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Me as a member of the xen community

I am Lériendil, aka Leri, Majestaz, or Maj. I have been in the community for a relatively brief time, from July 2024 onward. I got into xen primarily from mathematical interest and worldbuilding (see below); note that I have not yet composed any music - I try to be mindful of this when expressing opinions or judgment. However, seeing the state of the wiki's articles and linking, I took it upon myself to improve the wiki to the status of a proper wiki and of the one-stop resource for microtonality that it has become, regardless of how it started out. WikiProject TempClean is among the initiatives I have started, which has improved the quality of many articles dealing with regular temperaments specifically.

Me as a person

The below is transcluded from a standard introduction I have used on Discord, true as of August 2024.


  • any pronouns (agender), asexual
  • paracosmian (worldbuilder with a highly imaginative and fantasy-prone personality, basically)
  • cat person
  • Biracial (half Korean half white)
  • American - living in Maryland, from Texas
  • languages: English (native), Latin, Polish, Quenya (less than fluent, in descending order of fluency)
  • rising 5th year PhD student in theoretical physics
  • interests: worldbuilding, physics, pure math, linguistics, history (especially ancient and classical era stuff, medieval era Asia, pre-Columbian Americas)
  • sacred values: individuality, companionship, emotion, creativity/imagination. at this point, I'm pretty much following a personal philosophical system I worldbuilt myself in order to free myself of social conditioning or internalized expectations of others. sometimes I say that I worship the human imagination. to boil it down though, I'd say I have little regard for objectivity within the physical world as something that is inherently valuable, and fundamentally, pretty much everything operates within a context and is primarily meaningful due to interconnections with others. physical reality, intellectualized reality, perception, and fiction are all valid contexts as long as they stay within their own magisterium, though I do admit that this is probably influenced by my general concept of reality as possessing an entire higher layer of imagination superimposed on it.

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