Name Comma ratio Comma n/d Comma c Comma name a&b (3) a&b (2) Complexity Damage Mapping TE gen1 TE gen2 Per/3 MOS
Izar [-11 -7 12 13841287201/13839609375 0.210 b271 & b1071 171p & 676cd 11.675 0.003 [271 397 480] 1071 1569 1897] 1901.9584 877.2825 1 2*,3,5,7,9,11*,13*,24,37,50,63,76,...258*,271*
Canopus [3 4 -5 16875/16807 6.990 small BP diesis, mirkwai b13 & b101 8d & 64cd 4.866 0.249 [13 19 23] 101 148 179] 1901.7828 583.9055 1 2,3*,4,7,10*,13*,23,36,49,62,75,88,101,114*
*Procyon [-8 -3 7 823543/820125 7.200 b13 & b144 8d & 91p 6.810 0.183 [13 19 23] 144 211 255] 1902.198 145.4124 1 ...13*,14,27,40,53,66,79,92,105,118,131,144,157*
*Gacrux [6 8 -10 284765625/282475249 13.981
BPS (Bohlen-Pierce-Stearns) [-5 1 2 245/243 14.191 minor BP diesis, sensamagic b13 & b17 8d & 11cd 2.749 0.895 [13 19 23] 17 25 30] 1903.7424 440.902 1 2,3,4*,5,9,13*,17,30,43,56,69,82*,95*
Sirius [-2 5 -3 3125/3087 21.181 major BP diesis, gariboh b13 & b19 8d & 12p 4.021 0.913 [13 19 23] 19 28 34] 1902.4482 293.7397 1 2,3,4,5,6*,7,13*,19,32,45,58,71,84,97,110,123,136*
*Betelgeuse [-13 -2 9 40353607/39858075 21.391 b13 & b148 8d & 93bccd 8.754 0.423 [13 19 23] 148 217 262] 1902.5991 732.4139 1 2*,3*,5*,8,13*,...226*
*Miaplacidus [1 9 -8 5859375/5764801 28.171 b13 & b94d 8d & 59ccdd 7.788 0.627 [13 19 23] 94 138 167] 1901.88 585.8431 1 2,3*,4,7,10,13*,16,29,42,55,68,81,94,...224*
Arcturus [-7 6 -1 15625/15309 35.371 great BP diesis b13 & b2 8d & 1cdd 4.823 1.271 [13 19 23] 2 3 4] 1903.8685 878.9253 1 2*,3,5,7,9,11,13*
*Pollux [-18 -1 11 1977326743/1937102445 35.581 b13 & b139 8d & 88dd 10.697 0.576 [13 19 23] 139 204 246] 1902.8625 438.6389 1 2,3,4*,5,9*,13
*Castor [-1 14 -11 6103515625/5931980229 49.352 b13 & b113d 8d & 71ccddd 11.259 0.760 [13 19 23] 113 166 201] 1902.0166 438.5094 1 2,3,4*,5,9*,13
*Muphrid [-12 7 1 546875/531441 49.562 b13 & b2d 8d & 1c 6.599 1.302 [13 19 23] 2 3 3] 1904.3123 879.0503 1 2*,3,5,7,9,11,13*
*Rigel [-9 11 -4 48828125/47258883 56.552 b13 & b21d 8d & 5d 8.844 1.108 [13 19 23] 21 31 38] 1903.2571 731.7183 1 2*,3*,5*,8*,13*
*Mirzam [-17 8 3 133984375/129140163 63.752 b13 & b32d 8d & 20c 9.347 1.182 [13 19 23] 32 47 56] 1904.3391 293.1889 1 2,3,4,5,6*,7,13*
[15 -9 -1 14348907/13671875 83.676 b17 & b32 11cd & 20cd 8.228 1.762 [17 25 30] 32 47 57] 1898.8326 891.5018 1 2*,3,5,7,9,11,13,15*,17*,32,49*,66,115,164*
*Capella [10 -8 1 413343/390625 97.866 small link b17 & b19 12p & 11cd 6.452 2.629 [17 25 30] 19 28 34] 1897.8856 895.415 1 2*,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17*,19,36*,53*,89,142*,195*
[13 -4 -4 1594323/1500625 104.857 b4 & b32 3bcdd & 20cd 7.126 2.550 [4 6 7] 32 47 57] 474.1446 55.0036 4 ...32*,36*,68*,104*,172*,276*
[16 0 -9 43046721/40353607 111.847 b9 & b36 6bcd & 23d 8.773 2.209 [9 13 16] 36 53 64] 210.9385 44.1126 9 18,27,36*,45*,81,126,171*,216*,387*
Toliman [5 -7 3 83349/78125 112.057 minor link b6 & b17 4p & 11cd 5.649 3.437 [6 9 11] 17 25 30] 1898.4178 333.298 1 2,3,4,5*,6*,11,17*,23,40,57*,74,131*
Vega [8 -3 -2 6561/6125 119.047 major link b4 & b15 3bcdd & 10bccdd 4.377 4.713 [4 6 7] 15 22 27] 1892.0204 494.8658 1 2,3*,4*,7,11,15,19*,23*,42*,65*
*Achernar [0 -6 5 16807/15625 126.247 b7 & b17 4bcd & 11cd 4.847 4.514 [7 10 12] 17 25 30] 1901.955 559.351 1 2,3*,4,7*,10,17*
% [3 -2 0 27/25 133.238 large limma, BP small semitone b4 & b6 3bcdd & 4p 1.629 14.176 [4 6 7] 6 9 11] 939.6121 549.9897 2 4*,6,10*,14,24*,34,58,82*
[6 2 -5 18225/16807 140.228 minimal BP chroma b9 & b10 6bcd & 6ccdd 4.885 4.974 [9 13 16] 10 15 18] 1895.1156 201.762 1 ...9*,10,19*,28*,47*
% [-2 -1 2 49/45 147.428 BP minor semitone, swetismic neutral second b4 & b7 3bcdd & 4bcd 1.925 13.274 [4 6 7] 7 10 12] 1917.7266 516.1077 1 2,3*,4*,7,11*,15*,26*
[1 3 -3 375/343 154.418 BP major semitone, minor BP chroma b3 & b6 2cd & 4p 2.941 9.098 [3 4 5] 6 9 11] 632.9248 234.1367 3 6*,9*,15,24*,33,57*,81*
[-7 0 4 2401/2187 161.619 b4 & b40cd 3bcdd & 25p 3.868 7.240 [4 6 7] 40 58 70] 478.34 41.8631 4 ...44*,48,92*,136,228*,320*
[-4 4 -1 625/567 168.609 BP great semitone, major BP chroma b2 & b7 1cdd & 4bcd 3.195 9.146 [2 3 4] 7 10 12] 1914.567 1069.8876 1 2*,3,5,7*,9*,16,25,34*
[-9 5 1 21875/19683 182.799 maximal BP chroma b9 & b11 6bcd & 7d 4.970 6.373 [9 13 16] 11 16 19] 1913.8948 858.1831 1 2*,3,5,7,9*,11,20*,29*
% [9 0 -5 19683/16807 273.465 b5 & b10 3d & 6ccdd 4.904 9.663 [5 7 9] 10 15 18] 377.3036 145.1888 5 10*,15*,25*,40,65*

names: * = proposed

names: % = not shown on PTS plots

MOS: * = maximally even

complexity = ln(n*d)/4

damage = 1200 *log(n/d) / log(n*d)

(complexity and damage are calculated as in the "Middle Path" tables)