List of 11edo MOS scales

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5\11 generates joan scales 5 5 1; 1 4 1 4 1, a 2L 3s scale; 1 1 3 1 1 3 1, a 2L 5s scale; and 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1, a 2L 7s scale.
4\11 generates 4 4 3; 1 3 1 3 3, a 3L 2s scale; and 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2, a 3L 5s scale.
3\11 generates 3 3 3 2; and 1 2 1 2 1 2 2, a 4L 3s scale named orgone[7].
2\11 generates 2 2 2 2 3, a 1L 4s scale named machine[5]; and 2 2 2 2 2 1, a 5L 1s scale named machine[6].

This page lists all moment of symmetry scales in 11edo.

Single-period MOS scales

Generators 6\11 and 5\11
Step visualization MOS (name) Step sizes Step ratio
├─────┼────┤ 1L 1s 6, 5 6:5
├┼────┼────┤ 2L 1s 5, 1 5:1
├┼┼───┼┼───┤ 2L 3s 4, 1 4:1
├┼┼┼──┼┼┼──┤ 2L 5s (antidiatonic) 3, 1 3:1
├┼┼┼┼─┼┼┼┼─┤ 2L 7s (balzano) 2, 1 2:1
├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 11edo 1, 1 1:1
Generators 7\11 and 4\11
Step visualization MOS (name) Step sizes Step ratio
├──────┼───┤ 1L 1s 7, 4 7:4
├──┼───┼───┤ 2L 1s 4, 3 4:3
├──┼──┼┼──┼┤ 3L 2s 3, 1 3:1
├─┼┼─┼┼┼─┼┼┤ 3L 5s (checkertonic) 2, 1 2:1
├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 11edo 1, 1 1:1
Generators 8\11 and 3\11
Step visualization MOS (name) Step sizes Step ratio
├───────┼──┤ 1L 1s 8, 3 8:3
├────┼──┼──┤ 1L 2s 5, 3 5:3
├─┼──┼──┼──┤ 3L 1s 3, 2 3:2
├─┼─┼┼─┼┼─┼┤ 4L 3s (smitonic) 2, 1 2:1
├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 11edo 1, 1 1:1
Generators 9\11 and 2\11
Step visualization MOS (name) Step sizes Step ratio
├────────┼─┤ 1L 1s 9, 2 9:2
├──────┼─┼─┤ 1L 2s 7, 2 7:2
├────┼─┼─┼─┤ 1L 3s 5, 2 5:2
├──┼─┼─┼─┼─┤ 1L 4s 3, 2 3:2
├┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤ 5L 1s (machinoid) 2, 1 2:1
├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 11edo 1, 1 1:1
Generators 10\11 and 1\11
Step visualization MOS (name) Step sizes Step ratio
├─────────┼┤ 1L 1s 10, 1 10:1
├────────┼┼┤ 1L 2s 9, 1 9:1
├───────┼┼┼┤ 1L 3s 8, 1 8:1
├──────┼┼┼┼┤ 1L 4s 7, 1 7:1
├─────┼┼┼┼┼┤ 1L 5s (antimachinoid) 6, 1 6:1
├────┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 1L 6s (onyx) 5, 1 5:1
├───┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 1L 7s (antipine) 4, 1 4:1
├──┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 1L 8s (antisubneutralic) 3, 1 3:1
├─┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 1L 9s (antisinatonic) 2, 1 2:1
├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ 11edo 1, 1 1:1

See also