User:Lériendil/Third-particulars, semiparticulars, and sixth-particulars by no-threes subgroup

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Some shorthand notation used here:

  • Sk stands for k^2/[(k-1)(k+1)] by standard convention (the kth square superparticular).
  • U(9k+4) = S(9k+4)/S(9k+5) stands for the (9k+4)th ultraparticular.
  • Gk stands for S(k-1)*Sk*S(k+1) (the kth third-particular).
  • R(3k) stands for S(3k-1)/S(3k+1) (the 3kth semiparticular).
  • Hk = Gk * G(k+3) stands for the kth sixth-particular.
  • Wp refers to the no-threes p-limit, i.e. the subgroup of primes less than or equal to p.
  • Wp(-q) refers to the no-threes p limit with the prime q omitted: e.g. W17(-11) refers to the subgroup; these omissions can be stacked so that W23(-5.17) refers to the group

Both Gk and Hk can be superparticular or throdd-particular: specifically, G(3k) and H(3k) are throdd-particular, while G(9k+4) and G(9k+5), and H(9k+7) and H(9k+8), are superparticular but still no-threes. To each throdd-particular G(3k) corresponds a no-threes semiparticular R(3k). Because of this difference, superparticular and throdd-particular commas are listed in separate tables.

Note that not all members of R(3k) are superparticular. In specific, R(12k) is odd-particular. Members of this set, lacking both twos and threes, are included in this sheet. No-twos-or-threes subgroups will be labeled in bold.

This list eventually aims to be complete to the no-threes 19-add-two-limit and 31-add-one-limit, i.e. the union of the class of subgroups with at most one prime greater than 29, which is a superset of the 37-limit, and the class of subgroups with at most two primes greater than 19, which is a superset of the 29-limit.

2- and 3-prime subgroups

Note that the following lists are complete and the insertion of higher primes will add no new inclusions to them.

2-prime subgroups (2.p)

Third-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
G4 = R3 2.5 5/4 [-2 1
G5 2.7 8/7 [3 -1
Throdd-particular Subgroup Comma Semiparticular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo Ratio Smonzo
G3 2.5 8/5 [3 -1 R3 = G4 2.5 5/4 [-2 1
Sixth-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
H3 2.7 7/4 [-2 1
Ultraparticular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
U4 2.5 128/125 [7 -3

3-prime subgroups

Third-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
G14 2.5.13 65/64 [-6 1 1
Throdd-particular Subgroup Comma Semiparticular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo Ratio Smonzo
G6 2.5.7 35/32 [-5 1 1 R6 = H16 2.5.7 50/49 [1 2 -2
Sixth-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
H6 2.5.11 25/22 [-1 2 -1
H9 2.7.13 52/49 [2 -2 1
Sixth-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
H16 = R6 2.5.7 50/49 [1 2 -2
H7 2.5.11 11/10 [1 1 -1
H26 2.5.31 125/124 [-2 3 -1
H8 2.7.13 14/13 [-1 -1 1
H44 2.7.43 344/343 [3 -3 1

4-prime subgroups

5-add-two-limit (2.5.p.q)

7-add-one-limit (2.5.7.p)

Third-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
G13 W11 56/55 [3 -1 1 -1
G23 = R9 W11 176/175 [4 -2 -1 1
G22 161/160 [-5 -1 1 1
Throdd-particular Subgroup Comma Semiparticular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo Ratio Smonzo
G9 W11 80/77 [4 1 -1 -1 R9 = G23 W11 176/175 [4 -2 -1 1

Higher-prime subgroups

Third-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
G31 320/319 [6 1 -1 -1
G49 800/799 [5 2 -1 -1
Throdd-particular Subgroup Comma Semiparticular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo Ratio Smonzo
G18 323/320 [-6 -1 1 1 R18 1445/1444 [-2 1 2 -2

No-fives subgroups

7-add-two-limit (2.7.p.q)

Third-particular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo
G50 = R15 833/832 [-6 2 -1 1
Throdd-particular Subgroup Comma Semiparticular Subgroup Comma
Ratio Smonzo Ratio Smonzo
G15 224/221 [5 1 -1 -1 R15 = G50 833/832 [-6 2 -1 1
G30 899/896 [-7 -1 1 1 R30 6728/6727 [3 -1 2 -2

See also