Musical notation

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Types of notation

This is a list of some of the notations that have been used or proposed for composing/performing xenharmonic music.

Intended for any tuning

Intended for just intonation

See also: Just intonation.

Intended for MOS scales and any temperaments containing them

See also: MOS scale, Temperament, Regular temperament.

Intended for both equal and unequal temperaments

Intended for equal temperaments

See also: Equal-step tuning, Equal division of the octave.

Multiple temperaments

One specific temperament

Eclectic selection of scales, defying the above boundaries

Microtonal scores

See the dedicated Scores page.

Microtonal fonts

Notation program/editors for microtonal music

See the dedicated list at the page: Software #Notation software.

See also

External links

Icon-Todo.png Todo: intro

Write an introduction briefly discussing the history and present state of microtonal notation.