1L 2s

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↑ 1L 1s 2L 1s ↗
1L 2s 2L 2s →
↓ 1L 3s 2L 3s ↘
Scale structure
Step pattern Lss
Equave 2/1 (1200.0¢)
Period 2/1 (1200.0¢)
Generator size
Bright 2\3 to 1\1 (800.0¢ to 1200.0¢)
Dark 0\1 to 1\3 (0.0¢ to 400.0¢)
Related MOS scales
Parent 1L 1s
Sister 2L 1s
Daughters 3L 1s, 1L 3s
Neutralized 2L 1s
2-Flought 4L 2s, 1L 5s
Equal tunings
Equalized (L:s = 1:1) 2\3 (800.0¢)
Supersoft (L:s = 4:3) 7\10 (840.0¢)
Soft (L:s = 3:2) 5\7 (857.1¢)
Semisoft (L:s = 5:3) 8\11 (872.7¢)
Basic (L:s = 2:1) 3\4 (900.0¢)
Semihard (L:s = 5:2) 7\9 (933.3¢)
Hard (L:s = 3:1) 4\5 (960.0¢)
Superhard (L:s = 4:1) 5\6 (1000.0¢)
Collapsed (L:s = 1:0) 1\1 (1200.0¢)

1L 2s is a 2/1-equivalent (octave-equivalent) moment of symmetry scale containing 1 large step and 2 small steps, repeating every octave. Generators that produce this scale range from 800 ¢ to 1200 ¢, or from 0 ¢ to 400 ¢.

This MOS is the parent of tetric (3L 1s) and antetric (1L 3s), the former being the parent of mosh (3L 4s) and smitonic (4L 3s), and the latter being the predecessor of other MOS scales such as semiquartal (5L 4s), gramitonic (4L 5s), and other 1L ns MOS scales.


TAMNAMS uses the name antrial.


Scale degrees of the modes of 1L 2s 
UDP Cyclic
Scale degree (mosdegree)
0 1 2 3
2|0 1 Lss Perf. Aug. Perf. Perf.
1|1 3 sLs Perf. Perf. Perf. Perf.
0|2 2 ssL Perf. Perf. Dim. Perf.


Intervals of 1L 2s
Intervals Steps
Range in cents
Generic Specific Abbrev.
0-mosstep Perfect 0-mosstep P0ms 0 0.0¢
1-mosstep Perfect 1-mosstep P1ms s 0.0 ¢ to 400.0 ¢
Augmented 1-mosstep A1ms L 400.0 ¢ to 1200.0 ¢
2-mosstep Diminished 2-mosstep d2ms 2s 0.0 ¢ to 800.0 ¢
Perfect 2-mosstep P2ms L + s 800.0 ¢ to 1200.0 ¢
3-mosstep Perfect 3-mosstep P3ms L + 2s 1200.0¢

Scale tree

Scale tree and tuning spectrum of 1L 2s
Generator(edo) Cents Step ratio Comments
Bright Dark L:s Hardness
2\3 800.000 400.000 1:1 1.000 Equalized 1L 2s
11\16 825.000 375.000 6:5 1.200
9\13 830.769 369.231 5:4 1.250
16\23 834.783 365.217 9:7 1.286
7\10 840.000 360.000 4:3 1.333 Supersoft 1L 2s
19\27 844.444 355.556 11:8 1.375
12\17 847.059 352.941 7:5 1.400
17\24 850.000 350.000 10:7 1.429
5\7 857.143 342.857 3:2 1.500 Soft 1L 2s
18\25 864.000 336.000 11:7 1.571
13\18 866.667 333.333 8:5 1.600
21\29 868.966 331.034 13:8 1.625
8\11 872.727 327.273 5:3 1.667 Semisoft 1L 2s
19\26 876.923 323.077 12:7 1.714
11\15 880.000 320.000 7:4 1.750
14\19 884.211 315.789 9:5 1.800
3\4 900.000 300.000 2:1 2.000 Basic 1L 2s
Scales with tunings softer than this are proper
13\17 917.647 282.353 9:4 2.250
10\13 923.077 276.923 7:3 2.333
17\22 927.273 272.727 12:5 2.400
7\9 933.333 266.667 5:2 2.500 Semihard 1L 2s
18\23 939.130 260.870 13:5 2.600
11\14 942.857 257.143 8:3 2.667
15\19 947.368 252.632 11:4 2.750
4\5 960.000 240.000 3:1 3.000 Hard 1L 2s
13\16 975.000 225.000 10:3 3.333
9\11 981.818 218.182 7:2 3.500
14\17 988.235 211.765 11:3 3.667
5\6 1000.000 200.000 4:1 4.000 Superhard 1L 2s
11\13 1015.385 184.615 9:2 4.500
6\7 1028.571 171.429 5:1 5.000
7\8 1050.000 150.000 6:1 6.000
1\1 1200.000 0.000 1:0 → ∞ Collapsed 1L 2s