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Unque's tier list of EDOs from 1 - 53

I am Uncreative Name, or Unque! I'm a xenharmonic theorist and/or composer, most well-known on the Xenharmonic Alliance Discord for my contributions to the xen meme scene.

I learned of the Arabic Maqamat a few years ago when I was studying non-Western music traditions, and I was especially intrigued by the presence of the neutral intervals in Jins Rast and other scales. This kickstarted a weird rabbit hole where I learned about the harmonic series, Just Intonation, and various Equal Divisions of the [your name here].

My favorite xen EDOs are 15, 17, and 22; I also like experimenting with nonoctave tunings (24edt is a favorite of mine), and I use pure JI from time to time. My favorite abstract tunings include Porcupine, Sohajira, Archy, Mavila, Squares, Orwell, and Sensi, and anything with Semifourths.


Here are some of the tracks I've written, I guess:


Here are some of the contributions I've made to theory here on the wiki: