Fractional sharp notation

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The fractional sharp notation (FSN) is a notation developed by CompactStar that is an extension of chain-of-fifths notation, supporting almost all EDOs and several rank-2 temperament systems. It represents all intervals with conventional accidentals, but with sharps and flats extended to have an arbitrary rational amount, denoted by a superscript, such as #1/2 for half-sharp, except for in the case of single and double accidentals. If ASCII compatibility is required, superscripts can be substituted for carets–in this case, #^(a/b) is preferred over #^a/b for clarity.

#a/b (can be spoken as "a over b sharp") is always taken to raise by a/b chromatic semitones, and ba/b is always taken to lower by a/b chromatic semitones. The "augmented" and "diminished" qualifiers for interval names are also extended to arbitrary rational amounts, where a/b-augmented (a/b-A) widens the interval by a/b chromatic semitones and a/b-diminished (a/b-d) narrows the interval by a/b chromatic semitones. Intervals between minor and major are expressed as a/b-augmented minor or a/b-diminished major (this was suggested by User:Frostburn). For example, 1/3 of the way from a minor third to a major third is a 1/3-augmented minor third, while 2/3 of the way from a minor third to a major third is a 1/3-diminished major third. Because 1/2-augmented minor and 1/2-diminished major are identical, they are instead referred to by the more conventional "neutral" (n).

For EDOs

By using a tempered fifth, almost all EDO tunings are supported, since there is support for not only half-sharps and half-flats, but third-sharps, third-flats and so on. Excluding 1edo-4edo and 8edo, there are four EDOs (all multiples of 7edo) that cannot be notated using the native fifth: 14edo, 21edo, 28edo and 35edo. However, it is still possible to notate them with subset notation, using 42edo's notation for 14edo and 21edo, 56edo's notation for 28edo, and 70edo's notation for 35edo. 35edo can additionally be notated using the b val sharp fifth from 5edo. Antidiatonic fifths may be notated using both the "major wider than minor" and "major narrower than minor" systems, with the former involving swapping sharps/flats, major/minor and augmented/diminished with each other. Accidentals do not stack for large EDOs because of the superscript notation, but the amount of sharps can often be a complicated rational number.

For rank-2 temperaments

A few rank-2 temperaments can be notated, but only ones which have a period of an unsplit octave, and in which the generator can be expressed as an FSN interval category. For example, neutral temperament can have the generator notated as n3, and porcupine temperament can have the generator notated as 1/3-dM2, because the difference between the generator and 9/8 (represented by 81/80, 45/44 and etc.) is equated to 1/3 of an apotome in porcupine. Semaphore is an example of a temperament which does not qualify, because there is no FSN category that implies a semifourth.



Degree Cents Notation
0 0.000 perfect unison P1 D
1 70.588 1/2-aug unison, minor 2nd 1/2-A1, m2 D#1/2, Eb
2 141.176 aug unison, neutral 2nd A1, n2 D#, Eb1/2
3 211.765 major 2nd M2 E
4 282.353 minor 3rd m3 F
5 352.941 neutral 3rd n3 F#1/2
6 423.529 major 3rd M3 F#
7 494.118 perfect 4th P4 G
8 564.706 1/2-aug 4th, dim 5th 1/2-A4, d5 G#1/2, Ab
9 635.294 aug 4th, 1/2-dim 5th A4, 1/2-d5 G#, Ab1/2
10 705.882 perfect 5th P5 A
11 776.471 minor 6th m6 Bb
12 847.059 neutral 6th n6 Bb1/2
13 917.647 major 6th M6 B
14 988.235 minor 7th m7 C
15 1058.824 neutral 7th, dim octave n7, d8 C#1/2, Db
16 1129.412 major 7th, 1/2-dim octave M7, 1/2-d8 C#, Db1/2
17 1200.00 perfect octave P8 D


Degree Cents Notation
0 0.000 perfect unison P1 D
1 54.545 1/3-aug unison, minor 2nd 1/3-A1, m2 D#1/3, Eb
2 109.091 2/3-aug unison, 1/3-aug minor 2nd 2/3-A1, 1/3-AM2 D#2/3, Eb2/3
3 163.636 aug unison, 1/3-dim major 2nd A1, 1/3-dM2 D#, Eb1/3
4 218.182 major 2nd M2 E
5 272.727 minor 3rd m3 F
6 327.273 1/3-aug minor 3rd 1/3-Am3 F#1/3
7 381.818 1/3-dim major 3rd 1/3-dM3 F#2/3
8 436.364 major 3rd M3 F#
9 490.909 perfect fourth P4 G
10 545.455 1/3-aug 4th, dim 5th 1/3-A4, d5 G#1/3, Ab
11 600.000 2/3-aug 4th, 2/3-dim 5th 2/3-A4, 2/3-d5 G#2/3, Ab2/3
12 654.545 aug 4th, 1/3-dim 5th A4, 1/3-d5 G#, Ab1/3
13 709.091 perfect 5th P5 A
14 763.636 minor 6th m6 Bb
15 818.182 1/3-aug minor 6th 1/3-Am6 Bb2/3
16 872.727 1/3-dim major 6th 1/3-dM6 Bb1/3
17 927.273 major 6th M6 B
18 981.818 minor 7th m7 C
19 1036.364 1/3-aug minor 7th 1/3-Am7 C#1/3
20 1090.909 1/3-dim major 7th 1/3-dM7 C#2/3
21 1145.455 major 7th M7 C#
22 1200.000 perfect octave P8 D