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For a variety of reasons, I will no longer be actively participating in any Xenharmonic Alliance spaces. I may occasionally contribute on a strictly self-directed basis to the wiki, but I will no longer be responsive to any requests in this space, the FB group, the Discord, etc.

What little time and energy I have these days will be focused elsewhere.

Thanks for your understanding, and may a thousand musics flourish!

Brainstorming/Documentation Subpages

Temperaments I've found

"Wilmingen" canonical form for temperament

Random Splitting Commas

OLITTA Distance

Sandboxing Subpages


Circulating Temperaments

(in rough order from wild to tame)


  • duallist12wt (2/7-comma Superpyth between the black keys, with all others just north of 1/3-comma meantone)
  • dualflux (like Duallist, but with slight variance for better septimal thirds)
  • splitsynch (half the fifths are Wilson's equal-beating meantone)
  • goldland (phi-based well-tuning of Duodene, after the late great Gene Ward Smith)
  • pepperidge (a more traditional approach containing both ~1/4 comma meantone and pure fifths)
  • superfluid12wt (smoothly varying fifths symmetrical around 7\12; variance similar to cauldron but with the smoothness of a young)
  • mozart-lugheidh (an attempt at making a WT Mozart would love, with 7 ~1/6-comma meantone fifths)


Planned Pages

  • Higher-Prime Biased Temperament Norm (B/D)
  • Kaigi Signatures / Kaigi Notation (B/D)
  • Mt. Meru Scales (S)
    • incl. intersection with primodality
  • Marwa Permutations (S)
    • incl. relation to tetrachordal scales,
    • possible generalization?
  • a proper page for Nelindic / Pařízek Triharmonic (S)
  • Heterodyne (S)

A more general to-do list

  • more detailed cataloging and explanation of essentially tempered chords, particularly distinguishing the following relations:
    • dual identity, where a:b:c is also d:e:f but both interpretations close properly (like the rootsubminor triad)
      • unexpected identities arising by inversion (as in the Biosphere, where 6:7:9 inverts to 10:13:15) also fit here
    • abnormal closure, where a consistent set of member identities is possible, but tempering is required for them to close (like the starling tetrad)
  • being bullish on merging xenrhythm stuff into here
    • it ain't gonna revive itself!