Arcturus hendecatonic notation

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Arcturus hendecatonic notation is a nonoctave notation system for EDTs and no-twos music, developed by CompactStar. It is based on the 2L 9s⟨3/1⟩ MOS scale generated by approximately 5/3, relating it to Arcturus temperament. The preferred generator for a given EDT is the patent val 5/3.

The 9|1 mode of 2L 9s⟨3/1⟩ is represented by 11 naturals CDEFGHJKLAB, and #/b accidentals are used to raise and lower by a chroma (L - s). For relative notation, the TAMNAMS convention of zero-based indices is used. Assuming Arcturus temperament where 7/3 is mapped to the major 8-step, the chord 3:5:7 is notated as C - H - L (P0 - P5 - M8). To notate larger EDTs, Arcturus hendecatonic notation can be combined with ups and downs notation, with ^/v accidentals raising and lowering by 1 EDTstep.


11edt (equalized):

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11

13edt (Bohlen-Pierce):

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
C Db D, Eb E, Fb F, Gb G, Hb H J J#, Kb K L, Ab A, Bb B C
P0 m1 M1, m2 M2, m3 M3, m4 M4, d5 P5 P6 A6, m7 M7 M8, m9 M9, m10 M10 P11


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
C C#, Dbb Db D Eb E Fb F Gb G G#, Hb H H#, Jb J J#, Kbb Kb K Lb L Ab A Bb B B#, Cb C
P0 A0, d1 m1 M1 m2 M2 m3 M3 m4 M4 A4, d5 P5 A5, d6 P6 A6, d7 m7 M7 m8 M8 m9 M9 m10 M10 A10, d11 P11

VTEMusical notation
Universal Sagittal notation
Just intonation Functional Just SystemBen Johnston's notationHelmholtz–Ellis notationColor notation
MOS scales Diamond-MOS notation
Temperaments Circle-of-fifths notationUps and downs notationSyntonic–rastmic subchroma notationExtended meantone notation
See Musical notation for a longer list of systems by category. See Category:Notation for the most complete, comprehensive list, but not sorted by category.