- This page is about the regular temperament. For the scale structure sometimes associated with it, see 4L 3s.
Orgone is the 2.7.11 subgroup temperament generated by a minor or supraminor third which can be identified by a tempered 77/64 such that two of them make a tempered 16/11 and three of them make a tempered 7/4. While it is easy enough to equate the generator with 6/5 by tempering out 385/384, extending it to include perfect fifths is not so easy. If using a flatter generator, there is a fifth at the relatively high complexity of 9 generators down (see also superkleismic). Closer to optimal tuning for orgone, but even more complex at 17 generators up, there is hyperkleismic. These two merge at 26edo. Extremely accurate, but more complex still is senator.
A related temperament is ultrakleismic in the 2.7.17 subgroup, in which the generator is instead identified with the simpler 17/14, by tempering out 4913/4802. Ork temperament merges these two. These favor sharper generators so can be viewed even more as no-fifth systems.
For technical data, see Orgonia #Orgone.

- An Amputated Elliptic Knob of the Cryptocurve Regenerates (2019) – 14-piece album, all in orgone of various tunings
- Ghost Bridge (2020) – in 11edo tuning
- Divertimento in 11 tone Orgone (2021) – sheet music | YouTube – in 11edo tuning
- Sylvian Moon Dance (2021) – audio | sheet music | YouTube – in 11edo tuning
- Ocean of the Necrophages (2021) – in 11edo tuning
- Piano: audio | sheet music | YouTube
- Strings: audio | sheet music