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← 8edo 9edo 10edo →
Prime factorization 32
Step size 133.333 ¢ 
Fifth 5\9 (666.667 ¢)
Semitones (A1:m2) -1:2 (-133.3 ¢ : 266.7 ¢)
Consistency limit 7
Distinct consistency limit 5

9 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 9edo or 9ed2), also called 9-tone equal temperament (9tet) or 9 equal temperament (9et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 9 equal parts of about 133 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/9, or the 9th root of 2.


A chromatic 9edo scale on C.

The 9edo scale has the peculiar property of representing certain 7-limit intervals almost exactly. A 7-limit version of 9edo goes

1: 27/25 133.238 large limma, BP small semitone

2: 7/6 266.871 septimal minor third

3: 63/50 400.108 quasi-equal major third

4: 49/36 533.742 Arabic lute acute fourth

5: 72/49 666.258 Arabic lute grave fifth

6: 100/63 799.892 quasi-equal minor sixth

7: 12/7 933.129 septimal major sixth

8: 50/27 1066.762 grave major seventh

9: 2/1 1200.000 octave

Here the characterizations are taken from Scala, which also describes the scale itself as "Pelog Nawanada: Sunda". Chords such as 1/1–7/6–49/36–12/7 are therefore natural ones for 9edo. The above scale generates the just intonation subgroup 2.27/25.7/3, which is closely related to 9edo.

9edo has very little to offer in terms of accuracy for harmonics. Most other systems that lack good perfect fifths such as 6edo, 11edo, 13edo and 18edo at least contain a reasonable approximation of 9/8 (or (3/2)2), so they can be viewed as temperaments in subgroups like 2.9.5 and 2.9.7. 9edo, on the other hand, completely misses both 3/2 and 9/8. You could then try to treat 9edo as an entirely no-threes system without any 3/2 or 9/8, in a subgroup like, but even here 9edo performs somewhat poorly, because its best 7/4 is much closer to 12/7 and is off by 36 cents, while its best 11/8 is off by 18 cents. The 13th harmonic is also entirely missed by 9edo. This being said, 9edo does approximate 47/32 to within about 1.2 cents.

9edo's fifth of 5\9 is near the boundary of "perfect fifth" and "subfifth" so it sounds quite dirty but still recognizable.

Odd harmonics

Approximation of odd harmonics in 9edo
Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Error Absolute (¢) -35.3 +13.7 -35.5 +62.8 -18.0 -40.5 -21.6 +28.4 -30.8 +62.6 +38.4
Relative (%) -26.5 +10.3 -26.6 +47.1 -13.5 -30.4 -16.2 +21.3 -23.1 +46.9 +28.8

Subsets and supersets

9edo is the first odd composite edo, containing 3edo as a subset.

The ennealimmal temperament contains 9edo as a subset (splitting 2/1 into 9 equal parts) and is excellent in the 7-limit. However, 9edo by itself tempers out 27/25 by patent val, rather than representing it as 1\9 like in ennealimmal, although the 9bccd val contains both the 27/25 and 7/6 representations above and therefore supports ennealimmal.


9edo can be notated with conventional notation, including the staff, note names, relative notation, etc. in two ways. The first preserves the melodic meaning of sharp/flat, major/minor and aug/dim, in that sharp is higher pitched than flat, and major/aug is wider than minor/dim. The disadvantage to this approach is that conventional interval arithmetic no longer works. e.g. M2 + M2 isn't M3, and D + M2 isn't E. Chord names are different because C–E–G isn't P1–M3–P5.

The second approach preserves the harmonic meaning of sharp/flat, major/minor and aug/dim, in that the former is always further fifthwards on the chain of fifths than the latter. Sharp is lower in pitch than flat, and major/aug is narrower than minor/dim. While this approach may seem bizarre at first, interval arithmetic and chord names work as usual. Furthermore, conventional 12edo music can be directly translated to 9edo "on the fly". In this notation, the enharmonic unison is the augmented 2nd, e.g. E♭ to F♯.

degree cents Approximate
Melodic notation
Major wider than minor
Harmonic notation
Major narrower than minor
0 0.00 1/1 perfect unison D perfect unison D
1 133.33 14/13 (+5.035), 13/12 (−5.239),
12/11 (−17.304)
minor 2nd E major 2nd E
2 266.67 7/6 (−0.204) major 2nd, minor 3rd E♯, F♭ minor 2nd, major 3rd E♭, F♯
3 400.00 5/4 (+13.686), 14/11 (−17.508),
9/7 (−35.084)
major 3rd F minor 3rd F
4 533.33 4/3 (+35.288), 11/8 (−17.985) perfect 4th G perfect 4th G
5 666.67 16/11 (+17.985), 3/2 (−35.288) perfect 5th A perfect 5th A
6 800.00 14/9 (+35.084) 11/7 (+17.508),
8/5 (−13.686)
minor 6th B major 6th B
7 933.33 12/7 (+0.204) major 6th, minor 7th B♯, C♭ minor 6th, major 7th B♭, C♯
8 1066.67 11/6 (+17.304) 13/7 (−5.035) major 7th C minor 7th C
9 1200.00 2/1 octave D octave D

Sagittal notation

This notation uses the same sagittal sequence as 14-EDO.

9-EDO Sagittal.svgSagittal notationPeriodic table of EDOs with sagittal notationlimma-fraction notation

Approximation to JI

Selected just intervals

alt : Your browser has no SVG support.


Regular temperament properties

Subgroup Comma list Mapping Optimal
8ve stretch (¢)
Tuning error
Absolute (¢) Relative (%)
2.3 [-14 9 [9 14]] +11.13 11.24 8.35
2.3.5 27/25, 128/125 [9 14 21]] +5.36 12.18 9.10 21/20, 36/35, 49/48 [9 14 21 25]] +7.20 11.02 8.21 21/20, 33/32, 36/35, 45/44 [9 14 21 25 31]] +6.80 9.89 7.37

Uniform maps

13-limit uniform maps between 8.5 and 9.5
Min. size Max. size Wart notation Map
8.5000 8.5125 9bbcddeeeeffff 9 13 20 24 29 31]
8.5125 8.5176 9bbcddeeeeff 9 13 20 24 29 32]
8.5176 8.5274 9cddeeeeff 9 14 20 24 29 32]
8.5274 8.7271 9cddeeff 9 14 20 24 30 32]
8.7271 8.7827 9ceeff 9 14 20 25 30 32]
8.7827 8.8165 9cee 9 14 20 25 30 33]
8.8165 8.8289 9c 9 14 20 25 31 33]
8.8289 9.0530 9 9 14 21 25 31 33]
9.0530 9.0833 9f 9 14 21 25 31 34]
9.0833 9.1055 9df 9 14 21 26 31 34]
9.1055 9.1485 9def 9 14 21 26 32 34]
9.1485 9.2595 9bdef 9 15 21 26 32 34]
9.2595 9.3232 9bccdef 9 15 22 26 32 34]
9.3232 9.3946 9bccdefff 9 15 22 26 32 35]
9.3946 9.4395 9bccdeeefff 9 15 22 26 33 35]
9.4395 9.5000 9bccdddeeefff 9 15 22 27 33 35]


9et tempers out the following commas. This assumes val 9 14 21 25 31 33].

Ratio[note 1] Monzo Cents Color name Name
3 19683/16384 [-14 9 317.59 Lawa 2nd Pythagorean augmented second
5 27/25 [0 3 -2 133.24 Gugu Bug comma, large limma
5 135/128 [-7 3 1 92.18 Layobi Mavila comma, major chroma
5 16875/16384 [-14 3 4 51.12 Laquadyo Negri comma
5 128/125 [7 0 -3 41.06 Trigu Augmented comma, lesser diesis
5 (14 digits) [-21 3 7 10.06 Lasepyo Semicomma
7 36/35 [2 2 -1 -1 48.77 Rugu Mint comma, septimal quarter tone
7 525/512 [-9 1 2 1 43.41 Lazoyoyo Avicennma
7 49/48 [-4 -1 0 2 35.70 Zozo Semaphoresma, slendro diesis
7 686/675 [1 -3 -2 3 27.99 Trizo-agugu Senga
7 2430/2401 [1 5 1 -4 20.79 Quadru-ayo Nuwell comma
7 1728/1715 [6 3 -1 -3 13.07 Triru-agu Orwellisma
7 225/224 [-5 2 2 -1 7.71 Ruyoyo Marvel comma
7 6144/6125 [11 1 -3 -2 5.36 Sarurutrigu Porwell comma
7 65625/65536 [-16 1 5 1 2.35 Lazoquinyo Horwell comma
7 (16 digits) [-11 -9 0 9 1.84 Tritrizo Septimal ennealimma
11 99/98 [-1 2 0 -2 1 17.58 Loruru Mothwellsma
11 121/120 [-3 -1 -1 0 2 14.37 Lologu Biyatisma
11 176/175 [4 0 -2 -1 1 9.86 Lorugugu Valinorsma
11 385/384 [-7 -1 1 1 1 4.50 Lozoyo Keenanisma
11 540/539 [2 3 1 -2 -1 3.21 Lururuyo Swetisma
13 91/90 [-1 -2 -1 1 0 1 19.13 Thozogu Superleap comma, biome comma
13 676/675 [2 -3 -2 0 0 2 2.56 Bithogu Island comma

Rank-2 temperaments

9edo contains a pentatonic mos scale produced by stacking 4/9 of 2L 3s (1 3 1 3 1), which has a heptatonic extension, 2L 5s (1 1 2 1 1 2 1, sometimes called "mavila" or "antidiatonic"). Indonesian pelog scales sometimes use five-tone subsets of a seven-tone superset in a similar way, and it has been suggested that Indonesian gamelan music stems from a 9edo tradition. You can also use the 2/9, which generates mos scales of 1L 3s (3 2 2 2) and 4L 1s (2 2 2 2 1) and can be interpreted as either an extremely sharp bug scale or an extremely flat orwell one.


9edo wheel.png



Ukulele (MicroUke 1.2) set to 9edo with 40 lb. test fishing line (by cenobyte)


Ear training


  1. Ratios longer than 10 digits are presented by placeholders with informative hints.