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← 10edo 11edo 12edo →
Prime factorization 11 (prime)
Step size 109.091¢ 
Fifth 6\11 (654.545¢)
Semitones (A1:m2) -2:3 (-218.2¢ : 327.3¢)
Dual sharp fifth 7\11 (763.636¢)
Dual flat fifth 6\11 (654.545¢)
Dual major 2nd 2\11 (218.182¢)
Consistency limit 3
Distinct consistency limit 3

11 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 11edo or 11ed2), also called 11-tone equal temperament (11tet) or 11 equal temperament (11et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 11 equal parts of about 109 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/11, or the 11th root of 2.


Approximation of odd harmonics in 11edo
Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Error Absolute (¢) -47.4 +50.0 +13.0 +14.3 -5.9 +32.2 +2.6 +4.1 +29.8 -34.4 +26.3
Relative (%) -43.5 +45.9 +11.9 +13.1 -5.4 +29.5 +2.4 +3.8 +27.3 -31.5 +24.1

Being less than twelve, 11edo maps easily to the standard keyboard. The suggested mapping disregards the Ab/G# key, leaving Orgone[7] on the whites. The superfluous Ab can be made a note of 22edo, a tuning known as "elevenplus".

Compared to 12edo, the intervals of 11edo are stretched:

  • The "minor second" at 109.09 cents, functions melodically very much like the 100-cent minor second of 12edo.
  • The "major second" at 218.18 cents, works in a similar fashion to the 200-cent major second of 12edo, but as a major ninth, it may sound less concordant. Its inversion, at 981.82 cents, can function as a "bluesy" seventh relative to 12edo's 1000-cent interval, although it is still about 13 cents away from 7/4.
  • The "minor third" at 327.27 cents, is rather sharp and encroaching upon "neutral third".
  • The "major third" at 436.36 cents, is quite sharp, and closer to the supermajor third of frequency ratio 9/7 than the simpler third of 5/4.
  • The "perfect fourth" at 545.45 cents, does not sound like a perfect fourth at all, and passes more easily as the 11/8 superfourth than the simpler perfect fourth of 4/3.

11edo provides the same tuning on the 2*11 subgroup as does 22edo, and on this subgroup it tempers out the same commas as 22. Also on this subgroup there is an approximation of the 8:9:11:14:15:16:17 chord and its subchords. Though the error is rather large, this does provide 11 with a variety of chords approximating JI chords.

11edo is the largest edo that patently alternates with an undivided 9/8 in a wtn.

11edo has a good approximation of 9/7, hence one natural approach to harmony in 11edo is to generate chords from stacks of this interval. Incidentally, correcting the tuning of 9/7 to just tuning and stacking this interval has the beneficial side effect of also improving the tuning of the 17th harmonic to almost exactly just intonation, with an error of only 0.3 cents. It may therefore be worth considering this JI tuning as an alternative to 11edo.

A 0–8–16–20 chord in 11edo illustrating harmony generated from stacking 9/7 intervals.


Ups and downs notation

11edo can be notated using ups and downs. Conventional notation, including the staff, note names, relative notation, etc. can be used in two ways. The first preserves the melodic meaning of sharp/flat, major/minor and aug/dim, in that sharp is higher pitched than flat, and major/aug is wider than minor/dim. The disadvantage to this approach is that conventional interval arithmetic no longer works. e.g. M2 + M2 isn't M3, and D + M2 isn't E. Chord names are different because C - E - G isn't P1 - M3 - P5.

The second approach preserves the harmonic meaning of sharp/flat, major/minor and aug/dim, in that the former is always further fifthwards on the chain of fifths than the latter. Sharp is lower in pitch than flat, and major/aug is narrower than minor/dim. While this approach may seem bizarre at first, interval arithmetic and chord names work as usual. Furthermore, conventional 12edo music can be directly translated to 11edo "on the fly".

The 11edo solfege in the table is derived from 22edo solfege.

# Cents Solfege Approximate Ratios* Up/down notation
with major wider
than minor
Up/down notation
with major narrower
than minor
Pseudo-Diatonic Category Audio
0 0.00 do 1/1 P1 A P1 A A Q, P# Unison
1 109.09 ra 15/14, 16/15, 17/16, 18/17 ^1, m2 ^A, B ^1, M2 ^A, B A#, Bb Q#, Rb Minor second
2 218.18 re 8/7, 9/8, 17/15 ~2, m3 ^B, Cb ~2, M3 ^B, C# B R Major second
3 327.27 me 6/5, 11/9, 17/14 M2, ~3 B#, vC m2, ~3 Bb, vC C R#, Sb Minor third
4 436.36 mo 9/7, 14/11, 22/17 M3, v4 C, vD m3, v4 C, vD C#, Db S Major third/Minor fourth
5 545.45 fu 11/8, 15/11 P4, v5 D, vE P4, v5 D, vE D S#, Tb Major fourth
6 654.55 su 16/11, 22/15 ^4, P5 ^D, E ^4, P5 ^D, E D#, Eb T Minor fifth
7 763.64 lo 14/9, 11/7, 17/11 ^5, m6 ^E, Fb ^5, M6 ^E, F# E T#, Ub Major fifth/Minor sixth
8 872.73 la 5/3, 18/11, 28/17 ~6, m7 vF, Gb ~6, M7 vF, G# F U Major sixth
9 981.82 ta 7/4, 16/9, 30/17 M6, ~7 F, vG m6, ~7 F, vG F#, Gb U#, Pb Minor seventh
10 1090.91 ti 15/8, 17/9, 28/15, 32/17 M7, v8 G, vAv m7, v8 G, vAv G P, Qb Major seventh
11 1200.00 do 2/1 P8 A P8 A A Q, P# Octave
  • in subgroup

The ups and downs notations above are heptatonic systems generated by 5ths (~3/2). Alternative notations include pentatonic 5th-generated, octatonic 5th-generated, nonatonic 5th-generated, heptatonic 3rd-generated, and hexatonic 2nd-generated.

Pentatonic 5th-generated: D * * E G * * A C * * D (Sensoid generator = wide 3/2 = 7\11 = perfect 5thoid)

D - ^D/Eb - D#/vE - E - G - ^G/Ab - G#/vA - A - C - ^C/Db - C#/vD - D

P1 - ^1/ms3 - A1/~s3 - Ms3 - P4d - ^4d/d5d - A4d/v5d - P5d - ms7 - ~s7/d8d - Ms7/v8d - P8d (s = sub-, d = -oid)

pentatonic genchain of fifths: ...Cb - Gb - Db - Ab - Eb - C - G - D - A - E - C# - G# - D# - A# - E#...

pentatonic genchain of fifths: ...ds3 - ds7 - d4d - d8d - d5d - ms3 - ms7 - P4d - P1 - P5d - Ms3 - Ms7 - A4d - A1 - A5d - As3 - As7... (s = sub-, d = -oid)

Octatonic 5th-generated: A B * C D E * F G * H A (Sensoid generator = wide 3/2 = 7\11 = perfect 6th)

A - B - B#/Cb - C - D - E - E#/Fb - F - G - G#/Hb - H - A

P1 - m2 - M2/m3 - M3 - P4 - m5 - M5 - P6 - m7 - M7/m8 - M8 - P9

octatonic genchain of sixths: ...Db - Ab - Fb - Cb - Hb - E - B - G - D - A - F - C - H - E# - B# - G# - D# - A#...

octatonic genchain of sixths: ...d7 - d4 - d9 - d6 - m3 - m8 - m5 - m2 - m7 - P4 - P1 - P6 - M3 - M8 - M5 - M2 - M7 - A4 - A1 - A6 - A3...

Nonatonic 5th-generated: A B * C D E F G * H J A (Joanatonic generator = narrow 3/2 = 6\11 = perfect 6th)

A - B - B#/Cb - C - D - E - F - G - G#/Hb - H - J - A

P1 - m2 - M2/m3 - M3/m4 - M4 - P5 - P6 - m7 - M7/m8 - M8/m9 - M9 - P10

nonotonic genchain of sixths: ...E# - A# - F# - B# - G# - C - H - D - J - E - A - F - B - G - Cb - Hb - Db - Jb - Eb...

nonotonic genchain of sixths: ...M2 - M7 - M3 - M8 - M4 - M9 - P5 - P1 - P6 - m2 - m7 - m3 - m8 - m4 - m9...

Heptatonic 3rd-generated: D * E F * G A * B C * D (Smitonic generator = 3\11 = perfect 3rd)

D - D#/Eb - E - F - F#/Gb - G - A - A#/Bb - B - C - C#/Db - D

P1 - m2 - M2 - P3 - m4 - M4 - m5 - M5 - P6 - m7 - M7 - P8

genchain of thirds: ...E# - G# - B# - D# - F# - A# - C# - E - G - B - D - F - A - C - Eb - Gb - Bb - Db - Fb - Ab - Cb...

genchain of thirds: ...M5 - M7 - M2 - M4 - P6 - P1 - P3 - m5 - m7 - m2 - m4 - d6...

Hexatonic 2nd-generated: R * S * T * U * P Q * R (Machinoid generator = 2\11 = perfect 2nd)

R - R#/Sb - S - S#/Tb - T - T#/Ub - U - U#/Pb - P - Q - Q#/Rb - R

P1 - A1/d2 - P2 - m3 - M3 - m4 - M4 - m5 - M5 - P6 - A6/d7 - P7

genchain of seconds: ... - Qb - Rb - Sb - Tb - Ub - Pb - Q - R - S - T - U - P - Q# - R# - S# - T# - U# - P#...

genchain of seconds: ... - m3 - m4 - m5 - P6 - P1 - P2 - M3 - M4 - M5 - A6 - A1...

Sagittal notation

This notation is a subset of the notations for EDOs 22, 44, and 66.

Evo flavor

11-EDO Evo Sagittal.svgSagittal notationPeriodic table of EDOs with sagittal notation22-EDO notation

Revo flavor

11-EDO Revo Sagittal.svgSagittal notationPeriodic table of EDOs with sagittal notation22-EDO notation

Regular temperament properties

Uniform maps

13-limit uniform maps between 10.5 and 11.5
Min. size Max. size Wart notation Map
10.5000 10.5081 11cccdddeeeefff 11 17 24 29 36 39]
10.5081 10.5509 11cccdeeeefff 11 17 24 30 36 39]
10.5509 10.5516 11cccdeefff 11 17 24 30 37 39]
10.5516 10.6744 11cdeefff 11 17 25 30 37 39]
10.6744 10.8399 11cdeef 11 17 25 30 37 40]
10.8399 10.8643 11cdf 11 17 25 30 38 40]
10.8643 10.9446 11cf 11 17 25 31 38 40]
10.9446 10.9823 11c 11 17 25 31 38 41]
10.9823 11.0413 11 11 17 26 31 38 41]
11.0413 11.1290 11b 11 18 26 31 38 41]
11.1290 11.2149 11be 11 18 26 31 39 41]
11.2149 11.2205 11beff 11 18 26 31 39 42]
11.2205 11.4129 11bddeff 11 18 26 32 39 42]
11.4129 11.4181 11bccddeff 11 18 27 32 39 42]
11.4181 11.4851 11bccddeeeff 11 18 27 32 40 42]
11.4851 11.5000 11bccddeeeffff 11 18 27 32 40 43]


11et tempers out the following commas. This assumes val 11 17 26 31 38 41].

Ratio[note 1] Monzo Cents Color name Name(s)
3 177147/131072 [-17 11 521.50 sasawa 3rd Pythagorean augmented third
5 135/128 [-7 3 1 92.18 Layobi Major chroma
5 (16 digits) [-25 7 6 31.57 Lala-tribiyo Ampersand comma
5 (42 digits) [-68 18 17 2.52 Quinla-seyo Vavoom comma
7 (18 digits) [-10 7 8 -7 22.41 Lasepru-aquadbiyo Blackjackisma
7 1029/1024 [-10 1 0 3 8.43 Latrizo Gamelisma
7 225/224 [-5 2 2 -1 7.71 Ruyoyo Marvel comma
7 16875/16807 [0 3 4 -5 6.99 Quinru-aquadyo Mirkwai comma
7 2401/2400 [-5 -1 -2 4 0.72 Bizozogu Breedsma
11 121/120 [-3 -1 -1 0 2 14.37 Lologu Biyatisma
11 65536/65219 [16 0 0 -2 -3 8.39 Satrilu-aruru Orgonisma

Approximation to JI

Harmonic 8 9 11 14 16
JI interval from 1/1 1/1 = 0 cents 9/8 = 204 11/8 = 551 7/4 = 969 2/1 = 1200
Nearest 11edo interval 0\11 = 0¢ 2\11 = 218¢ 5\11 = 545 9\11 = 982 11\11 = 1200
Difference 0 +14¢ -6¢ +13¢
JI interval between 9:8 = 204¢ 11:9 = 347 14:11 = 418 8:7 = 231
Nearest 11edo interval 2\11 = 218¢ 3\11 = 327 4\11 = 436 2\11 = 218
Difference +14¢ -20¢ +18¢ -13¢

11edo also may be considered a subgroup temperament. See diagram:



MOS scales

Although 11edo has one fewer interval in the octave than 12edo, in terms of moment-of-symmetry scales, it offers a great deal more variety. This is because 11 is a prime number, while 12 is composite. Cycles of 2\11 (two degrees of 11edo), 3\11, 4\11 and 5\11 produce scales which do not repeat at the octave until all 11 intervals have been included.

Pathological modes

2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2L 7s MOS

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1L 8s MOS

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1L 9s MOS


11edo ukulele



In February 2011, Oddmusic U-C, as part of its Microtonal Design Seminar, generated a 7-piece ensemble for playing music in 11edo. Instrumentation: autotuner, cümbüş, electronic keyboard, kalimba, retrofretted guitar, tuned bottles, udderbot. Recordings forthcoming.


There is a Lumatone mapping for 11edo.

Introductory Materials


See also: Category:11edo tracks

Strict 11edo

Modern renderings

Arthur Schutt

20th century

George Secor
Bill Sethares

21st century

Christopher Bailey
Jacob Barton
City of the Asleep
Jason Conklin
E8 Heterotic
David Hamill
Andrew Heathwaite
Aaron Andrew Hunt
Alexandru Ianu
Aaron Krister Johnson
Claudi Meneghin
No Clue Music
NullPointerException Music
X. J. Scott
Jon Lyle Smith
Chris Vaisvil
Randy Winchester
Ozan Yarman
Yeah Gore

Unequal Derivatives of 11edo

Bryan Deister


See also


  1. Ratios longer than 10 digits are presented by placeholders with informative hints