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← 68edo69edo70edo →
Prime factorization 3 × 23
Step size 17.3913¢ 
Fifth 40\69 (695.652¢)
Semitones (A1:m2) 4:7 (69.57¢ : 121.7¢)
Dual sharp fifth 41\69 (713.043¢)
Dual flat fifth 40\69 (695.652¢)
Dual major 2nd 12\69 (208.696¢) (→4\23)
Consistency limit 5
Distinct consistency limit 5

69 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 69edo or 69ed2), also called 69-tone equal temperament (69tet) or 69 equal temperament (69et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 69 equal parts of about 17.4 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/69, or the 69th root of 2. Nice.


69edo has been called "the love-child of 23edo and quarter-comma meantone". As a meantone system, it is on the flat side, with a fifth of 695.652 cents. Such a fifth is closer to 2/7-comma meantone than 1/4-comma, and is nearly identical to that of "Synch-Meantone", or Wilson's equal beating meantone, wherein the perfect fifth and the major third beat at equal rates. Therefore 69edo can be treated as a closed system of Synch-Meantone for most purposes.

69edo offers two kinds of meantone 12-tone scales. One is the raw meantone scale, which has a 7:4 step ratio, and other is period-3 lithium scale, which has a 6:5 step ratio and stems from a temperament tempering out 3125/3087 along with 81/80. It should be noted that while the lithium scale has a meantone fifth, it produces a tcherepnin scale instead of traditional diatonic.

In the 7-limit it is a mohajira system, tempering out 6144/6125, but not a septimal meantone system, as 126/125 maps to one step. In the 11-limit it tempers out 99/98, and supports the 31&69 variant of mohajira, identical to the standard 11-limit mohajira in 31edo but not in 69.

The concoctic scale for 69edo is 22\69, and the corresponding rank two temperament is 22 & 69, defined by tempering out the [-41, 1, 17⟩ comma in the 5-limit.

Odd harmonics

Approximation of odd harmonics in 69edo
Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Error Absolute (¢) -6.30 -3.71 +5.09 +4.79 +5.20 -5.75 +7.38 -0.61 -1.86 -1.22 -2.19
Relative (%) -36.2 -21.3 +29.3 +27.5 +29.9 -33.0 +42.5 -3.5 -10.7 -7.0 -12.6

Table of intervals

Degree Carmen's naming system Cents Approximate Ratios* Error (abs, ¢)
0 Natural Unison, 1 0.000 1/1 0.000
1 Ptolemy's comma 17.391 100/99 -0.008
2 Jubilisma, lesser septimal sixth tone 34.783 50/49, 101/99 -0.193, 0.157
3 lesser septendecimal quartertone, _____ 52.174 34/33, 101/98 0.491, -0.028
4 _____ 69.565 76/73 -0.158
5 Small undevicesimal semitone 86.957 20/19 -1.844
6 Large septendecimal semitone 104.348 17/16 -0.608
7 Septimal diatonic semitone 121.739 15/14 2.296
8 Tridecimal neutral second 139.130 13/12 0.558
9 Vicesimotertial neutral second 156.522 23/21 -0.972
10 Undevicesimal large neutral second, undevicesimal whole tone 173.913 21/19 0.645
11 Quasi-meantone 191.304 19/17 -1.253
12 Whole tone 208.696 9/8 4.786
13 Septimal whole tone 226.087 8/7 -5.087
14 Vicesimotertial semifourth 243.478 23/20 1.518
15 Subminor third, undetricesimal subminor third 260.870 7/6, 29/25 -6.001, 3.920
16 Vicesimotertial subminor third 278.261 27/23 0.670
17 Pythagorean minor third 295.652 32/27 1.517
18 Classic minor third 313.043 6/5 -2.598
19 Vicesimotertial supraminor third 330.435 23/19 -0.327
20 Undecimal neutral third 347.826 11/9 0.418
21 Septendecimal submajor third 365.217 21/17 -0.608
22 Classic major third 382.609 5/4 -3.705
23 Undetricesimal major third, Septendecimal major third 400.000 29/23, 34/27 -1.303, 0.910
24 Undecimal major third 417.391 14/11 -0.117
25 Supermajor third 434.783 9/7 -0.301
26 Barbados third 452.174 13/10 -2.040
27 Septimal sub-fourth 469.565 21/16 -1.216
28 _____ 486.957 53/40 -0.234
29 Just perfect fourth 504.348 4/3 6.303
30 Vicesimotertial acute fourth 521.739 23/17 -1.580
31 Undecimal augmented fourth 539.130 15/11 2.180
32 Undecimal superfourth, undetricesimal superfourth 556.522 11/8, 29/21 5.204, -2.275
33 Narrow tritone, classic augmented fourth 573.913 7/5, 25/18 -8.600, 5.196
34 _____ 591.304 31/22 -2.413
35 High tritone, undevicesimal tritone 608.696 10/7, 27/19 -8.792, 0.344
36 _____ 626.087 33/23 1.088
37 Undetricesimal tritone 643.478 29/20 0.215
38 Undevicesimal diminished fifth, undecimal diminished fifth 660.870 19/13, 22/15 3.884, -2.180
39 Vicesimotertial grave fifth, _____ 678.261 34/23, 37/25 1.580, -0.456
40 Just perfect fifth 695.652 3/2 -6.303
41 _____ 713.043 80/53 0.234
42 Super-fifth, undetricesimal super-fifth 730.435 32/21, 29/19 1.216, -1.630
43 Septendecimal subminor sixth 747.826 17/11 -5.811
44 Subminor sixth 765.217 14/9 0.301
45 Undecimal minor sixth 782.609 11/7 0.117
46 Septendecimal subminor sixth 800.000 27/17 -0.910
47 Classic minor sixth 817.391 8/5 3.705
48 Septendecimal supraminor sixth 834.783 34/21 0.608
49 Undecimal neutral sixth 852.174 18/11 -0.418
50 Vicesimotertial submajor sixth 869.565 38/23 0.327
51 Classic major sixth 886.957 5/3 2.598
52 Pythagorean major sixth 904.348 27/16 -1.517
53 Septendecimal major sixth, undetricesimal major sixth 921.739 17/10, 29/17 3.097, -2.883
54 Supermajor sixth, undetricesimal supermajor sixth 939.130 12/7, 50/29 6.001, -3.920
55 Vicesimotertial supermajor sixth 956.522 40/23 -1.518
56 Harmonic seventh 973.913 7/4 5.087
57 Pythagorean minor seventh 991.304 16/9 -4.786
58 Quasi-meantone minor seventh 1008.696 34/19 1.253
59 Minor neutral undevicesimal seventh 1026.087 38/21 -0.645
60 Vicesimotertial neutral seventh 1043.478 42/23 0.972
61 Tridecimal neutral seventh 1060.870 24/13 -0.558
62 Septimal diatonic major seventh 1078.261 28/15 -2.296
63 Small septendecimal major seventh 1095.652 32/17 0.608
64 Small undevicesimal semitone 1113.043 20/19 1.844
65 _____ 1130.435 73/38 0.158
66 Septendecimal supermajor seventh 1147.826 33/17 -0.491
67 _____ 1165.217 49/25 -0.193
68 _____ 1182.609 99/50 0.008
69 Octave, 8 1200.000 2/1 0.000

*some simpler ratios listed

Regular temperament properties

Subgroup Comma List Mapping Optimal
8ve Stretch (¢)
Tuning Error
Absolute (¢) Relative (%)
2.3 [-109 69 [69 109]] +1.99 1.99 11.43
2.3.5 81/80, [-41 1 17 [69 109 160]] +1.86 1.64 9.40 81/80, 126/125, 4117715/3981312 [69 109 160 193]] (69d) +2.49 1.79 10.28 81/80, 3125/3087, 6144/6125 [69 109 160 194]] (69) +0.94 2.13 12.23

Rank 2 temperaments

per 8ve
Generator Temperaments
1 2\69 Gammy (69de)
1 19\69 Rarity
1 20\69 Mohaha (69e)
1 22\69 Caleb (69)
marveltri (69)
1 29\69 Meantone (69d)
3 5\69 Ogene (69bceef)
3 6\69 August (7-limit, 69cdd)
Lithium (69)
3 9\69 Nessafof (69e)


  • Supermajor[11], 3L 8s – 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 7
  • Meantone[7], 5L 2s (gen = 40\69) – 11 11 7 11 11 11 7
  • Meantone[12], 7L 5s (gen = 40\69) – 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 7 4 7 4 7
  • Baroque[12], 4 7 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 7 4 7 (as proposed by Pianoteq plugin)
  • Lithium[9], 11 6 6 11 6 6 11 6 6 - 3L 6s
  • Lithium[12], 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 - 9L 3s

