Richie's HEJI extensions

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Richie's HEJI extensions are a set of 9 pairs of accidentals, designed by richie, that extend Helmholtz–Ellis notation's accidentals from the 47-limit to the 89-limit. These allow the notation of just intonation intervals with much higher prime factors, which are encountered relatively often with some approaches to JI such as primodality and music making use of isoharmonic chords.

These accidentals are available as an OpenType font (see File:HEJI

The harmonic series scales from the gallery below are also available as a Dorico template (see File:Harmonic Series

descending ascending prime ratio otonal alteration (±) cent deviation
53 53/54 - 32.4
59 236/243 - 50.6
61 244/243 + 7.1
67 2144/2187 - 34.4
71 71/72 - 24.2
73 73/72 + 23.9
79 79/81 - 43.3
83 249/256 - 48.0
89 712/729 - 40.9
