Small comma

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A small comma is a comma whose size is approximately between 3.5 and 30 cents. These intervals are in the range from just noticeable up to usable as melodic steps. The actual perception of course varies.

For commas over 100 cents in size, see Large commas; for commas in between 30 and 100 cents in size, see Medium commas; and for commas under 3.5 cents in size, see Unnoticeable commas

Due to the wide range of sizes, cents values here and on the other commas pages are listed to 5 significant digits, instead of to a fixed number of decimal places as is the convention elsewhere on the wiki.

List of commas, by prime limit

3-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
241-comma Wa-241 w-241 [382 -241 28.845
Pythagorean septimal comma
Wa-65 w-65 [-103 65 27.075
Pythagorean comma Lalawa LLw-2 531441 / 524288 [-19 12 23.460
41-comma, Pythagorean countercomma,
countercomp comma
Wa-41 w-41 36893488147419103232 /
[65 -41 19.845 Flora Canou (2022)
94-comma, garistearn comma Wa-94 w-94 [149 -94 16.230 Xenllium (2021)
147-comma Wa-147 w-147 [233 -147 12.615
Pythagorean integer-cent ET comma
Wa-200 w-200 [317 -200 8.9998
253-comma Wa-253 w-253 [401 -253 5.3848
Mercator's comma, 53-comma Wa-53 w-53 19383245667680019896796723 /
[-84 53 3.6150

5-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Magic comma, small diesis Laquinyo Ly5-2 3125 / 3072 [-10 -1 5 29.614
Hendecatonic comma Trisa-legu s3g115 8796093022208 / 8649755859375 [43 -11 -11 29.044
Tetracot comma, minimal diesis Saquadyo sy41 20000 / 19683 [5 -9 4 27.660
Semaja comma Lalaneyo LLy19-5 19073486328125 / 18786186952704 [-33 -7 19 26.276 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Quanic comma Sepsa-quinyo s7y55 [74 -54 5 25.999
Roda, rodan comma Sasa-triyo ssy32 131072000 / 129140163 [20 -17 3 25.706
Trisedodge comma Saquintrigu sg154 30958682112 / 30517578125 [19 10 -15 24.844 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Birds comma Quadsa-thiwegu s4g319 [72 0 -31 24.275
Neuk comma Trisa-yoyo s3yy3 858993459200 / 847288609443 [35 -25 2 23.752 CompactStar (2023)
Maja comma Saseyo sy17-3 762939453125 / 753145430616 [-3 -23 17 22.368 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Satin comma Quinbisa-triyo s10y37 [104 -70 3 22.091
Misneb comma Quadla-quintriyo L4y15-6 [-57 14 15 22.076 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Syntonic comma, Didymus comma, meantone comma Gu g1 81 / 80 [-4 4 -1 21.506
Maquila comma Trisa-segu s3g176 562949953421312 / 556182861328125 [49 -6 -17 20.937 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Sfourth comma Lala-negu LLg193 617673396283947 / 610351562500000 [-5 31 -19 20.644 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Diaschisma Sagugu sgg2 2048 / 2025 [11 -4 -2 19.553 Hermann von Helmholtz, Alexander Ellis (1875)
Countermeantone comma Quinquadgu g204 96402615118848 / 95367431640625 [10 23 -20 18.691 Petr Pařízek (2012)
Ditonma Lala-theyo LLy13-4 1220703125 / 1207959552 [-27 -2 13 18.168 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Misty comma Sasa-trigu ssg33 67108864 / 66430125 [26 -12 -3 17.599 Paul Erlich (2002)
Pental comma Trila-quingu L3g5-2 847288609443 / 838860800000 [-28 25 -5 17.306 Petr Pařízek (2012)
Enneadecacot comma Tribisa-negu s6g198 562949953421312 / 557439598640741 [79 -22 -19 17.029 CompactStar (2024)
Oquatonic comma Quadla-sepquadyo L4y28-8 [-65 0 28 16.784 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Undim comma Trisa-quadgu s3g44 2199023255552 / 2179240250625 [41 -20 -4 15.645 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Graviton, gravity comma Lala-tribigu LLg61 129140163 / 128000000 [-13 17 -6 15.353 Mike Battaglia (2011)
Majvam comma Sasa-lebigu ssg226 [40 7 -22 14.783 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Quartonic comma Saleyo sy11-2 390625000 / 387420489 [3 -18 11 14.261
Untritonic comma Quadla-tritriyo L4y9-5 [-51 19 9 13.968 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Quindromeda comma Quinsa-quingu s5g55 [56 -28 -5 13.691 Xenllium (2021)
Sensipent comma, medium semicomma Sepgu g72 78732 / 78125 [2 9 -7 13.399
Copper comma Theneyo L41y29-33 [-481 261 29 13.353 Eliora (2023)
Counterwürschmidt comma [55 -1 -23 12.830 Flora Canou (2023)
Tertiosec comma Laquadtribiyo L6y24-9 [-89 21 24 12.584 Petr Pařízek (2012)
Würschmidt comma Saquadbigu sg83 393216 / 390625 [17 1 -8 11.445
Commatic comma Quadla-quinbigu L4g10-2 [-37 38 -10 11.153
Counterhanson comma Quinquinyo y25-5 [-20 -24 25 10.923 Petr Pařízek (2012)
Countritonic comma Quadsa-tritriyo s4y92 16777216000000000 / 16677181699666569 [33 -34 9 10.353 Xenllium (2022)
Semicomma, Fokker's comma Lasepyo Ly7-3 2109375 / 2097152 [-21 3 7 10.061
Heptacot comma Sepsa-sepgu s7g77 [86 -44 -7 9.7840 Tristan Bay (2024)
Escapade comma Sasa-tritrigu ssg94 4294967296 / 4271484375 [32 -7 -9 9.4916 Paul Erlich (2002)
Kleisma, semicomma majeur Tribiyo y6-2 15625 / 15552 [-6 -5 6 8.1073 Shohé Tanaka (1890)
Qintosec comma Quadsa-quinbigu s4g105 140737488355328 / 140126044921875 [47 -15 -10 7.5378 Petr Pařízek (2012)
59-5-comma Quadbisa-finegu s8g5916 [137 0 -59 7.4909
Unidecma Laquadtrigu Lg122 31381059609 / 31250000000 [-7 22 -12 7.2455
Mutt comma Trila-septriyo L3y21-6 476837158203125 / 474989023199232 [-44 -3 21 6.7230 Gene Ward Smith (2004)
Sulfur comma Lela-quadquadgu L11g16-6 [-115 96 -16 6.6607
Amity comma Saquinyo sy51 1600000 / 1594323 [9 -13 5 6.1536 Gene Ward Smith (2002)
Parakleisma Thegu g133 1224440064 / 1220703125 [8 14 -13 5.2917 Gene Ward Smith (2002)
Gammic comma Laquinquadyo Ly20-5 95367431640625 / 95105071448064 [-29 -11 20 4.7693
Squarschmidt comma Quadsa-twenegu s4g298 [61 4 -29 4.7223 Petr Pařízek (2012)
Huntian 15-cycle comma Quadtrisa-fothegu s12g4316 [168 -43 -43 4.4453
Barium comma Quadtribila-sepquadbigu L24g56-8 [-225 224 -56 4.3522 Eliora (2023)
Vulture comma Sasa-quadyo ssy42 10485760000 / 10460353203 [24 -21 4 4.1998 Paul Erlich (2002)
Dipromethia Thebila-siweyo L26y61-28 [-335 122 61 3.6467 Eliora (2023)
Lafa comma Tribisa-quadtrigu s6g127 [77 -31 -12 3.6304 Petr Pařízek (2011)

7-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Schismean comma Laruyo Lry-2 3645 / 3584 [-9 6 1 -1 29.218 Xenllium (2022)
Doublehearted comma Quadbizo z85 5764801 / 5668704 [-5 -11 0 8 29.102 Xenllium (2023)
Frostburn comma Quadru-asepyo r4y7-4 78125 / 76832 [-5 0 7 -4 28.892
Senga Trizo-agugu z3gg3 686 / 675 [1 -3 -2 3 27.985 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
23-21-comma Sepla-twethezo L7z237 [-101 23 0 23 27.961
Septimal comma, Archytas' comma, Leipziger Komma Ru r1 64 / 63 [6 -2 0 -1 27.264
Mandos comma Birugugu rrg41 31104 / 30625 [7 5 -4 -2 26.868
Slither comma Satritriru-aquadyo sr9y4-5 40960000 / 40353607 [16 0 4 -9 25.822 Xenllium (2022)
Bastille comma [1426 0 -596 -15 24.638 Eliora (2023)
33-7/5-comma Letrizogu z33g3321 [-16 0 -33 33 22.902
Huntian 35-cycle comma Quintrisa-tritritribirugu s15r54g54-6 [277 0 -54 -54 22.461
Blackjackisma Lasepru-aquadbiyo Lr7y8-6 854296875 / 843308032 [-10 7 8 -7 22.413 Gene Ward Smith (2011)
Squalentine comma Laquadzo-atrigu Lz4g33 64827 / 64000 [-9 3 -3 4 22.227
Keema Zotriyo zy31 875 / 864 [-5 -3 3 1 21.902 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Betelgeuse comma Satritrizo-agugu sz9gg6 40353607 / 39858075 [0 -13 -2 9 21.391
Gariboh comma Triru-aquinyo r3y5-3 3125 / 3087 [0 -2 5 -3 21.181 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Secanticornisma Laruquingu Lrg51 177147 / 175000 [-3 11 -5 -1 21.111 Xenllium (2021)
Nuwell comma Quadru-ayo r4y-3 2430 / 2401 [1 5 1 -4 20.785 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Mermisma Sepruyo r7y7-5 2500000 / 2470629 [5 -1 7 -7 20.460 Xenllium (2021)
Negricorn comma, small quadruple bluish Saquadzogu sz4g44 153664 / 151875 [6 -5 -4 4 20.274 Xenllium (2021)
Tolerant comma Sazoyoyo szyy2 179200 / 177147 [10 -11 2 1 19.948
Icosipentatonic comma, 25-36/35-comma Quinquinrugu r25g25-8 [49 50 -25 -25 19.260
Valenwuer comma Sarutribigu srg61 110592 / 109375 [12 3 -6 -1 19.157 Xenllium (2021)
Buzzardsma, buzzard comma Saquadru sr4-2 65536 / 64827 [16 -3 0 -4 18.831 See the page.
Huntian 21-cycle comma Quadbisa-sepquadru s8r28-8 [123 -28 0 -28 18.135
Mirwomo comma Labizoyo Lzzyy1 33075 / 32768 [-15 3 2 2 16.144
Catasyc comma Laruquadbiyo Lry8-3 390625 / 387072 [-11 -3 8 -1 15.819 Xenllium (2021)
Compass comma Quinruyoyo r5y10-5 9765625 / 9680832 [-6 -2 10 -5 15.098 Xenllium (2021)
Trimyna comma Quinzogu z5g54 50421 / 50000 [-4 1 -5 5 14.516
Sensamagic comma Zozoyo zzy2 245 / 243 [0 -5 1 2 14.191 Gene Ward Smith (2010)
Starling comma, septimal semicomma Zotrigu zg32 126 / 125 [1 2 -3 1 13.795
Slendro 34-comma Quinla-sequadzo L5z6828 [-137 -34 0 68 13.692
Octagar comma Rurutriyo rry3-2 4000 / 3969 [5 -4 3 -2 13.469 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Orwellisma Triru-agu r3g-2 1728 / 1715 [6 3 -1 -3 13.074
Mynaslender comma Sepru-ayo r7y-4 829440 / 823543 [11 4 1 -7 12.352 Xenllium (2021)
35-7/5-comma Sepquinruyo r35y35-22 [17 0 35 -35 12.073
Chromatisma Trisa-triru-aquadquadyo s3r3y16-3 640000000000000000 / 635585924776181463 [22 -32 16 -3 11.982 Xenllium (2021)
Mistisma Sazoquadgu szg43 458752 / 455625 [16 -6 -4 1 11.841 Xenllium (2021)
Bronzisma Satriru-agugu sr3gg1 2097152 / 2083725 [21 -5 -2 -3 11.120 Xenllium (2021)
34-jubilismic comma Sequadzogu z68g6842 [-33 0 -68 68 10.829
26-7-comma, Hunt 7-cycle comma Quadsa-thebiru s4r26-10 [73 0 0 -26 10.526
Septiness comma Sasasepru ssr7-3 67108864 / 66706983 [26 -4 0 -7 10.399 Xenllium (2021)
31-35-comma Tritrila-thiwezoyo L9z31y314 [-159 0 31 31 9.3282
Quince comma Lasepzo-agugu Lz7gg4 823543 / 819200 [-15 0 -2 7 9.1539
Historisma Latribizogu Lz6g64 257298363 / 256000000 [-14 7 -6 6 8.7582 ArrowHead294 (2024)
Gamelisma Latrizo Lz32 1029 / 1024 [-10 1 0 3 8.4327
Varunisma Labizogugu Lzzg42 321489 / 320000 [-9 8 -4 2 8.0370
Marvel comma, septimal kleisma Ruyoyo ryy-2 225 / 224 [-5 2 2 -1 7.7115 Gene Ward Smith (2003)
Dimcomp comma Quadruyoyo r4y8-4 390625 / 388962 [-1 -4 8 -4 7.3861
Cataharry comma Labirugu Lrrgg-2 19683 / 19600 [-4 9 -2 -2 7.3158 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Procyon comma Sasepzo-atrigu sz7g35 823543 / 820125 [0 -8 -3 7 7.2002
Mirkwai comma Quinru-aquadyo r5y4-4 16875 / 16807 [0 3 4 -5 6.9903 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Canousma Saquadzo-atriyo sz4y33 4802000 / 4782969 [4 -14 3 4 6.8748 Flora Canou (2020)
Triwellisma Tribizo-asepgu z6g75 235298 / 234375 [1 -1 -7 6 6.8044 Xenllium (2021)
Stearnsma Latribiru Lr6-4 118098 / 117649 [1 10 0 -6 6.5946
Hemimage comma Satrizo-agu sz3g3 10976 / 10935 [5 -7 -1 3 6.4790 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Hemimean comma Zozoquingu zzg53 3136 / 3125 [6 0 -5 2 6.0832 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Hemifamity comma, 5/7-kleisma Saruyo sry1 5120 / 5103 [10 -6 1 -1 5.7578 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Parkleiness comma Zotritrigu zg93 1959552 / 1953125 [7 7 -9 1 5.6875 Xenllium (2021)
Octaphore comma, enneagari comma Sasa-quadbizo ssz86 94450499584 / 94143178827 [14 -23 0 8 5.6422 Unque (2024)
Linus comma Saquinbizogu sz10g108 578509309952 / 576650390625 [11 -10 -10 10 5.5719 Gene Ward Smith (2011)
Reiwa comma Saquadru-asepyo sr4y7-3 1280000000 / 1275989841 [14 -12 7 -4 5.4324 Flora Canou (2022)
Porwell comma Sarurutrigu srrg31 6144 / 6125 [11 1 -3 -2 5.3620 Gene Ward Smith, Petr Pařízek (2010)
Cartoonisma Satritrizo-asepbigu sz9g148 165288374272 / 164794921875 [12 -3 -14 9 5.1762 Eliora (2023)
Hemfiness comma Saquadru-atriyo sr4y3-3 4096000 / 4084101 [15 -5 3 -5 5.0366 Xenllium (2021)
Acrodec comma Sasa-tribizo-aquadbigu ssz6g86 7710244864 / 7688671875 [16 -9 -8 6 4.8507 Xenllium (2022)
Hewuermera comma Satribiru-agu sr6g-3 589824 / 588245 [16 2 -1 -6 4.6408 Xenllium (2021)
Hearts comma Trila-quadzo L3z41 34451725707 / 34359738368 [-35 15 0 4 4.6286 Xenllium (2023)
Lokisma, loki comma Sasa-bizotrigu sszzg64 102760448 / 102515625 [21 -8 -6 2 4.1295 Xenllium (2021)
Garischisma, septimal schisma Sasaru ssr2 33554432 / 33480783 [25 -14 0 -1 3.8041
Wadisma Latritrizo-ayo Lz9y4 201768035 / 201326592 [-26 -1 1 9 3.7919
Septimal enneadeca 1 570 042 899 082 081 611 640 534 563 /
1 566 652 225 014 704 215 735 402 496
[-37 57 0 -19 3.7428 Godtone (2024)
Quasiorwellisma Sazoquinbigu szg104 29360128 / 29296875 [22 -1 -10 1 3.7338

11-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Dew comma Salo s1o2 180224 / 177147 [14 -11 0 0 1 29.812 CompactStar (2023)
Thuja comma Saquinlu-ayo s1u5y2 163840 / 161051 [15 0 1 0 -5 29.724
Quadrikite comma Luruquadyo 1ury4-2 625 / 616 [-3 0 4 -1 -1 25.111 Praveen Venkataramana, Lumi Pakkanen (2022)
Large tetracot diesis Trilu-ayoyo 1u3yy1 1350 / 1331 [1 3 2 0 -3 24.539 ArrowHead294 (2024)
Sensmus comma Salozogu s1ozg2 1232 / 1215 [4 -5 -1 1 1 24.055
Sevnothrush comma Loquingu 1og52 3168 / 3125 [5 2 -5 0 1 23.659
Frostma Biluzo-ayo 1uuzzy2 245 / 242 [-1 0 1 2 -2 21.330 Praveen Venkataramana (2022)
Distarma Trilozo 1o3z1 9317 / 9216 [-10 -2 0 1 3 18.869 Lilly Flores (2023)
Antimisma Lobizogu 1ozzgg2 1617 / 1600 [-6 1 -2 2 1 18.297 Jerdle (2021)
Mothwellsma Loruru 1orr-2 99 / 98 [-1 2 0 -2 1 17.576
Ptolemisma Luyoyo 1uyy1 100 / 99 [2 -2 2 0 -1 17.399
Hemimin comma Trilu-azo 1u3z2 1344 / 1331 [6 1 0 1 -3 16.827
Betarabian comma Lalolo L1oo-2 264627 / 262144 [-18 7 0 0 2 16.321 Dawson Berry (2020)
Biyatisma Lologu 1oog1 121 / 120 [-3 -1 -1 0 2 14.367 Gene Ward Smith (2010)
Absinthma Luluruyo 1uury1 2560 / 2541 [9 -1 1 -1 -2 12.897 Jerdle (2023)
35/11 kleisma Laluzoyo L1uzy1 2835 / 2816 [-8 4 1 1 -1 11.642
Aphrowe comma Trilo-aruru 1o3rr-2 1331 / 1323 [0 -3 0 -2 3 10.437 Lériendil (2024)
Small tetracot diesis Saloyoyo s1oyy1 2200 / 2187 [3 -7 2 0 1 10.260 ArrowHead294
Valinorsma Lorugugu 1orgg1 176 / 175 [4 0 -2 -1 1 9.8646
Pentacircle comma Saluzo s1uz2 896 / 891 [7 -4 0 1 -1 9.6880
Alpharabian comma Laquadlo L1o4-2 131769 / 131072 [-17 2 0 0 4 9.1818 Dawson Berry (2020)
Orgonisma Satrilu-aruru s1u3rr1 65536 / 65219 [16 0 0 -2 -3 8.3944
Quindecic comma Sasa-quintriloru ss1o15r15-8 [14 -15 0 -15 15 8.0555
117649/117128 Bilulutrizo-a 1u4z64 117649 / 117128 [-3 0 0 6 -4 7.6837
Topsy comma Quadlo-atrizo-asepgu 1o4z3g73 5021863 / 5000000 [-6 0 -7 3 4 7.5535
Fantares comma Luluzoquadyo 1uuzy41 4375 / 4356 [-2 -2 4 1 -2 7.5349 Xenllium (2021)
Semicanousma Quadlo-agu 1o4g1 14641 / 14580 [-2 -6 -1 0 4 7.2281 Flora Canou (2020)
Rastma Lulu 1uu1 243 / 242 [-1 5 0 0 -2 7.1391
Myhemiwell comma Lolozotrigu 1oozg32 3388 / 3375 [2 -3 -3 1 2 6.6556
Pythrabian comma Trisalo 94489280512 / 94143178827 [33 -23 0 0 1 6.3529 Dawson Berry (2021)
Semiporwellisma Salulugu s1uug2 16384 / 16335 [14 -3 -1 0 -2 5.1854 Flora Canou (2021)
Octatonic comma, undecimal octatonic comma Quadbilu 1u82 214990848 / 214358881 [15 8 0 0 -8 5.0965 Eliora (2023)
Keenanisma Lozoyo 1ozy1 385 / 384 [-7 -1 1 1 1 4.5026 Paul Erlich (2001)
Trimitone comma Lalotrigu L1og31 8019 / 8000 [-6 6 -3 0 1 4.1068 Godtone (2021)
4-cent comma Lutritryo 1uy9-2 1953125 / 1948617 [0 -11 9 0 -1 4.0004 Jerdle (2021)
Werckisma Luzozogu 1uzzg2 441 / 440 [-3 2 -1 2 -1 3.9302
Moctdel comma Lotriruyo 1or3y3-3 1375 / 1372 [-2 0 3 -3 1 3.7814
Unisquarisma, unisquary comma Trilu-aquadzo-ayo 1u3z4y3 12005 / 11979 [0 -2 1 4 -3 3.7535 Xenllium (2024)
Liganellus comma, liganellisma Luruquinyo 1ury5-2 6250 / 6237 [1 -4 5 -1 -1 3.6047 Dawson Berry (2020)

13-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Lovecraft comma Thothotrilu 3oo1u32 1352/1331 [3 0 0 0 -3 2 27.101
Wilsorma Thoyo 3oy1 65/64 [-6 0 1 0 0 1 26.841
Hyperpyth comma Quadtho-aquingu 3o4g53 28561/28125 [0 -2 -5 0 0 4 26.632
Winmeanma Thulogu 3u1og1 66/65 [1 1 -1 0 1 -1 26.432
Sooty fox comma Thuthutrizo 3uuz32 343/338 [1 0 0 3 0 -2 25.422 Budjarn Lambeth (2024)
Tetris comma Satho s3o2 6656/6561 [9 -8 0 0 0 1 24.888 Godtone (2024)
Large semisixthma Thothotrigu 3oog32 507/500 [-2 1 -3 0 0 2 24.069 Xenllium (2024)
Negustma Tholuru 3o1ur1 78/77 [1 1 0 -1 -1 1 22.339
Greater tendoneutralisma Laquadbitho 815730721 / 805306368 [-28 -1 0 0 0 8 22.266 Godtone (2024)
Biome comma, superleap comma Thozogu 3ozg2 91/90 [-1 -2 -1 1 0 1 19.130
Diahuntmisma Labithozo L3oozz2 8281/8192 [-13 0 0 2 0 2 18.707 Xenllium (2022)
Tridecimal neutral thirds comma Thuthu 3uu1 512/507 [9 -1 0 0 0 -2 16.990
Animist comma Thuzoyo 3uzy1 105/104 [-3 1 1 1 0 -1 16.567
Tesseract comma Quadthuzo 3u4z42 28812/28561 [2 1 0 4 0 -4 15.148 Unque (2025)
832/825 Tholugugu 3o1ugg2 832/825 [6 -1 -2 0 -1 1 14.627
Secorian comma Sathuzo s3uz2 28672 / 28431 [12 -7 0 1 0 -1 14.613
Mosaic comma Lathoruru L3orr-2 3159/3136 [-6 5 0 -2 0 1 12.651
Gassorma Thuloruyoyo 3u1oryy-2 275/273 [0 -1 2 -1 1 -1 12.637
Grossma Thulu 3u1u1 144/143 [4 2 0 0 -1 -1 12.064
24167/24000 Tritho-alotrigu 3o31og32 24167/24000 [-6 -1 -3 0 1 3 12.005
Lesser tendoneutralisma Sasa-quadtrithu 70368744177664 / 69894255367443 [46 -1 0 0 0 -12 11.713 Godtone (2024)
Dinos comma Lathuthuquingu L3uug51 531441/528125 [0 12 -5 0 0 -2 10.836 Dummy Index (2024)
Buzurgisma, dhanvantarisma Thothoru 3oor1 169/168 [-3 -1 0 -1 0 2 10.274 Margo Schulter (2012) for buzurgisma
Diagassormisma Bitholugu 3oo1uugg2 3042/3025 [1 2 -2 0 -2 2 9.7020 Xenllium (2022)
Greater nelindic comma Thothoquinru-ayoyo 3oor5yy-3 16900/16807 [2 0 2 -5 0 2 9.5532 Kaiveran (2019)
Catadictma Thologu 3o1og1 1287/1280 [-8 2 -1 0 1 1 9.4419
Glacier comma Quinthu 3u5-2 373248/371293 [9 6 0 0 0 -5 9.0917 ArrowHead294 (2024)
Mynucuma Thuzozogu 3uzzg2 196/195 [2 -1 -1 2 0 -1 8.8554
Sopreisma Tholururutriyo 3urry3-2 1625/1617 [0 -1 3 -2 -1 1 8.54405 Recentlymaterialized (2024)
Huntma, lesser nelindic comma Thururuyo 3urry-2 640/637 [7 0 1 -2 0 -1 8.1342 Kaiveran (2019) for lesser nelindic comma
Threedie Satritho s3o32 2197/2187 [0 -7 0 0 0 3 7.8980
Hebrewsma Tritho-aruquadgu 3o3rg42 4394/4375 [1 0 -4 -1 0 3 7.5022 Eliora (2022)
Kestrel comma Thuthuloru 3uu1or-2 1188/1183 [2 3 0 -1 1 -2 7.3017 Gene Ward Smith (2011)
2D9 comma Thotriyo 3oy37 131625/131072 [-17 4 3 0 0 1 7.2888 Figreflekt (2023) but revised later[dead link]
Brontesisma Trithu-azozoyo 3u3zzy1 2205/2197 [0 2 1 2 0 -3 6.2925 Francium (2025)
Praveensma Thoquadzo 3oz43 31213/31104 [-7 -5 0 4 0 1 6.0563 Praveen Venkataramana (2022)
Lambeth comma Thobiloru 3o1oorr-2 1573/1568 [-5 0 0 -2 2 1 5.5117 Flora Canou (2022)
Marveltwin comma Thoyoyo 3oyy1 325/324 [-2 -4 2 0 0 1 5.3351
Valerisma, Hunt 13-cycle comma Laquinbitho L3o102 137858491849 / 137438953472 [-37 0 0 0 0 10 5.2766 Mason Green (2016)
Ratwolfsma Thorugugu 3orgg1 351/350 [-1 3 -2 -1 0 1 4.9393
Major minthma, major gentle comma, 11/13-kleisma Thulo 3u1o1 352/351 [5 -3 0 0 1 -1 4.9253 See the page.
Minor minthma, minor gentle comma Tholuluzo 3o1uuz2 364/363 [2 -1 0 1 -2 1 4.7627 See the page.
Cuthbert comma Bithulo-azogu 3uu1oozg1 847/845 [0 0 -1 1 2 -2 4.0928

17-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
2048/2023 Susuru 17uur-2 2048/2023 [11 0 0 -1 0 0 -2 21.263
Monk comma Soruyo 17ory1 85/84 [-2 -1 1 -1 0 0 1 20.488 Xenllium (2023)
Lum comma Sosothulu 17oo3u1u2 289/286 [-1 0 0 0 -1 -1 2 18.065
Mey comma Sutritho 17u3o31 2197/2176 [-7 0 0 0 0 3 -1 16.628
Middle semisixthma Suthologugu 17u3o1ogg1 429/425 [0 1 -2 0 1 1 -1 16.218 Xenllium (2024)
Septendecimal comma, Hunt flat 2 comma Laso L17o1 4131/4096 [-12 5 0 0 0 0 1 14.730 Flora Canou (2020) for septendecimal comma
Lynchisma Suruyo 17ury-2 120/119 [3 1 1 -1 0 0 -1 14.487 Xenllium (2022)
23-17-comma, 23 semitone comma Trila-twetheso L317o2310 [-94 0 0 0 0 0 23 13.974
Diatisma, diatic comma,
fiventeen comma, septendecimal semicomma
Sogu 17og2 136/135 [3 -3 -1 0 0 0 1 12.777 See the page.
Augustma Sulozo 17u1oz1 154/153 [1 -2 0 1 1 0 -1 11.278 Xenllium (2023)
Major naiadma Sothuthuyo 17o3uuy1 170/169 [1 0 1 0 0 -2 1 10.214 Xenllium (2023)
Septendecimal schisma Lasu L17u-2 2187/2176 [-7 7 0 0 0 0 -1 8.7296 Plainsound Music Edition (2020)
Small semisixthma Susulologu 17uu1oog-2 1452/1445 [2 1 -1 0 2 0 -2 8.3664 Xenllium (2024)
Mean thirds comma Lasosoyo L17ooy1 1053405/1048576 [-20 6 1 0 0 0 2 7.9545 Jerdle (2022)
Minor naiadma Sotholugu 17o3o1ug2 221/220 [-2 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 7.8514 Xenllium (2023)
Blume comma Sololo 17o1oo1 2057/2048 [-11 0 0 0 2 0 1 7.5913 Douglas Blumeyer
Char comma, charisma,
septendecimal kleisma
Sugu 17ug1 256/255 [8 -1 -1 0 0 0 -1 6.7759 See the page.
Tannisma, prototannisma Suthozo 17u3oz1 273/272 [-4 1 0 1 0 1 -1 6.3532 Scott Dakota (2017) for tannisma
Flora Canou (2023) for prototannisma
Semitonisma, septendecimal semitones comma, septendecimal 6-cent comma Soso 17oo2 289/288 [-5 -2 0 0 0 0 2 6.0008 Flora Canou (2023) for semitonisma
Ursulisma Sulutriyo 17u1uy3-2 375/374 [-1 1 3 0 -1 0 -1 4.6228 Dawson Berry, VIxen (2023)
Seminaiadma Sothoruru 17o3orr1 442/441 [1 -2 0 -2 0 1 1 3.9213 Xenllium (2023)
80-17-comma, 17-ripple integer cents comma[clarification needed] Lesa-quinquadquadsu s1117u80-32 [327 0 0 0 0 0 -80 3.5672 Eliora (2022) for 80-17-comma

19-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
135/133 Nuruyo 19ury-2 135/133 [0 3 1 -1 0 0 0 -1 25.84
Large undevicesimal 1/9-tone Nogugu 19ogg2 76/75 [2 -1 -2 0 0 0 0 1 22.931 Xenllium (2023)
Small undevicesimal 1/9-tone Nulozo 19u1oz1 77/76 [-2 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 22.631 Xenllium (2023)
19th-partial chroma Nugu 19ug1 96/95 [5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 18.128 Flirora (2021)
Ume comma Nutriso 19u17o32 4913/4864 [-8 0 0 0 0 0 3 -1 17.353
Undevicesimal diaschisma Lanunu L19uu-2 729/722 [-1 6 0 0 0 0 0 -2 16.704 Xenllium (2024)
Minithirdma Noluzo 19o1uz2 133/132 [-2 -1 0 1 -1 0 0 1 13.066 Xenllium (2023)
Ganassisma, Ganassi's comma Nuso 19u17o1 153/152 [-3 2 0 0 0 0 1 -1 11.352 +merlan #flirora (2021)
Malcolmisma Nosugu 19o17ug1 171/170 [-1 2 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 10.154 Xenllium (2023)
Undevicesimal Diminished Comma, Hunt 19-cycle comma Saquadnu s19u4-2 131072 / 130321 [17 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 9.9479
Eye comma Nusosolulu 19u17oo1uu2 2312/2299 [3 0 0 0 -2 0 2 -1 9.7619
Godzillisma Binulo 19uu1oo-2 363/361 [0 1 0 0 2 0 0 -2 9.5649 Xenllium (2023)
Cotylisma Noruyo 19ory1 190/189 [1 -3 1 -1 0 0 0 1 9.1358 Xenllium (2023)
Yama comma Nothulo 19o3u1o1 209/208 [-4 0 0 0 1 -1 0 1 8.3033 Xenllium (2023)
Spleen comma Nuluzoyo 19u1uzy1 210/209 [1 1 1 1 -1 0 0 -1 8.2637 Xenllium (2023)
Bihendrixma Nonolururu 19oo1urr1 1083/1078 [-1 1 0 -2 -1 0 0 2 8.0113 Xenllium (2023)
Chthonisma Nuthologu 19u3o1og1 286/285 [1 -1 -1 0 1 1 0 -1 6.0639 Xenllium (2023)
Photisma Nusu 19u17u-2 324/323 [2 4 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 5.3516 Xenllium (2023)
Nutrisma Nutrizo 19uz32 343/342 [-1 -2 0 3 0 0 0 -1 5.0547 Xenllium (2023)
Triraptor comma Trinuso-azogu 19u317o3zg2 34391/34295 [0 0 -1 1 0 0 3 -3 4.8394 Kaiveran (2023)
Go comma, dudon comma Nonogu 19oog2 361/360 [-3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 2 4.8023 Xenwolf (2013) for go comma
Devichroma Nuruyoyo 19uryy-2 400/399 [4 -1 2 -1 0 0 0 -1 4.3335 Xenllium (2023)
Abnobisma Nothurugu 19o3urg1 456/455 [3 1 -1 -1 0 -1 0 1 3.8007 Xenllium (2023)
Hedwigma Nusozogugu 19u17ozgg2 476/475 [2 0 -2 1 0 0 1 -1 3.6409 Xenllium (2023)
Eulalisma Nuthuloyo 19u3u1oy-2 495/494 [-1 2 1 0 1 -1 0 -1 3.5010 Xenllium (2023)

23-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
187/184 187/184 [-3 1 1 -1 27.999
Large vicesimotertial 1/8-tone Twethosu 23o17u1 69/68 [-2 1 -1 1 25.274 Xenllium (2023)
Small vicesimotertial 1/8-tone Twethuzoyo 23uzy1 70/69 [1 -1 1 1 -1 24.910 Xenllium (2023)
Undinisma Twethothuru 23o3ur1 92/91 [2 -1 -1 1 18.921 Xenllium (2023)
23-limit Tenney/Cage comma Satwetho s23o2 736/729 2.3.23 [5 -6 1 16.544 Stephen Weigel (2023)
Yarmanisma Twethonuyo 23o19uy1 115/114 [-1 -1 1 -1 1 15.120 Xenllium (2023)
Major kirnbergerisma Twethozogu 23ozg2 161/160 [-5 -1 1 1 10.787 Xenllium (2023)
Minor kirnbergerisma Twethuru 23ur-2 162/161 [1 4 -1 -1 10.720 Xenllium (2023)
Vicetone comma Twethutho 23u3o1 208/207 [4 -2 1 -1 8.3433 Xenllium (2023)
Major neutravicema Twethulozogu 23u1ozg1 231/230 [-1 1 -1 1 1 0 0 0 -1 7.5108 Xenllium (2023)
Middle neutravicema Twetholoru 23o1or1 253/252 [-2 -2 -1 1 1 6.8564 Xenllium (2023)
Minor neutravicema Twetholugugu 23o1ugg2 276/275 [2 1 -2 -1 1 6.2840 Xenllium (2023)
21-23-comma Trisa-septritwethu s323u21-8 281474976710656 /
2.23 [95 -21 6.2387
Major naiadvicema Twethuthuyoyo 23u3uyy-2 300/299 [2 1 2 -1 -1 5.7804 Xenllium (2023)
Major semivicema Twethunosoru 23u19o17or1 323/322 [-1 -1 1 1 -1 5.3682 Xenllium (2023)
Minor naiadvicema Twethosothugu 23o17o3ug2 391/390 [-1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 1 0 1 4.4334 Xenllium (2023)
Minor semivicema Twethusuzozo 23u17uzz1 392/391 [3 2 -1 -1 4.4221 Xenllium (2023)
Scanisma, vicewolf comma Twethosuyo 23o17uy1 460/459 [2 -3 1 -1 1 3.7676 Xenllium (2023)
Pittsburghisma Twethuloloru 23u1oor-2 484/483 [2 -1 -1 2 -1 3.5806 Xenllium (2023)

Higher-limit commas

Name(s) Color name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
31-limit co-archyta Thiwuzo 31uz2 63/62 [-1 2 1 -1 27.700 Xenwolf (2020)
Lightyear comma 89u331o3-2 714984/704969 [3 1 3 -3 24.421 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
Classical mediant of Didymus' and Archytas' commas Twenothuluyo 29o3u1uy1 145/143 [1 -1 -1 1 24.045
41-limit Johnston comma Fowo 41o1 82/81 2.3.41 [1 -4 1 21.242 Stephen Weigel (2023)
Lilac comma 89u31oo-2 2883/2848 [-5 1 2 -1 21.146 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
Sky comma 89o1u1 89/88 2.11.89 [-3 -1 1 19.562 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
Lilly pilly comma 89o31o-2 8277/8192 [-13 1 1 1 17.871 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
Incisor comma 89uuy31 8000/7921 2.5.89 [6 3 -2 17.181 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
Sironisma Twenotwethugu 29o23ug1 116/115 [2 -1 -1 1 14.989 Xenllium (2024)
Lomisma Twenutho 29u3o1 117/116 [-2 2 1 -1 14.860 Xenllium (2024)
Twizzler Thiwutriyo 31uy31 125/124 2.5.31 [-2 3 -1 13.906 Xenwolf (2020)
43-limit Johnston comma Fotho 43o1 129/128 2.3.43 [-7 1 1 13.473 Stephen Weigel (2023)
Basement comma 89o1o1 979/972 [-2 -5 1 1 12.423 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
29th-partial chroma Twenoyo 29oy1 145/144 [-4 -2 1 1 11.981 Flirora (2023)
Major chthonovinema Twenuzoyoyo 29uzyy1 175/174 [-1 -1 2 1 -1 9.9211 Xenllium (2024)
Kallistisma Twenusoru 29u17or1 204/203 [2 1 -1 1 -1 8.5073 Xenllium (2024)
Major paravinema Twenoluru 29o1ur1 232/231 [3 -1 -1 -1 1 7.4783 Xenllium (2024)
Jackpot comma 17249876309 / 17179869184 2.29 [-34 7 7.0404 Eliora (2024)
Major vinetonema Twenothugu 29o3ug1 261/260 [-2 2 -1 -1 1 6.6458 Xenllium (2024)
Junebug comma Thiwutweno twethunuso tholuzoyo 31u29o23u19u 17o3o1uzy2 448630/447051 [1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 6.1040 Tristan Bay (2024)
Brunisma Twenosusuyo 29o17uuy-2 290/289 [1 1 -2 1 5.9801 Xenllium (2024)
Minor paravinema Twenuluyo 29u1uy1 320/319 [6 1 -1 -1 5.4186 Xenllium (2024)
Sidereal comma 73u61og1 366/365 [1 1 -1 1 -1 4.7366 Frostburn (2024)
Major semivinema Twenuthuzo 29u3uz1 378/377 [1 3 1 -1 -1 4.5861 Xenllium (2024)
Five feet comma 127o19ug1 381/380 [-2 1 -1 -1 1⟩ 4.5499 Eliora (2022)
Minor semivinema Twenozogu 29ozg2 406/405 [1 -4 -1 1 1 4.2694 Xenllium (2024)
Semaphorisma Thisothogu 37o3og2 481/480 [-5 -1 -1 1 1 3.6030 Kaiveran (2023)
Minor vinetonema Twenunosutho 29u19o17u3o1 494/493 [1 1 -1 1 -1 3.5081 Xenllium (2024)

List of irrational commas

For intervals expressible as edosteps, see Interval size measure. We skip them here for brevity.

Name(s) Color name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Caffeinterval 2((7/12) - (1/sqrt(3))) 7.1797 R-4981 (2023)
