1L 7s

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↑1L 6s 2L 6s ↗
1L 7s 2L 7s →
↓1L 8s 2L 8s ↘
Scale structure
Step pattern Lsssssss
Equave 2/1 (1200.0¢)
Period 1\8 (150.0¢)
Generator size
Bright 7\8 to 1\1 (1050.0¢ to 1200.0¢)
Dark 0\1 to 1\8 (0.0¢ to 150.0¢)
TAMNAMS information
Name antipine
Prefix apine-
Abbrev. apine
Related MOS scales
Parent 1L 6s
Sister 7L 1s
Daughters 8L 1s, 1L 8s
Neutralized 2L 6s
2-Flought 9L 7s, 1L 15s
Equal tunings
Equalized (L:s = 1:1) 7\8 (1050.0¢)
Supersoft (L:s = 4:3) 22\25 (1056.0¢)
Soft (L:s = 3:2) 15\17 (1058.8¢)
Semisoft (L:s = 5:3) 23\26 (1061.5¢)
Basic (L:s = 2:1) 8\9 (1066.7¢)
Semihard (L:s = 5:2) 17\19 (1073.7¢)
Hard (L:s = 3:1) 9\10 (1080.0¢)
Superhard (L:s = 4:1) 10\11 (1090.9¢)
Collapsed (L:s = 1:0) 1\1 (1200.0¢)

1L 7s, named antipine in TAMNAMS, is a 2/1-equivalent (octave-equivalent) moment of symmetry scale containing 1 large step and 7 small steps, repeating every octave. Generators that produce this scale range from 1050¢ to 1200¢, or from 0¢ to 150¢. This MOS pattern is somewhat of a wasteland as far as low-harmonic-entropy scales are concerned. However, there is one interesting no-5's scale, bleu. In this scale, 5 steps make a 3/2, and the chord 11:12:13:14 is represented as three equal steps.


Scale degree qualities of 1L 7s modes
UDP Rotational Order Step pattern Scale degree (apinedegree)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7|0 1 Lsssssss Perf. Aug. Maj. Maj. Maj. Maj. Maj. Perf. Perf.
6|1 8 sLssssss Perf. Perf. Maj. Maj. Maj. Maj. Maj. Perf. Perf.
5|2 7 ssLsssss Perf. Perf. Min. Maj. Maj. Maj. Maj. Perf. Perf.
4|3 6 sssLssss Perf. Perf. Min. Min. Maj. Maj. Maj. Perf. Perf.
3|4 5 ssssLsss Perf. Perf. Min. Min. Min. Maj. Maj. Perf. Perf.
2|5 4 sssssLss Perf. Perf. Min. Min. Min. Min. Maj. Perf. Perf.
1|6 3 ssssssLs Perf. Perf. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Perf. Perf.
0|7 2 sssssssL Perf. Perf. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Dim. Perf.

Scale tree

Generator ranges:

  • Chroma-positive generator: 1050 cents (7\8) to 1200 cents (1\1)
  • Chroma-negative generator: 0 cents (0\1) to 150 cents (1\8)
Small step
(chroma-negative generator)
Cents L s L/s Comments
1\8 150.000 1 1 1.000
5\41 146.341 6 5 1.200 Bohpier
4\33 145.455 5 4 1.250
7\58 144.828 9 7 1.286
3\25 144.000 4 3 1.333
8\67 143.284 11 8 1.375
5\42 142.857 7 5 1.400
7\59 142.373 10 7 1.429
2\17 141.176 3 2 1.500
7\60 140.000 11 7 1.571 Bleu
5\43 139.535 8 5 1.600 Jerome/bleu
8\69 139.130 13 8 1.625 Golden jerome (139.2429¢)
3\26 138.462 5 3 1.667
7\61 137.705 12 7 1.714
4\35 137.143 7 4 1.750
5\44 136.364 9 5 1.800 Twothirdtonic
1\9 133.333 2 1 2.000 Basic 1L 7s
(small steps larger than this are proper)
4\37 129.730 9 4 2.250
3\28 128.571 7 3 2.333
5\47 127.660 12 5 2.400
2\19 126.316 5 2 2.500 Negri
5\48 125.000 13 5 2.600 Golden negri (124.7656¢)
3\29 124.138 8 3 2.667
4\39 123.077 11 4 2.750
1\10 120.000 3 1 3.000
3\31 116.129 10 3 3.333 Miracle
2\21 114.286 7 2 3.500
3\32 112.500 11 3 3.667
1\11 109.091 4 1 4.000
2\23 104.348 9 2 4.500
1\12 100.000 5 1 5.000 Passion, ripple
1\13 92.308 6 1 6.000
0\1 0.000 1 0 → inf


This scale is a leap year pattern of the tabular Iranian calendar, where the leap year is inserted 7 times once in 4 years, with 1 gap of 5 years. Curiously enough, one short step of this scale is close to the one step of Bohlen-Pierce.