Interval names
Compatibility rating
Perfect Unison
This interval…
- Is the basic representation of a given chord's root
- Is the basic representation of the Tonic
- Is one of four perfect consonances in this system
- Is the only interval shared by all tuning systems
Wide Prime
This interval…
- Approximates the rastma, and thus…
- Is useful for defining 11-limit subchromatic alterations in the Western-Classical-based functional harmony of this system
- Can function as both a type of subchroma and a type of retrodiesis in this system
- Is useful for slight dissonances that convey something less than satisfactory
- Can only be approached in melodic lines indirectly with one or more intervening notes
- Can add to the bandwidth of a sound
Narrow Superprime
This interval…
- Approximates the ptolemisma and the biyatisma
- Is useful for slight dissonances that create noticeable tension
- Can only be approached in melodic lines indirectly with one or more intervening notes
Lesser Superprime
This interval…
- Is especially useful as a basis for defining 5-limit subchromatic alterations in the Western-Classical-based functional harmony of this system
- Can be considered a type of retrodiesis
- Is a dissonance to be avoided in Western-Classical-based harmony unless deliberately used for expressive purposes
- Is useful in melody as…
- An appoggiatura
- An acciaccatura
- Part of a series of quick passing tones
S1, kU1
Greater Superprime, Narrow Inframinor Second
Edb<, Dt<↓
This interval…
- Can function as both a type of parachroma and a type of diesis in this system
- Can be considered a type of parachroma
- Is a dissonance to be avoided in Western-Classical-based harmony unless…
- Used for hidden subchromatic voice-leading in the middle voices
- Used in a contrapuntal passage in which both of the notes separated by this interval in one voice work well against the notes in all other voices
- Deliberately used for expressive purposes
- An appoggiatura
- An acciaccatura
- Part of a series of quick passing tones
- The destination for a glissando
um2, RkU1
Inframinor Second, Wide Superprime
Edb>, Dt>↓
This interval…
- Is a dissonance to be avoided in Western-Classical-based harmony unless…
- Used for hidden voice-leading in the middle voices
- Used for tonality-flux-based chord progressions
- Used in a contrapuntal passage in which both of the notes separated by this interval in one voice work well against the notes in all other voices
- Deliberately used for expressive purposes
- A non-chord passing tone
- The destination for a glissando
kkm2, Rum2, rU1
Wide Inframinor Second, Narrow Ultraprime
Eb↓↓, Dt<\
This interval…
- It functions like an Ultraprime in that…
- It has the potential to move directly back down to the Tonic through a parachromatic motion
- It has the potential to move away from the Tonic towards either a Contralead or Supertonic harmony through a diatonic or paradiatonic motion
- It cannot occur as the distance between any two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony due to its dissonance
- It functions like an Inframinor Second in that…
- It can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony as part of a contrapuntal passage in which both of the notes separated by this interval in one voice work well against the notes in all other voices
- It can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony for hidden voice-leading in the middle voices
- Is one of the more important intervals for use in tonality-flux-based chord progressions
U1, rKum2
Ultraprime, Narrow Subminor Second
Dt<, Edb<↑
This interval…
- It functions as the default parachromatic quartertone in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Can be used more overtly in both melodic and harmonic voice-leading in general, though doing so in Western-Classical-based music requires a proper set-up
- Cannot occur as the distance between any two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony due to its dissonance
- Has the potential to move directly back down to the Tonic through a Parachromatic quartertone motion
- Has the potential to move away from the Tonic towards either a Contralead or Supertonic harmony through a type of Diatonic or Paradiatonic semitone motion
- Is one fifth of this system's approximation of the Septimal Subminor Third
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Minor Second in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Ultraprime in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Is one of the more important intervals for use in tonality-flux-based chord progressions
sm2, Kum2, uA1
Lesser Subminor Second, Wide Ultraprime, Infra-Augmented Prime
Dt>, Eb↓\
This interval…
- Is the narrowest interval that can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony as a proper leading tone
- Compared to other options, it has a markedly more tense feel
- Can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony as part of the simul cadence due to it providing a smooth option for both voice-leading and chord construction
- Can be used as an unexpected option for a chromatic-type semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Augmented Prime found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Ptolemaic Major Second
- Can be used for tonality-flux-based chord progressions
km2, RuA1, kkA1
Greater Subminor Second, Diptolemaic Augmented Prime
Eb↓, D#↓↓
This interval…
- It frequently acts as a chromatic semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- It demonstrates third-tone functionality—especially in relation to this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Major Second—due to the combination of commas tempered out in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Minor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Rkm2, rKuA1
Wide Subminor Second, Lesser Sub-Augmented Prime
Eb↓/, Dt<↑
This interval…
- Approximates multiple complex 17-limit intervals relative to the Tonic and can be used…
- As an unexpected option for a chromatic-type semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Subminor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Subminor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rm2, KuA1
Narrow Minor Second, Greater Sub-Augmented Prime
Eb\, Dt>↑
This interval…
- It serves as a type of leading tone when resolving septimal harmony constructions to classic harmony constructions
- It serves as a type of small chromatic semitone in undecimal harmony constructions
- Is one sixth of this system's approximation of the Perfect Fourth
m2, kA1
Pythagorean Minor Second, Ptolemaic Augmented Prime
Eb, D#↓
This interval…
- Can be used readily in both melodic and harmonic voice-leading in general
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It serves as a Diatonic semitone in both Western-Classical-based functional harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony in general, and thus…
- Has the potential to move directly back down to the Tonic as a Contralead, though in non-meantone systems like this one, such a gesture using this interval has a slightly more tense feel
- Can serve as a possible interval between the Tonic and the root of a Neapolitan chord
- Approximates the Major Chroma or Ptolemaic Augmented Prime, and as such…
- It serves as a chromatic semitone in the 5-limit Diatonic settings that are common to Western-Classical-based harmony, and thus…
- It separates Pythagorean Major intervals from Ptolemaic Minor Intervals, and likewise separates Ptolemaic Major intervals from Pythagorean Minor intervals
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Classic Major Second as a consequence of the schisma being tempered out in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's own Minor Second in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Rm2, RkA1
Artomean Minor Second, Artomean Augmented Prime
Eb/, D#↓/
This interval…
- Can be used as an unexpected option for a chromatic-type semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Can be used as a type of Diatonic semitone in undecimal harmony
- Is one of two in this system that are essential in executing the frameshift cadence
- Is the closest approximation of the 12edo Minor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rKm2, rA1
Tendomean Minor Second, Tendomean Augmented Prime
D#\, Eb↑\
This interval…
- Can be used as an unexpected option for a Diatonic-type semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Can be used as a type of chromatic semitone in undecimal harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Minor Second in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since the biyatisma is not tempered out
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Km2, A1
Ptolemaic Minor Second, Pythagorean Augmented Prime
D#, Eb↑
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic voice-leading
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes crowding, and thus requires resolution
- It readily serves as the traditional leading tone in 5-limit Western-Classical-based functional harmony and thus…
- Has the potential to move directly back down to the Tonic as a Contralead, though in non-meantone systems like this one, such a gesture using this interval has a slightly more lax and natural feel
- Has close affinities with the Serviant due to being located at roughly a Ptolemaic Major Third away from it
- Can serve as a possible interval between the Tonic and the root of a Neapolitan chord
- Approximates the Apotome or Pythagorean Augmented Prime, and thus…
- Is generally the interval that defines the default value of sharps and flats in this system, and is thus very helpful as a reference interval
- Is one of two in this system that are essential in executing the frameshift cadence
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Minor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RKm2, kn2, RA1
Wide Minor Second, Artoretromean Augmented Prime
Ed<↓, Eb↑/, D#/
This interval…
- It functions as both a type of chromatic semitone and a type of Diatonic semitone in septimal harmony
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Octave-Reduced Thirteenth Subharmonic
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Minor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kN2, rKA1
Lesser Supraminor Second, Tendoretromean Augmented Prime
Ed>↓, D#↑\
This interval…
- Approximates the Tridecimal Supraminor Second and a similar 11-limit interval that acts as the Supraminor counterpart to the Undecimal Submajor Second, and thus…
- It can be thought of as something along the lines of a "wide semitone" in voice-leading
- It demonstrates trienthird functionality—namely in relation to this system's approximation of the Classic Major Third—due to the combination of commas tempered out in this system
- Approximates a complex yet uprooted 17-limit interval relative to the Tonic and can be used…
- As an unexpected option for a Diatonic-type semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Minor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
KKm2, rn2, KA1
Greater Supraminor Second, Diptolemaic Limma, Retroptolemaic Augmented Prime
Ed<\, Eb↑↑, D#↑
This interval…
- It frequently acts as a Diatonic semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- It demonstrates two-third-tone functionality—especially in relation to this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Major Second—due to the combination of commas tempered out in this system
- It demonstrates trienthird functionality—namely in relation to this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Major Third—due to the combination of commas tempered out in this system
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Supraminor Second, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
n2, SA1
Artoneutral Second, Lesser Super-Augmented Prime
Ed<, Dt#<↓
This interval…
- It can be thought of as something along the lines of a "wide semitone" in voice-leading
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It serves as the smaller and more dissonant of two Neutral Seconds in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Pythagorean Minor Third through a Paradiatonic "narrow whole tone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Lesser Subminor Second through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Neo-Gothic Minor Third
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Classic Diminished Fourth
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Neutral Second found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
N2, RkUA1
Tendoneutral Second, Greater Super-Augmented Prime
Ed>, Dt#>↓
This interval…
- It can be thought of as something along the lines of a "narrow whole tone" in voice-leading
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes crowding, and thus requires resolution
- It serves as the larger and more consonant of two Neutral Seconds in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Pythagorean Minor Third through a Paradiatonic "wide semitone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Lesser Subminor Second through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is one fifth of this system's approximation of the Just Paramajor Fifth
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Neutral Second in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kkM2, RN2, rUA1
Lesser Submajor Second, Retrodiptolemaic Augmented Prime
Ed>/, E↓↓, Dt#>↓/, D#↑↑
This interval…
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Classic Minor Third
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Middle Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Submajor Second, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
Kn2, UA1
Greater Submajor Second, Ultra-Augmented Prime
Ed<↑, Dt#<, Fb↓/
This interval…
- Approximates the Undecimal Submajor Second and a similar 13-limit interval that acts as the Submajor counterpart to the Tridecimal Supraminor Second, and thus…
- It can be thought of as something along the lines of a "narrow whole tone" in voice-leading
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Parachromatic interval formed by stacking an Al-Farabi Quartertone on top of an Apotome, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of sesquichroma when acting in this capacity
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Perfect Fourth
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Major Second in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rkM2, KN2
Narrow Major Second
Ed>↑, E↓\, Dt#>, Fb\
This interval…
- Is one half of the approximation of the traditional, low complexity Undecimal Neutral Third in this system
- Is one third of the approximation of the Classic Acute Fourth in this system
- Is the closest approximation of the 7edo Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Ptolemaic Major Second
E↓, Fb
This interval…
- Can be used readily in both melodic and harmonic voice-leading in general
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes crowding, and thus requires resolution
- Is one the intervals in this system that are essential in executing any sort of variation on Jacob Collier's "Four Magical chords" from his rendition of "In the Bleak Midwinter"
- It readily serves as a Diatonic whole tone in Western-Classical-based functional harmony, since…
- It has close affinities with the Serviant due to being located at roughly a Ptolemaic Minor Third away from it
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Octave-Reduced Thirteenth Subharmonic
- Is one fifth of this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Major Sixth
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's own Major Second in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Artomean Major Second
E↓/, Fb/
This interval…
- Is useful for modulating to keys that are not found on the same circle of fifths
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Classic Augmented Fourth
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Major Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Tendomean Major Second
E\, Fb↑\
This interval…
- Approximates the Middle Major Second
- Is one of two intervals that serve as the closest approximation of the 12edo Major Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Major Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Pythagorean Major Second
E, Fb↑
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic voice-leading
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes crowding, and thus requires resolution
- It readily serves as a Diatonic whole tone in both Western-Classical-based functional harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony in general, since…
- It functions as a Double Dominant due to being the result of stacking two Perfect Fifths and octave-reducing
- Is the whole tone that is used as a reference interval in diatonic-and-chromatic-style interval logic in this system as it pertains to both semitones and quartertones, and thus…
- It sees usage in Paradiatonic and Parachromatic harmonies in addition to the more obvious Diatonic-related uses
- Is one fourth of this system's approximation of the Classic Minor Sixth as a consequence of the schisma being tempered out in this system
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Septimal Subfourth and octave-reducing
- Is one of two intervals that serve as the closest approximation of the 12edo Major Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Wide Major Second
E/, Fd<↓
This interval…
- It is very likely to be treated as a type of whole tone when working in Neo-Medieval harmony
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Octave-Reduced Seventeenth Harmonic
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Major Second found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Narrow Supermajor Second
E↑\, Fd>↓
This interval…
- Can be used as an unexpected option for a diminished third in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Approximates a complex 11-limit interval formed by stacking a Parapotome on top of a Classic Minor Second, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of whole tone when acting in this capacity
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Septimal Supermajor Third
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Septendecimal Fifth and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Major Second in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Lesser Supermajor Second
E↑, Fd<\, Fb↑↑, Dx
This interval…
- It readily appears in approximations of 5-limit Neapolitan scales as the interval formed from stacking two Ptolemaic Minor Seconds
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by stacking a syntonic comma on top of a Pythagorean Major Second, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of second when acting in this capacity
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Supermajor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
SM2, kUM2
Greater Supermajor Second, Narrow Inframinor Third
Fd<, Et<↓, E↑/
This interval…
- Can readily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, as per this system's version of the Dinner Party Rules, and it should be noted that…
- Since three of these add up to this system's approximation of the Perfect Fifth, there are multiple ways it can be used in chords to great effect
- This causes ambisonance, so chords that utilize it are prone to decomposition
- It readily serves as one of the key Paradiatonic intervals in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as a Contravaricant due to its semiambitonal properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Septimal Subfourth
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Supermajor Second found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
um3, RkUM2
Inframinor Third, Wide Supermajor Second
Fd>, Et>↓
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Paradiatonic interval that functions as a syntactic third that sounds more like a second, and as such…
- It has the potential to move back down to the Supertonic through a diatonic or paradiatonic motion
- It has the potential to move up towards a Mediant harmony through a parachromatic motion
- Is one fourth of this system's approximation of the Octave-Reduced Seventh Harmonic
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Major Second slash Minor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kkm3, KKM2, Rum3, rUM2
Wide Inframinor Third, Narrow Ultramajor Second, Semifourth
Fd>/, Et<\, F↓↓, E↑↑
This interval…
- It can be used both in triads framed by a Perfect Fourth and in triads Framed by a Perfect Fifth
- Is one half of a Perfect Fourth in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Semifourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's Semifourth, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
UM2, rKum3
Ultramajor Second, Narrow Subminor Third
Et<, Fd<↑
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Paradiatonic interval that functions as a syntactic second that sounds more like a third, and as such…
- It has the potential to move back down to the Supertonic through a parachromatic motion
- It has the potential to move up towards a Mediant harmony through a diatonic or paradiatonic motion
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Classic Augmented Fifth
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Second
sm3, Kum3
Lesser Subminor Third, Wide Ultramajor Second
Et>, Fd>↑, F↓\
This interval…
- Can readily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, as per this system's version of the Dinner Party Rules, and it should be noted that…
- This causes ambisonance, so chords that utilize it are prone to decomposition
- It readily serves as one of the key Paradiatonic intervals in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as a Contravaricant due to its semiambitonal properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- It is useful in forming not only strident-sounding triads framed by the Perfect Fifth, but also other, ambisonant triads framed by the Perfect Fourth
Greater Subminor Third
F↓, Et>/, E#↓↓, Gbb
This interval…
- It most frequently appears in approximations of 5-limit Harmonic scales as the interval between the Ptolemaic Minor Sixth and the Ptolemaic Major Seventh
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by subtracting a syntonic comma from a Pythagorean Minor Third, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of third when acting in this capacity
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Minor Third in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Subminor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Wide Subminor Third
F↓/, Et<↑
This interval…
- Approximates the Septendecimal Minor Third
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Minor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Minor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Narrow Minor Third
F\, Et>↑
This interval…
- Can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony very easily
- Has additional applications in Paradiatonic harmony, particularly…
- When it is found in what is otherwise the traditional Diatonic context of a Minor key
Pythagorean Minor Third
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general
- Readily occurs as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Ptolemaic Minor Third in that…
- It is very useful as an interpretation of the dissonant Minor Third from Medieval music's florid organum
- It can be used in creating a subtle instability in certain Diatonic harmonies
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Classic Major Sixth as a consequence of the schisma being tempered out in this system
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Axirabian Limma
Artomean Minor Third
This interval…
- It is the closest approximation of 12edo's Minor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Larger Septendecimal Tritone
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Low-Complexity JI Neutral Second
Tendomean Minor Third
This interval…
- Is used accordingly as part of a diminished triad
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Just Paramajor Fifth and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Minor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Can easily be used in modulatory maneuvers similar to those performed by Jacob Collier
Ptolemaic Minor Third
F↑, E#
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a staple interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Readily occurs as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Pythagorean Minor Third in that…
- It is one of four imperfect consonances in this system, rendering it extremely suitable for use in a Tonic triad in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Octave-Reduced Seventeenth Harmonic
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Minor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RKm3, kn3
Wide Minor Third
Ft<↓, F↑/, Gdb<
This interval…
- Is the widest interval that can reasonably be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony as a type of Minor Third
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Just Paraminor Fifth
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Neapolitan Augmented Sixth as a consequence of the hemimage comma being tempered out in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Minor Third in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kN3, ud4
Lesser Supraminor Third, Infra-Diminished Fourth
Ft>↓, Gdb>
This interval…
- It functions as the fourth complement to this system's approximation of the Undecimal Submajor Second
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Undecimal Acute Ultra-Diminished Fifth
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Minor Seventh
KKm3, rn3, Rud4
Greater Supraminor Third, Retrodiptolemaic Diminished Fourth
Ft<\, F↑↑, Gdb<↑\, Gb↓↓
This interval…
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as tannic chords
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Classic Minor Second
- Is the closest approximation of the 7edo Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Supraminor Third, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
n3, rKud4
Artoneutral Third, Lesser Sub-Diminished Fourth
Ft<, Gdb<↑
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It is a staple interval of the Western-Classical based Paradiatonic scale in this system
- It serves as the smaller and more consonant of two Neutral Thirds in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Perfect Fourth through a Paradiatonic "narrow whole tone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Lesser Subminor Third through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Neutral Third in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Middle Third in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
N3, sd4, Kud4
Tendoneutral Third, Greater Sub-Diminished Fourth
Ft>, Gdb>↑
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It serves as the larger and more dissonant of two Neutral Thirds in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Perfect Fourth through a Paradiatonic "wide semitone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Lesser Subminor Third through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Septendecimal Fifth, which is a a possible generator for this system's Superpyth scale
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Neutral Third found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kkM3, RN3, kd4
Lesser Submajor Third, Retroptolemaic Diminished Fourth
Ft>/, F#↓↓, Gb↓
This interval
- Is ostensibly one of the easiest 13-limit thirds to utilize in chords framed by either a Grave Fifth or an Acute Fifth
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Classic Major Seventh
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Major Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Submajor Third, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
Kn3, Rkd4
Greater Submajor Third, Artoretromean Diminished Fourth
Ft<↑, Gb↓/
This interval…
- Approximates the Tridecimal Submajor Third and a similar 11-limit interval that acts as the Submajor counterpart to the Undecimal Supraminor Third, and thus…
- Serves as the fourth complement to this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Second
- Is one third of this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Major Seventh
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Minor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rkM3, KN3, rd4
Narrow Major Third, Tendoretromean Diminished Fourth
Ft>↑, F#↓\, Gb\
This interval…
- Is the narrowest interval that can reasonably be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony as a type of Major Third
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Just Paramajor Fifth
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Major Third found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Major Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kM3, d4
Ptolemaic Major Third, Pythagorean Diminished Fourth
Gb, F#↓
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a staple interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Readily occurs as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Pythagorean Major Third in that…
- It is one of four imperfect consonances in this system, rendering it extremely suitable for use in a Tonic triad in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- Serves as an enharmonic substitution for the Classic Major Third when building chords for purposes of voice-leading, in which case it counts as an unresolved interval
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Major Third in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Major Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RkM3, Rd4
Artomean Major Third, Artomean Diminished Fourth
Gb/, F#↓/
This interval…
- Approximates the Septendecimal Artomean Major Third
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Middle Major Second
- Can easily be used in modulatory maneuvers similar to those performed by Jacob Collier
rM3, rKd4
Tendomean Major Third, Tendomean Diminished Fourth
F#\, Gb↑\
This interval…
- It is useful for evoking the feel of 12edo in various ways, such as…
- Creating the familiar augmented triads of 12edo
- Performing modulatory maneuvers based around the aforementioned triads
- It just so happens that stacking this interval with this system's approximation of the Quasi-Tempered Minor Third makes triads of just this sort in the 27-odd-limit
M3, Kd4
Pythagorean Major Third, Ptolemaic Diminished Fourth
F#, Gb↑
This interval…
- Is a viable option in both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a useful interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Can easily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Ptolemaic Major Third in that…
- It is very useful as an interpretation of the dissonant Major Third from Medieval music's florid organum
- It can be used in creating a subtle instability in certain Diatonic harmonies
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Classic Minor Sixth as a consequence of the schisma being tempered out in this system, which…
- Leads to this interval being useful in forming oddly charming augmented triads
- Moving up by seven of these with two octave-reductions is an unexpected alternative means for exploiting the frameshift comma, though this system's approximation of the Axirabian Limma remains essential to the process even in this case
RM3, kUd4
Wide Major Third, Lesser Super-Diminished Fourth
F#/, Gd<↓, Gb↑/
This interval…
- Can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony very easily
- Has additional applications in Paradiatonic harmony, particularly…
- When it is found in what is otherwise the traditional Diatonic context of a Major key
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Sixth, and thus…
- Can be used to make augmented triads framed by this system's closest approximation of acoustic phi
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the Septimal Minor Semitone
rKM3, RkUd4
Narrow Supermajor Third, Greater Super-Diminished Fourth
F#↑\, Gd>↓
This interval…
- Approximates the Septendecimal Major Third
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Major Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Supermajor Third found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
KM3, rUd4, KKd4
Lesser Supermajor Third, Diptolemaic Diminished Fourth
F#↑, Gd<\, Gb↑↑
This interval…
- It is easily very useful when it comes to building chords despite—or perhaps even because of—its dissonance
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by adding a syntonic comma to a Pythagorean Major Third, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of third when acting in this capacity
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Greater Tridecimal Neutral Sixth
SM3, kUM3, rm4, Ud4
Greater Supermajor Third, Ultra-Diminished Fourth
Gd<, F#↑/
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It is useful in forming not only strident-sounding triads framed by the Perfect Fifth, but also different types of augmented and superaugmented triad
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Marvelous Minor Sixth as a consequence of the hemimage comma being tempered out in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Major Third in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
m4, RkUM3
Paraminor Fourth, Wide Supermajor Third
Gd>, Ft#>↓
This interval…
- Although it is not found on the Paradiatonic scale, it is nevertheless readily serves as one of the key Parachromatic intervals in Western-Classical-based Parachromatic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as a Misoserviant due to its dissonance and its properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- It has the potential to move back down to the Tonic harmony through a Paradiatonic motion
- It has the potential to move up towards a Serviant harmony through a Parachromatic quatertone-type motion
- It has the potential to move up towards an Intersubiant harmony through a Parachromatic semitone-type motion, with this move granting additional follow-up options
- Follows after the pattern of inframinor and ultramajor intervals sounding like members of the adjacent interval classes—specifically, the paraminor fourth sounds more like a third than a fourth
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Diminished Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Rm4, KKM3, rUM3
Wide Paraminor Fourth, Narrow Ultramajor Third
Gd>/, F#↑↑, G↓↓
This interval…
- Approximates the Tridecimal Semisixth
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's Paraminor Fourth, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as island chords
UM3, rKm4
Ultramajor Third, Narrow Grave Fourth
Gd<↑, Ft#<
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Paradiatonic interval that functions as a syntactic third that sounds more like a fourth, and as such…
- It has the potential to move up to the Intersubiant harmony through Paradiatonic motion
- It has the potential to move back down to a Mediant harmony through a type of Chromatic or Parachromatic semitone motion
- Is reachable through stacking four of this system's approximation of the Neo-Gothic Major Third and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Minor Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
s4, Km4
Lesser Grave Fourth, Wide Ultramajor Third
Gd>↑, G↓\
This Interval…
- Is really useful for forming suspensions on account of its dissonance
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Septimal Supermajor Sixth
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Subfourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Greater Grave Fourth
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by subtracting a syntonic comma from a Perfect Fourth
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Semitwelfth
- Is reachable through stacking nine of this system's approximation of the Al-Farabi Quartertone
Wide Grave Fourth
This interval…
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Octave-Reduced Seventh Harmonic
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Perfect Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a more extreme hardness than that seen in Ultrapyth temperament
Narrow Fourth
This interval…
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a sound and feel akin to that seen in Superpyth temperament
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Perfect Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Perfect Fourth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in both Superpyth-based and Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Perfect Fourth
This interval…
- Approximates the Perfect Fourth or Octave-Reduced Third Subharmonic, and as such…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a staple interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales in this system, as…
- It is one of two intervals that can generate this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Diatonic MOS
- Can easily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- Is the basic representation of the Serviant, and thus…
- It is the basic interval for framing a standard tetrachord in this system
- Is a frequent destination for motion away from the Tonic harmony either upwards or downwards
- Is one of four perfect consonances in this system
- Is the closest approximation of the 12edo Perfect Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Inherits a sizable portion of its functionality from its 53edo counterpart, including…
- A chain of 53 Perfect Fourths closing at the octave due to Mercator's comma being tempered out
- Virtually all of its functionality in the realm of Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales and Diatonic functional harmony
- New elements to its functionality include…
- New approaches enabled by this system supporting temperaments such as sextilififths
- A sizable chunk of its functionality in the realm of Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony
Wide Fourth
This interval…
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a sound and feel akin to that seen in Flattone temperament
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Perfect Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Perfect Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Narrow Acute Fourth
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit interval, which, in this system…
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a softness so extreme as to be quasi-equalized
- Is reachable through stacking four of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Second
- Is the closest approximation of the 7edo Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Lesser Acute Fourth
This interval…
- Is one of two xenharmonic intervals that appear in the otherwise traditional settings of Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Specifically, it is found between the Major Third and Major Sixth in the Lydian Mode of the familiar Ptolemaic Sequence, and is ideally in the exact same position for both Ionian and Mixolydian modes, though this technically results in there being Diatonic scales of different varieties—namely the Bilawal and Myxian scale types
- It is useful for overtly making the VImin chord of these modes do what a traditional deceptive cadence normally does
- Is one of two intervals that can generate an Antidiatonic MOS with a sound and feel that blends in easily with traditional Western-Classical-based Diatonic harmonies
- Is reachable through stacking twelve of this system's approximation of the 2nd Undecimal Neutral Second and octave-reducing
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as marveltwin chords and ibnsinmic chords in the 27-odd-limit
S4, kM4
Greater Acute Fourth
Gt<↓, G↑/, Adb<
This interval…
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Septimal Subminor Third
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the Large Septendecimal Semitone
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Major Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RkM4, ud5
Wide Acute Fourth, Infra-Diminished Fifth
Gt>↓, Adb>
This interval…
- Is extremely useful as an imperfect dissonance in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony
- Has interesting functions in undecimal harmony in which it can act as both an acute fourth and an infra-augmented fourth
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Parachromatic interval formed by taking both an Apotome and an Al-Farabi Quartertone away from a Perfect Fifth, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of sesquiflat-fifth when acting in this capacity
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Submajor Seventh
rM4, Rud5
Narrow Paramajor Fourth, Retrodiptolemaic Diminished Fifth
Gt<\, G↑↑, Ab↓↓
This interval…
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Classic Major Second…….
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Diminished Fifth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Superfourth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
M4, rKud5
Paramajor Fourth, Lesser Sub-Diminished Fifth
Gt<, Adb<↑
This interval…
- Is one of the key intervals on the Paradiatonic scale, and one of the key Paradiatonic intervals in Western-Classical-based Parachromatic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as an Intersubiant due to its ambisonance and its properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- It has the potential to move up towards to the Dominant harmony through a Paradiatonic motion, a motion which…
- When used as the roots of two successive chords, is known as a simul cadence
- It has the potential to move back down to a Serviant harmony through a Parachromatic quatertone-type motion
- It has the potential to move up towards an Interregnant harmony through a Paradiatonic semitone-type motion, with this move granting additional follow-up options
- Is reachable through stacking eight of this system's approximation of the Septendecimal Whole Tone and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Major Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Paramajor Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RM4, uA4, Kud5
Infra-Augmented Fourth, Greater Sub-Diminished Fifth
Gt>, Adb>↑
This interval…
- It can be thought of as a type of fifth when acting in this capacity
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Parachromatic interval that results from subtracting an Al-Farabi Quartertone from a Pythagorean Augmented Fourth, and as such…
- It can be thought of as a type of fourth when acting in this capacity
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Undecimal Major Seventh
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Septendecimal Minor Third
kkA4, RuA4, kd5
Diptolemaic Augmented Fourth, Retroptolemaic Diminished Fifth
G#↓↓, Ab↓
This interval…
- It frequently acts as an Augmented Fourth in Western-Classical-based harmony
- It acts as an Augmented Fourth in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Diminished Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Augmented Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rKuA4, Rkd5
Lesser Sub-Augmented Fourth, Artoretromean Diminished Fifth
Gt<↑, Ab↓/
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit interval formed by stacking a Syntonic Comma on top of a Paramajor Fourth, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of fourth when acting in this capacity
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Undecimal Infraoctave
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Neo-Gothic Minor Third
KuA4, rd5
Greater Sub-Augmented Fourth, Tendoretromean Diminished Fifth
Gt>↑, Ab\
This interval…
- It occurs frequently in septimal harmony, especially in harmonic seventh chords
- Is reachable through stacking eleven of this system's approximation of the Al-Farabi Quartertone
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Augmented Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kA4, d5
Ptolemaic Augmented Fourth, Pythagorean Diminished Fifth
Ab, G#↓
This interval…
- Is one of only two intervals in the tritonic region that is allowed to be built directly on top of the Tonic in Western-Classical-based harmony
- It functions as an Augmented Fourth in Western-Classical-based functional harmony by default, and is the signature interval of 5-limit Lydian Mode
- It functions as a Diminished Fifth when acting in this capacity, though this usually only occurs due to voice-leading or the stacking of Pythagorean intervals
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Middle Major Second
RkA4, Rd5
Artomean Augmented Fourth, Artomean Diminished Fifth
G#↓/, Ab/
This interval…
- It can be thought of as a type of augmented fourth when acting in this capacity
- Is reachable through stacking fourteen of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Second and octave-reducing
- Is one of two intervals that serve as the closest approximation of the Semioctave found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in 10edo, 12edo and 22edo, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as ainismic chords
rKd5, rA4
Tendomean Diminished Fifth, Tendomean Augmented Fourth
Ab↑\, G#\
This interval…
- It can be thought of as a type of diminished fifth when acting in this capacity
- Is reachable through stacking four of this system's approximation of the Low-Complexity JI Neutral Second
- Is one of two intervals that serve as the closest approximation of the Semioctave found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in 10edo, 12edo and 22edo, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as ainismic chords
Kd5, A4
Ptolemaic Diminished Fifth, Pythagorean Augmented Fourth
Ab↑, G#
This interval…
- Is one of only two intervals in the tritonic region that is allowed to be built directly on top of the Tonic in Western-Classical-based harmony
- It functions as a Diminished Fifth in Western-Classical-based functional harmony by default, and is the signature interval of 5-limit Locrian Mode
- It functions as an Augmented Fourth when acting in this capacity, though this usually only occurs due to voice-leading or the stacking of Pythagorean intervals
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Larger Septendecimal Tritone and octave-reducing
kUd5, RA4
Lesser Super-Diminished Fifth, Artoretromean Augmented Fourth
Ad<↓, G#/
This interval…
- It occurs frequently in septimal harmony, especially in inversions of harmonic seventh chords
- Is reachable through stacking four of this system's approximation of the Just Paramajor Fifth and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Diminished Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RkUd5, rKA4
Greater Super-Diminished Fifth, Tendoretromean Augmented Fourth
Ad>↓, G#↑\
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit interval formed by subtracting a Syntonic Comma from a Paraminor Fifth, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of fifth when acting in this capacity
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Undecimal Ultraoctave
- Is reachable through stacking eleven of this system's approximation of the Undecimal Submajor Second
KKd5, rUDd5, KA4
Diptolemaic Diminished Fifth, Retroptolemaic Augmented Fourth
Ab↑↑, G#↑
This interval…
- It frequently acts as a Diminished Fifth in Western-Classical-based harmony
- It acts as a Diminished Fifth in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Augmented Fourth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Diminished Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rm5, Ud5, kUA4
Ultra-Diminished Fifth, Lesser Super-Augmented Fourth
Ad<, Gt#<↓
This interval…
- It can be thought of as a type of fourth when acting in this capacity
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Parachromatic interval that results from stacking an Al-Farabi Quartertone on top of a Pythagorean Diminished Fifth, and as such…
- It can be thought of as a type of fifth when acting in this capacity
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Second
m5, RkUA4
Paraminor Fifth, Greater Super-Augmented Fourth
Ad>, Gt#>↓
This interval…
- Is one of the key intervals on the Paradiatonic scale, and one of the key Paradiatonic intervals in Western-Classical-based Parachromatic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as an Interregnant due to its ambisonance and its properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- It has the potential to move back down to a Serviant harmony through a Paradiatonic motion
- It has the potential to move up towards to the Dominant harmony through a Parachromatic quatertone-type motion
- It has the potential to move back down to an Intersubiant harmony through a Paradiatonic semitone-type motion, with this move granting additional follow-up options
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Submajor Third and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Minor Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Paraminor Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Rm5, rUA4
Wide Paraminor Fifth, Retrodiptolemaic Augmented Fourth
Ad<\, G#↑, Ab↑↑
This interval…
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Septendecimal Whole Tone
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Augmented Fourth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Subfifth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rKm5, UA4
Narrow Grave Fifth, Ultra-Augmented Fourth
Ad<↑, Gt#<
This interval…
- Is extremely useful as an imperfect dissonance in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony
- Has interesting functions in undecimal harmony in which it can act as both an grave fifth and an ultra-augmented fourth
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Parachromatic interval formed by stacking both an Apotome and an Al-Farabi Quartertone on top of a Perfect Fourth, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of sesquisharp-fourth when acting in this capacity
- Is reachable through stacking thirteen of this system's approximation of the Alpharabian Artoneutral Second and octave-reducing
s5, Km5
Lesser Grave Fifth
Ad>↑, A↓\, Gt#>
This interval…
- Is reachable through stacking four of this system's approximation of the Werckismic Subfourth and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Minor Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Greater Grave Fifth
This interval…
- Is one of two xenharmonic intervals that appear in the otherwise traditional settings of Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Specifically, it is found between the Minor Third and Minor Seventh in the Locrian Mode of the familiar Ptolemaic Sequence, and is ideally in the exact same position for, Phrygian, Aeolian and Dorian modes, though this technically results in there being Diatonic scales of different varieties—namely the Contrazarlino, Contrabilawal and Contramyxian scale types
- It is useful for overtly making the VImin chord of these modes do what a traditional deceptive cadence normally does
- Is one of two intervals that can generate an Antidiatonic MOS with a sound and feel that blends in easily with traditional Western-Classical-based Diatonic harmonies
- Is reachable through stacking ten of this system's approximation of the Large Tridecimal Third-Tone
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as marveltwin chords and ibnsinmic chords in the 27-odd-limit
Wide Grave Fifth
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit interval, which, in this system…
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a softness so extreme as to be quasi-equalized
- Is reachable through stacking seven of this system's approximation of the Small Septendecimal Semitone due to the combination of commas tempered out in this system
- Is the closest approximation of the 7edo Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Narrow Fifth
This interval…
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a sound and feel akin to that seen in Flattone temperament
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Low-Complexity JI Neutral Third
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Perfect Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Perfect Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Perfect Fifth
This interval…
- Approximates the Perfect Fifth or Octave-Reduced Third Harmonic, and as such…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a staple interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales in this system, as…
- It is one of two intervals that can generate this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Diatonic MOS
- Can easily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- Is the basic representation of the Dominant, and thus…
- It is the basic interval for framing a standard triad in this system
- It can easily move to the Tonic harmony either upwards or downwards
- Is one of four perfect consonances in this system
- Is the closest approximation of the 12edo Perfect Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Inherits a sizable portion of its functionality from its 53edo counterpart, including…
- A chain of 53 Perfect Fifths closing at the octave due to Mercator's comma being tempered out
- Virtually all of its functionality in the realm of Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales and Diatonic functional harmony
- New elements to its functionality include…
- New approaches enabled by this system supporting temperaments such as gamelan and gentle
- A sizable chunk of its functionality in the realm of Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony
Wide Fifth
This interval…
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a sound and feel akin to that seen in Superpyth temperament
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the 2nd Undecimal Neutral Third
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Perfect Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Perfect Fifth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in both Superpyth-based and Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Narrow Acute Fifth
This interval…
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the 2nd Undecimal Neutral Second
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Perfect Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is one of two intervals that can generate a Diatonic MOS with a more extreme hardness than that seen in Ultrapyth temperament
Lesser Acute Fifth
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by stacking a syntonic comma on top of a Perfect Fifth
- Is reachable through stacking two of this system's approximation of the Octave-Reduced Thirteenth Subharmonic
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Septimal Superaugmented Fourth and octave-reducing
S5, kM5
Greater Acute Fifth, Narrow Inframinor Sixth
At<↓, A↑/
This Interval…
- Is really useful for forming unexpected chords in place of a normal fifth
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Superfifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
um6, RkM5
Inframinor Sixth, Wide Acute Fifth
At>↓, Bdb>
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Paradiatonic interval that functions as a syntactic sixth that sounds more like a fifth, and as such…
- It has the potential to move back down to the Interregnant harmony through Paradiatonic motion
- It has the potential to move up to a Contramediant harmony through a type of Chromatic or Parachromatic semitone motion
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Major Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Rm4, KKM3, rUM3
Narrow Paramajor Fifth, Wide Inframinor Sixth
At<\, Bb↓↓, A↑↑
This interval…
- Approximates the Tridecimal Semitenth
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's Paramajor Fifth, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as island chords
M5, rKum6
Paramajor Fifth, Narrow Subminor Sixth
At<, Bdb<↑
This interval…
- Although it is not found on the Paradiatonic scale, it is nevertheless readily serves as one of the key Parachromatic intervals in Western-Classical-based Parachromatic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as a Misodominant due to its dissonance and its properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- It has the potential to move back down to the Tonic harmony through a Paradiatonic motion
- It has the potential to move back down towards a Dominant harmony through a Parachromatic quatertone-type motion
- It has the potential to move back down towards an Interregnant harmony through a Parachromatic semitone-type motion, with this move granting additional follow-up options
- Follows after the pattern of inframinor and ultramajor intervals sounding like members of the adjacent interval classes—specifically, the paramajor fifth sounds more like a sixth than a fifth
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Augmented Fifth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
sm6, Kum6, RM5, uA5
Lesser Subminor Sixth, Infra-Augmented Fifth
At>, Bb↓\
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Marvelous Minor Tenth as a consequence of the hemimage comma being tempered out in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Minor Sixth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
km6, RuA5, kkA5
Greater Subminor Sixth, Diptolemaic Augmented Fifth
Bb↓, At>/, A#↓↓
This interval…
- It functions as an Augmented Fifth in Western-Classical-based functional harmony by default, and is the signature interval of certain 5-limit Non-Diatonic modes such as Lydian Augmented
- Can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony as an extension to the simul cadence due to its relationship to multiple notes
- It is easily very useful when it comes to building chords despite—or perhaps even because of—its dissonance, specifically…
- It is the basic interval for framing a 5-limit augmented triad, though it can also be used for certain other triads
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by subtracting a syntonic comma from a Pythagorean Minor Sixth, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of sixth when acting in this capacity
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Lesser Tridecimal Neutral Tenth as a consequence of the tunbarsma being tempered out in this system
Rkm6, rKuA5
Wide Subminor Sixth, Lesser Sub-Augmented Fifth
Bb↓/, At<↑
This interval…
- Approximates the Septendecimal Minor Sixth
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Minor Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Subminor Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rm6, KuA5
Narrow Minor Sixth, Greater Sub-Augmented Fifth
Bb\, At>↑, A#↓\
This interval…
- Can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony very easily
- Has additional applications in Paradiatonic harmony, particularly…
- When it is found in what is otherwise the traditional Diatonic context of a Minor key
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Submajor Tenth
- Is reachable through stacking eight of this system's approximation of the Axirabian Limma
m6, kA5
Pythagorean Minor Sixth, Ptolemaic Augmented Fifth
Bb, A#↓
This interval…
- Is a viable option in both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a useful interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Can easily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Ptolemaic Minor Sixth in that…
- It is very useful as an interpretation of the dissonant Minor Sixth from Medieval music's florid organum
- It can be used in creating a subtle instability in certain Diatonic harmonies
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Classic Major Tenth
Rm6, RkA5
Artomean Minor Sixth, Artomean Augmented Fifth
Bb/, A#↓/
This interval…
- It is useful for evoking the feel of 12edo in various ways, such as…
- Framing the familiar augmented triads of 12edo
- Performing modulatory maneuvers based around the aforementioned triads
rKm6, rA5
Tendomean Minor Sixth, Tendomean Augmented Fifth
A#\, Bb↑\
This interval…
Km6, A5
Ptolemaic Minor Sixth, Pythagorean Augmented Fifth
A#, Bb↑
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a staple interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Readily occurs as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Pythagorean Minor Sixth in that…
- It is one of four imperfect consonances in this system, rendering it extremely suitable for use in a spaced out Tonic chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- Serves as the frame for oddly charming augmented chords
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Minor Sixth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Minor Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RKm6, kn6, RA5
Wide Minor Sixth, Artoretromean Augmented Fifth
Bd<↓, Bb↑/, A#/
This interval…
- Is the widest interval that can reasonably be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony as a type of Minor Sixth
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Minor Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Minor Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kN6, rKA5
Lesser Supraminor Sixth, Tendoretromean Augmented Fifth
Bd>↓, A#↑\
This interval…
- Approximates the Tridecimal Supraminor Sixth and a similar 11-limit interval that acts as the Supraminor counterpart to the Undecimal Submajor Sixth
- Is this system's closest approximation of acoustic phi
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Major Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
KKm6, rn6, KA5
Greater Supraminor Sixth, Retroptolemaic Augmented Fifth
Bd<\, Bb↑↑, A#↑
This interval
- Is rather common in Paradiatonic melodies and harmonies, in particular…
- It shows up as a key interval in the minor simul chord.
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Minor Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Supraminor Third, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
n6, SA5, kUA5
Artoneutral Sixth, Lesser Super-Augmented Fifth
Bd<, At#<↓
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It serves as the smaller and more dissonant of two Neutral Sixths in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Perfect Fifth through a Paradiatonic "wide semitone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Greater Supermajor Sixth through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Neutral Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
N6, RkUA5
Tendoneutral Sixth, Greater Super-Augmented Fifth
Bd>, At#>↓
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It is a staple interval of the Western-Classical based Paradiatonic scale in this system
- It serves as the larger and more consonant of two Neutral Sixths in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Perfect Fifth through a Paradiatonic "narrow whole tone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Greater Supermajor Sixth through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Neutral Sixth in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Middle Sixth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
kkM6, RN6, rUA5
Lesser Submajor Sixth, Retrodiptolemaic Augmented Fifth
Bd>/, B↓↓, At#>↓/, A#↑↑
This interval…
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as tannic chords
- Is reachable through stacking six of this system's approximation of the 2nd Undecimal Neutral Second
- Is the closest approximation of the 7edo Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Submajor Sixth, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
Kn6, UA5
Greater Submajor Sixth, Ultra-Augmented Fifth
Bd<↑, At#<
This interval…
- Approximates the Undecimal Submajor Sixth
- Is one half of this system's approximation of the Undecimal Grave Infra-Augmented Eleventh
rkM6, KN6
Narrow Major Sixth
Bd>↑, B↓\, At#>
This interval…
- Is the narrowest interval that can reasonably be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony as a type of Major Sixth
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Major Sixth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Ptolemaic Major Sixth
B↓, Cb
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general, and in particular…
- It is a staple interval in Western-Classical-based Diatonic scales
- Readily occurs as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Pythagorean Major Sixth in that…
- It is one of four imperfect consonances in this system, rendering it extremely suitable for use in a spaced out Tonic chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- Is surprisingly ill-suited for use as the interval between the Tonic and the Major Sixth scale degree above it in a fixed-pitch Bass-Up Diatonic system due to it creating a wolf fifth in a less-than-ideal location within the main scale
- Is reachable through stacking six of this system's approximation of the low complexity Undecimal Neutral Third and octave-reducing
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Major Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Artomean Major Sixth
This interval…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Can easily be used in modulatory maneuvers similar to those performed by Jacob Collier
Tendomean Major Sixth
This interval…
- It is the closest approximation of 12edo's Major Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is reachable through stacking seven of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Second
Pythagorean Major Sixth
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic motion in general
- Readily occurs as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony
- It differs from the Ptolemaic Minor Third in that…
- It is very useful as an interpretation of the dissonant Minor Third from Medieval music's florid organum
- It can be used in creating a subtle instability in certain Diatonic harmonies
- It is the optimal choice for use as the interval between the Tonic and the Major Sixth scale degree above it in a fixed-pitch Bass-Up Diatonic system due to it creating a wolf fifth in one of the two possible ideal locations within the main scale
- Is reachable through stacking six of this system's approximation of the low complexity Undecimal Neutral Second
- Is reachable through stacking eight of this system's approximation of the Apotome as a consequence of Mercator's comma being tempered out in this system
Wide Major Sixth
B/, Cd<↓
This interval…
- Can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony very easily
- Has additional applications in Paradiatonic harmony, particularly…
- When it is found in what is otherwise the traditional Diatonic context of a Major key
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as gentle chords, ainismic chords and nicolic chords
Narrow Supermajor Sixth
B↑\, Cd>↓
This interval…
- Approximates the Septendecimal Major Sixth
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's Major Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Major Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Lesser Supermajor Sixth
B↑, Cd<\, Cb↑↑, A##
This interval…
- It can be thought of as a type of seventh when acting in this capacity
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by stacking a syntonic comma on top of a Pythagorean Major Sixth, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of sixth when acting in this capacity
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Major Sixth in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Supermajor Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
SM6, kUM6
Greater Supermajor Second, Narrow Inframinor Seventh
Cb<, Bt<↓, B↑/
This interval…
- Can readily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, as per this system's version of the Dinner Party Rules, and it should be noted that…
- This causes ambisonance, so chords that utilize it are prone to decomposition
- It readily serves as one of the key Paradiatonic intervals in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as a Varicant due to its semiambitonal properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- It is useful in forming ambisonant triads framed by the Perfect Twelfth
- Is very useful for essentially tempered chords such as Keenanismic chords
um7, RkUM6
Inframinor Seventh, Wide Supermajor Sixth
Cd>, Bt>↓
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Paradiatonic interval that functions as a syntactic seventh that sounds more like a sixth, and as such…
- It has the potential to move up towards the Subtonic through a parachromatic motion
- It has the potential to move back down to a Contramediant harmony through a diatonic or paradiatonic motion
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the Grossmic Whole Tone due to the combination of commas tempered out in this system
KKM6, kkm7, rUM6, Rum7
Narrow Ultramajor Sixth, Wide Inframinor Seventh, Semitwelfth
Bt<\, Cd>/, B↑↑, C↓↓
This interval…
- It can be in triads framed by a Perfect Twelfth
- Is one half of a Perfect Twelfth in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Semitwelfth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's Semitwelfth, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
UM6, rKum7
Ultramajor Sixth, Narrow Subminor Seventh
Bt<, Cd<↑
This interval…
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Paradiatonic interval that functions as a syntactic sixth that sounds more like a seventh, and as such…
- It has the potential to move up towards the Subtonic through a diatonic or paradiatonic motion
- It has the potential to move back down to a Submediant harmony through a parachromatic motion
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Minor Seventh slash Major Sixth found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
sm7, Kum7
Lesser Subminor Seventh, Wide Ultramajor Sixth
Bt>, Cd>↑, C↓\
This interval…
- Can readily occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, as per this system's version of the Dinner Party Rules, and it should be noted that…
- This causes ambisonance, so chords that utilize it are prone to decomposition
- It readily serves as one of the key Paradiatonic intervals in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, since…
- It functions as a Varicant due to its semiambitonal properties relative to the Diatonic scale
- It is useful in forming ambisonant triads framed by the Perfect Twelfth
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Subminor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Greater Subminor Seventh
C↓, Bt>/, B#↓↓, Dbb
This interval…
- It readily appears in approximations of 5-limit Neapolitan scales
- Approximates a complex 5-limit interval formed by subtracting a syntonic comma from a Pythagorean Minor Seventh, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of seventh when acting in this capacity
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Subminor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Wide Subminor Seventh
C↓/, Bt<↑
This interval…
- Can be used as an unexpected option for an augmented sixth in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Approximates a complex 11-limit interval formed by subtracting a Parapotome from a Classic Major Seventh, and thus…
- It can be thought of as a type of seventh when acting in this capacity
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the Middle Major Second
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Minor Seventh in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Narrow Minor Seventh
C\, Bt>↑
This interval…
- It is very likely to be treated as a type of minor seventh when working in Neo-Medieval harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Minor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Pythagorean Minor Seventh
C, B#↓
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic voice-leading
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this crowds the octave, and is thus prone to decomposition
- It readily serves as a Diatonic Minor Seventh in both Western-Classical-based functional harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony in general, since…
- It functions as a Double Serviant due to being the result of stacking two Perfect Fourths
- Is reachable through stacking three of this system's approximation of the Undecimal Supraminor Third
- Is one of two intervals that serve as the closest approximation of the 12edo Minor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Artomean Minor Seventh
C/, B#↓/
This interval…
- Approximates the Middle Minor Seventh
- Is one of two intervals that serve as the closest approximation of the 12edo Minor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Minor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Tendomean Minor Seventh
C↑\, B#\
This interval…
- Is useful for modulating to keys that are not found on the same circle of fifths
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Minor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
Ptolemaic Minor Seventh
C↑, B#
This interval…
- Can be used readily in both melodic and harmonic voice-leading in general
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this crowds the octave, and is thus prone to decomposition
- It readily serves as a Diatonic Minor Seventh in Western-Classical-based functional harmony, since…
- It has close affinities with the Dominant due to being located at roughly a Ptolemaic Minor Third away from it
- Is reachable through stacking five of this system's approximation of the Pythagorean Major Second
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's own Minor Seventh in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RKm7, kn7
Wide Minor Seventh
Ct<↓, C↑/, Ddb<, B#/
This interval…
- Is reachable through stacking eight of this system's approximation of the Tridecimal Supraminor Second
- Is the closest approximation of the 7edo Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kN7, ud8
Lesser Supraminor Seventh, Infra-Diminished Octave
Ct>↓, Ddb>, B#↑\
This interval…
- Approximates the Undecimal Supraminor Seventh and a similar 13-limit interval that acts as the Supraminor counterpart to the Tridecimal Submajor Seventh
- It can be thought of as a type of seventh in voice-leading
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Parachromatic interval formed by subtracting an Al-Farabi Quartertone and an Apotome from an Octave, and thus…
- It can be thought of as the inverse of a type of sesquichroma when acting in this capacity
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Minor Seventh in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
KKm7, rn7, Rud8
Greater Supraminor Seventh, Retrodiptolemaic Diminished Octave
Ct<\, C↑↑, Ddb<↑\, Db↓↓
This interval…
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Middle Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Supraminor Seventh, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
n7, rKud8
Artoneutral Seventh, Lesser Sub-Diminished Octave
Ct<, Ddb<↑
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this crowds the octave, and is thus prone to decomposition
- It serves as the smaller and more consonant of two Neutral Sevenths in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Pythagorean Major Sixth through a Paradiatonic "wide semitone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Greater Supermajor Seventh through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Neutral Seventh in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
N7, sd8
Tendoneutral Seventh, Greater Sub-Diminished Octave
Ct>, Ddb>↑
This interval…
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It serves as the larger and more dissonant of two Neutral Sevenths in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Has the potential to move to the Pythagorean Major Sixth through a Paradiatonic "narrow whole tone" motion
- Has the potential to move to the Greater Supermajor Seventh through a type of Chromatic semitone motion
- Is the closest approximation of 17edo's Neutral Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kkM7, RN7, kd8
Lesser Submajor Seventh, Diptolemaic Major Seventh, Retroptolemaic Diminished Octave
Ct>/, C#↓↓, Db↓
This interval…
- It frequently acts as the inverse of a diatonic semitone in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Approximates the Tridecimal Neutral Seventh
- Is found in 53edo as that system's Submajor Seventh, and can thus be used to create identical-sounding melodic and harmonic gestures in this system
Kn7, Rkd8
Greater Submajor Seventh, Artoretromean Diminished Octave
Ct<↑, Db↓/
This interval…
- Approximates the Tridecimal Submajor Seventh and a similar 11-limit interval that acts as the Submajor counterpart to the Undecimal Supraminor Seventh, and thus…
- It demonstrates leading-tone functionality
- Approximates a complex yet rooted 17-limit interval relative to the Tonic and can be used…
- As an unexpected option for a Diatonic Major Seventh in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Major Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rkM7, KN7, rd8
Narrow Major Seventh, Tendoretromean Diminished Octave
Ct>↑, C#↓\, Db\
This interval…
- It functions as both a type of Diminished Oetave and a type of Major Seventh in septimal harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 10edo's Major Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
kM7, d8
Ptolemaic Major Seventh, Pythagorean Diminished Octave
Db, C#↓
This interval…
- Is one of the staples of both melodic and harmonic voice-leading
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this crowds the octave, and is thus prone to decomposition
- It readily serves as the traditional Major Seventh in 5-limit Western-Classical-based functional harmony and thus…
- Has the potential to move directly up to the Tonic as a Lead, though in non-meantone systems like this one, such a gesture using this interval has a slightly more lax and natural feel
- Has close affinities with the Dominant due to being located at roughly a Ptolemaic Major Third away from it
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RkM7, Rd8
Artomean Major Seventh, Artomean Diminished Octave
Db/, C#↓/
This interval…
- Can be used as an unexpected option for a Major Seventh in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Can be used as a type of Diminished Octave in undecimal harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Lesser Major Seventh in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Faux-Classical-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since the biyatisma is not tempered out
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
rM7, rKd8
Tendomean Major Seventh, Tendomean Diminished Octave
C#\, Db↑\
This interval…
- Can be used as an unexpected option for a Diminished Octave in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Can be used as a type of Major Seventh in undecimal harmony
- Is the closest approximation of the 12edo Major Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
M7, Kd8
Pythagorean Major Seventh, Ptolemaic Diminished Octave
C#, Db↑
This interval…
- Can be used readily in both melodic and harmonic voice-leading in general
- Can occur as the distance between two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony, though this causes dissonance, and thus requires resolution
- It serves as a Diatonic Major Seventh in both Western-Classical-based functional harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony in general, and thus…
- Has the potential to move directly up to the Tonic as a Lead, though in non-meantone systems like this one, such a gesture using this interval has a slightly more tense feel
- It serves as a Diminished Octave in the 5-limit Diatonic settings that are common to Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 13edo's own Major Seventh in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Warped Diatonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
RM7, kUd8
Wide Major Seventh, Lesser Super-Diminished Octave
C#/, Dd<↓
This interval…
- It serves as a type of Major Seventh when resolving septimal harmony constructions to classic harmony constructions
- It serves as a type of Diminished Octave in undecimal harmony constructions
rKM7, RkUd8
Narrow Supermajor Seventh, Greater Super-Diminished Octave
C#↑\, Dd>↓
This interval…
- Approximates multiple complex 17-limit intervals relative to the Tonic and can be used…
- As an unexpected option for a Diminished Octave in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's Supermajor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in certain similar melodic and harmonic gestures, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 16edo's Supermajor Seventh found in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
km2, RuA1, kkA1
Lesser Supermajor Seventh, Diptolemaic Diminished Octave
C#↑, Db↑↑
This interval…
- It frequently acts as a Diminished Octave in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
SM7, kUM7, Ud8
Greater Supermajor Seventh, Narrow Infraoctave, Ultra-Diminished Octave
Dd<, C#↑/
This interval…
- Is the narrowest interval that has the potential to move directly up to the Tonic as a Lead in Western-Classical-based harmony and Neo-Medieval harmony
- Compared to other options, it has a markedly more tense feel
- Can be used as an unexpected option for a Diminished Octave in Western-Classical-based harmony
- Is the closest approximation of 19edo's Diminished Octave found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used for similar modulatory moves, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Can be used for tonality-flux-based chord progressions
u8, RkUM7
Infraoctave, Wide Supermajor Seventh
Dd>, Ct#>↓
This interval…
- It functions as the inverse of the default parachromatic quartertone in Western-Classical-based Paradiatonic functional harmony, and thus…
- Can be used more overtly in both melodic and harmonic voice-leading in general, though doing so in Western-Classical-based music requires a proper set-up
- Cannot occur as the distance between any two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony due to its dissonance
- Has the potential to move directly up to the Tonic through a Parachromatic quartertone motion
- Has the potential to move away from the Tonic back towards either a Lead or Subtonic harmony through a type of Diatonic or Paradiatonic semitone motion
- Is the closest approximation of 22edo's Greater Major Seventh in this system, and thus…
- Can be used in Superpyth-based melodic and harmonic gestures reminiscent of those found in that system, albeit with caveats, since such moves on their own don't work the exact same way in this system
- Is the closest approximation of 24edo's own Infraoctave in this system, and thus…
- Follows similar interval arithmetic logic in relation to Pythagorean intervals, albeit with caveats, since the rastma is not tempered out
- Is one of the more important intervals for use in tonality-flux-based chord progressions
KKM7, rUM7, Ru8
Narrow Ultramajor Seventh, Wide Infraoctave
C#↑↑, Dd>/
This interval…
- It functions like an Infraoctave in that…
- It has the potential to move directly up to the Tonic through a parachromatic motion
- It has the potential to move away from the Tonic back towards either a Lead or Subtonic harmony through a diatonic or paradiatonic motion
- It cannot occur as the distance between any two notes in a single chord in Western-Classical-based polypedal harmony due to its dissonance
- It functions like an Ultramajor Seventh in that…
- It can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony as part of a contrapuntal passage in which both of the notes separated by this interval in one voice work well against the notes in all other voices
- It can be used in Western-Classical-based harmony for hidden voice-leading in the middle voices
- Is one of the more important intervals for use in tonality-flux-based chord progressions
UM7, rKu8
Ultramajor Seventh, Wide Superprime
Ct#<, Dd<↑
This interval…
- Approximates the Undecimal Suboctave
- Approximates a complex 11-limit Paradiatonic quartertone that is the namesake of 24edo's own Ultramajor Seventh
- Is the closest approximation of 31edo's own Suboctave found in this system, and thus…
- Is capable of being used in progressions reminiscent of that system's spiral progressions
- Is a dissonance to be avoided in Western-Classical-based harmony unless…
- Used for tonality-flux-based chord progressions
- Used in a contrapuntal passage in which both of the notes separated by this interval in one voice work well against the notes in all other voices
- Deliberately used for expressive purposes
- A non-chord passing tone
- The destination for a glissando
s8, Ku8
Lesser Suboctave, Wide Ultramajor Seventh
Ct#>, Dd>↑
This interval…
- Can function as both a type of Suboctave and a type of Ultramajor Seventh in this system
- Can be considered a type of Suboctave
- Is a dissonance to be avoided in Western-Classical-based harmony unless…
- Used in a contrapuntal passage in which both of the notes separated by this interval in one voice work well against the notes in all other voices
- Deliberately used for expressive purposes
- An appoggiatura
- An acciaccatura
- Part of a series of quick passing tones
- The destination for a glissando
Greater Suboctave
This interval…
- An appoggiatura
- An acciaccatura
- Part of a series of quick passing tones
Wide Suboctave
This interval…
- Approximates the ptolemismic suboctave and the biyatismic suboctave
- Is useful for slight dissonances that create noticeable tension
- Can only be approached in melodic lines indirectly with one or more intervening notes
Narrow Octave
This interval…
- Approximates the rastmic narrow octave
- Approximates the marvelous narrow octave
- Is useful for slight dissonances that convey something less than satisfactory
- Can only be approached in melodic lines indirectly with one or more intervening notes
- Can add to the bandwidth of a sound
Perfect Octave
This interval…
- Is the reduplication of a chord's root in this system
- Is the reduplication of the Tonic in this system
- Is one of four perfect consonances in this system
- Is the most common equave due in part to the properties human hearing in relation to pitch-chroma matching