User:Unque/19-function System

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The Nineteen Function System is a categorization of intervals into nineteen major groups based on their size, concordance, and melodic function.

The Six Superfunctions

To avoid diatonic-centrism and indexing ambiguity, the six superfunctions are nicknamed arbitrarily after the five elements of classical Chinese philosophy, with the addition of Ether from medieval European tradition. These six superfunctions can be defined first and foremost by their size:

  1. Stone: very small intervals, usually used for sequential progression rather than as an element of chords.
  2. Wave: small, relatively concordant intervals that are used as a basis for chords.
  3. Ether: concordant intervals that cluster just below the half-octave.
  4. Wind: concordant intervals that cluster just above the half-octave.
  5. Wood: large, relatively concordant intervals that can be used as a cap for chords.
  6. Fire: very large intervals, often useful in creating tension.

Nineteen Functions

The six superfunctions can be broken down into subcategories based on variations in size and consonance, as well as ambiguities in melodic function:

  1. Comma: The smallest interval; usually used as a commatic adjustment for chords, and in some cases undesirable entirely.
  2. Chroma: The smallest useful unit of melody.
  3. Substone: Around the size of the neutral second found in Jins Bayati. Ambiguous but distinct in function between the Chroma and Diastone.
  4. Diastone: Vaguely whole tone-adjacent function. Differs from the Superstone in that it is relatively discordant, and usually smaller.
  5. Superstone: Vaguely major second-adjacent function. Differs from the Diastone in that it is relatively concordant, and usually larger.
  6. Subwave: Around a minor third in size, but often bleeds into semifourth territory. Relatively concordant, but still quite tense.
  7. Diawave: Around a minor or neutral third in size. Less concordant than Subwaves; useful as a unit of compact, tense chords.
  8. Superwave: Around a major third size. Relatively concordant, but easily distinct as a dyad.
  9. Ether: Around a fourth in size. Extremely concordant; its dyad has no distinct color to it.
  10. Superether: Around a fourth in size, but less concordant than the Ether. Its dyad is tense, but not always dissonant.
  11. Subwind: Around a fifth in size, but less concordant. Its dyad is tense, but not always discordant.
  12. Wind: Around a fifth in size. Extremely concordant; its dyad has no distinct color.
  13. Subwood: Around a fifth or minor sixth in size. Quite concordant, but with a colorful dyad.
  14. Diawood: Around a sixth in size. Its dyad is tense, but not always discordant.
  15. Superwood: Around a diminished seventh in size. Less concordant than the Subfire, but quite colorful.
  16. Subfire: Around a diminished seventh in size. Quite concordant and colorful.
  17. Diafire: Around a major seventh in size. Quite concordant and colorful.
  18. Superfire: Slightly narrower than an equave. Its dyad is very tense, but not always discordant.
  19. Equave: The fundamental interval of equivalence; usually a purely-tuned 2/1.


These nineteen functions are not perfectly-distinct boxes, and some intervals may ambiguously fall between two categories due to a lack of melodic resolution; for instance, one step of 6-EDO has an ambiguous function in between the Diastone and Superstone due to its ambiguous level of consonance.

Similarly, some tuning systems have high melodic resolution, leading to intervals that are similarly ambiguous; for instance, 23\41 lies somewhere in between the functions of the Subwind and Wind functions, with 22\41 and 24\41 being used as the cardinal forms of each function.

In some cases, it is useful to have intervals with ambiguous function, as this ambiguity can allow for intervals to be interpreted as either or both of the functions that it falls into. As the nineteen functions are intended to describe the functions of intervals (rather than to prescribe how they can be used), it is very common for an interval not to fit squarely and unambiguously into one category.

Example Usage

These categories can be used to compare different tunings of the same scale; as an example, here is a comparison of different types of Diatonic scales using the categories to describe how they differ:

Diatonic Degrees
Degree 26edo (4:3) 19edo (3:2) 12edo (2:1) 17edo (3:1) 22edo (4:1)
m2 Substone Chroma~Substone Chroma~Substone Chroma Chroma
M2 Diastone Diastone Diastone~Superstone Superstone Superstone
m3 Diawave Subwave Subwave Subwave Subwave
M3 Diawave~Superwave Diawave~Superwave Superwave Superwave Diawave~Superwave
p4 Superether Ether~Superether Ether Ether Superwave~Ether
A4 Superether Superether Superether~Subwind Subwind Subwind
d5 Subwind Subwind Superether~Subwind Superether Superether
P5 Subwind Subwind~Wind Wind Wind Wind~Subwood
m6 Subwood~Diawood Subwood~Diawood Subwood Subwood Subwood
M6 Diawood Superwood Subfire Superwood~Subfire Superwood
m7 Subfire Subfire~Diafire Subfire~Diafire Subfire Subfire
M7 Diafire Diafire Diafire~Superfire Superfire Superfire