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← 119edo 120edo 121edo →
Prime factorization 23 × 3 × 5
Step size 10¢ 
Fifth 70\120 (700¢) (→7\12)
Semitones (A1:m2) 10:10 (100¢ : 100¢)
Consistency limit 3
Distinct consistency limit 3
Special properties

120 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 120edo or 120ed2), also called 120-tone equal temperament (120tet) or 120 equal temperament (120et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 120 equal parts of exactly 10 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/120, or the 120th root of 2.


120edo shares the perfect fifth with 12edo, tempering out the Pythagorean comma. 120edo is an excellent tuning in the subgroup. In the no-5's 11-limit, it tempers out 243/242. In the patent val 120edo is also a tuning for the 7-limit decoid temperament.

The 120bdd val is a tuning for superpyth where 3/2 is tuned to exactly 710 cents. It may be used as a de facto dual fifth in newcome temperament.

Prime harmonics

Approximation of prime harmonics in 120edo
Harmonic 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31
Error Absolute (¢) +0.00 -1.96 +3.69 +1.17 -1.32 -0.53 -4.96 +2.49 +1.73 +0.42 +4.96
Relative (%) +0.0 -19.6 +36.9 +11.7 -13.2 -5.3 -49.6 +24.9 +17.3 +4.2 +49.6

Subsets and supersets

120edo is the 10th highly composite edo and the 5th factorial edo (120 = 5! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5). It has many subsets: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 60.

Miscellaneous properties

Being the simplest division of the octave by the Germanic long hundred, it has a unit step which is the fine relative cent of 1edo.

120edo also has a concoctic generator that resembles the leap day excess of earth, 29\120 corresponding to 5 hours and 48 minutes.

JI approximation

The following tables show how 15-odd-limit intervals are represented in 120edo. Prime harmonics are in bold; inconsistent intervals are in italics.

15-odd-limit intervals in 120edo (direct approximation, even if inconsistent)
Interval and complement Error (abs, ¢) Error (rel, %)
1/1, 2/1 0.000 0.0
13/8, 16/13 0.528 5.3
15/14, 28/15 0.557 5.6
11/6, 12/11 0.637 6.4
13/11, 22/13 0.790 7.9
7/4, 8/7 1.174 11.7
11/8, 16/11 1.318 13.2
13/12, 24/13 1.427 14.3
13/7, 14/13 1.702 17.0
15/8, 16/15 1.731 17.3
3/2, 4/3 1.955 19.6
15/13, 26/15 2.259 22.6
9/5, 10/9 2.404 24.0
11/7, 14/11 2.492 24.9
7/5, 10/7 2.512 25.1
11/9, 18/11 2.592 25.9
15/11, 22/15 3.049 30.5
7/6, 12/7 3.129 31.3
13/9, 18/13 3.382 33.8
5/4, 8/5 3.686 36.9
9/8, 16/9 3.910 39.1
13/10, 20/13 4.214 42.1
5/3, 6/5 4.359 43.6
9/7, 14/9 4.916 49.2
11/10, 20/11 4.996 50.0
15-odd-limit intervals in 120edo (patent val mapping)
Interval and complement Error (abs, ¢) Error (rel, %)
1/1, 2/1 0.000 0.0
13/8, 16/13 0.528 5.3
15/14, 28/15 0.557 5.6
11/6, 12/11 0.637 6.4
13/11, 22/13 0.790 7.9
7/4, 8/7 1.174 11.7
11/8, 16/11 1.318 13.2
13/12, 24/13 1.427 14.3
13/7, 14/13 1.702 17.0
15/8, 16/15 1.731 17.3
3/2, 4/3 1.955 19.6
15/13, 26/15 2.259 22.6
11/7, 14/11 2.492 24.9
7/5, 10/7 2.512 25.1
11/9, 18/11 2.592 25.9
15/11, 22/15 3.049 30.5
7/6, 12/7 3.129 31.3
13/9, 18/13 3.382 33.8
5/4, 8/5 3.686 36.9
9/8, 16/9 3.910 39.1
13/10, 20/13 4.214 42.1
11/10, 20/11 5.004 50.0
9/7, 14/9 5.084 50.8
5/3, 6/5 5.641 56.4
9/5, 10/9 7.596 76.0


Steps Cents Approximate ratios Ups and downs notation
0 0 1/1 D
1 10 ^D, ^E♭♭
2 20 ^^D, ^^E♭♭
3 30 ^3D, ^3E♭♭
4 40 42/41, 43/42, 44/43, 45/44, 46/45 ^4D, ^4E♭♭
5 50 34/33 ^5D, v5E♭
6 60 29/28, 30/29 v4D♯, v4E♭
7 70 v3D♯, v3E♭
8 80 22/21, 45/43 vvD♯, vvE♭
9 90 20/19, 39/37 vD♯, vE♭
10 100 18/17 D♯, E♭
11 110 16/15, 49/46 ^D♯, ^E♭
12 120 15/14 ^^D♯, ^^E♭
13 130 14/13, 41/38 ^3D♯, ^3E♭
14 140 13/12 ^4D♯, ^4E♭
15 150 12/11 ^5D♯, v5E
16 160 45/41 v4D𝄪, v4E
17 170 32/29, 43/39 v3D𝄪, v3E
18 180 vvD𝄪, vvE
19 190 29/26, 48/43 vD𝄪, vE
20 200 37/33, 46/41 E
21 210 35/31, 44/39 ^E, ^F♭
22 220 42/37 ^^E, ^^F♭
23 230 8/7 ^3E, ^3F♭
24 240 23/20 ^4E, ^4F♭
25 250 37/32 ^5E, v5F
26 260 43/37 v4E♯, v4F
27 270 v3E♯, v3F
28 280 47/40 vvE♯, vvF
29 290 13/11 vE♯, vF
30 300 44/37 F
31 310 49/41 ^F, ^G♭♭
32 320 ^^F, ^^G♭♭
33 330 23/19 ^3F, ^3G♭♭
34 340 28/23, 45/37 ^4F, ^4G♭♭
35 350 49/40 ^5F, v5G♭
36 360 16/13 v4F♯, v4G♭
37 370 26/21 v3F♯, v3G♭
38 380 vvF♯, vvG♭
39 390 vF♯, vG♭
40 400 29/23, 34/27 F♯, G♭
41 410 19/15 ^F♯, ^G♭
42 420 37/29 ^^F♯, ^^G♭
43 430 41/32 ^3F♯, ^3G♭
44 440 40/31, 49/38 ^4F♯, ^4G♭
45 450 48/37 ^5F♯, v5G
46 460 30/23, 43/33 v4F𝄪, v4G
47 470 21/16 v3F𝄪, v3G
48 480 29/22 vvF𝄪, vvG
49 490 vF𝄪, vG
50 500 4/3 G
51 510 43/32, 47/35 ^G, ^A♭♭
52 520 ^^G, ^^A♭♭
53 530 19/14 ^3G, ^3A♭♭
54 540 41/30 ^4G, ^4A♭♭
55 550 11/8 ^5G, v5A♭
56 560 29/21 v4G♯, v4A♭
57 570 32/23 v3G♯, v3A♭
58 580 vvG♯, vvA♭
59 590 45/32 vG♯, vA♭
60 600 41/29 G♯, A♭
61 610 37/26 ^G♯, ^A♭
62 620 ^^G♯, ^^A♭
63 630 23/16 ^3G♯, ^3A♭
64 640 42/29 ^4G♯, ^4A♭
65 650 16/11 ^5G♯, v5A
66 660 41/28 v4G𝄪, v4A
67 670 28/19 v3G𝄪, v3A
68 680 43/29 vvG𝄪, vvA
69 690 vG𝄪, vA
70 700 3/2 A
71 710 ^A, ^B♭♭
72 720 44/29, 47/31 ^^A, ^^B♭♭
73 730 32/21 ^3A, ^3B♭♭
74 740 23/15 ^4A, ^4B♭♭
75 750 37/24 ^5A, v5B♭
76 760 31/20, 45/29 v4A♯, v4B♭
77 770 v3A♯, v3B♭
78 780 vvA♯, vvB♭
79 790 30/19, 41/26 vA♯, vB♭
80 800 27/17, 46/29 A♯, B♭
81 810 ^A♯, ^B♭
82 820 45/28 ^^A♯, ^^B♭
83 830 21/13 ^3A♯, ^3B♭
84 840 13/8 ^4A♯, ^4B♭
85 850 49/30 ^5A♯, v5B
86 860 23/14 v4A𝄪, v4B
87 870 38/23, 43/26 v3A𝄪, v3B
88 880 vvA𝄪, vvB
89 890 vA𝄪, vB
90 900 37/22 B
91 910 22/13, 49/29 ^B, ^C♭
92 920 ^^B, ^^C♭
93 930 ^3B, ^3C♭
94 940 ^4B, ^4C♭
95 950 45/26 ^5B, v5C
96 960 40/23 v4B♯, v4C
97 970 7/4 v3B♯, v3C
98 980 37/21 vvB♯, vvC
99 990 39/22 vB♯, vC
100 1000 41/23 C
101 1010 43/24 ^C, ^D♭♭
102 1020 ^^C, ^^D♭♭
103 1030 29/16 ^3C, ^3D♭♭
104 1040 ^4C, ^4D♭♭
105 1050 11/6 ^5C, v5D♭
106 1060 24/13 v4C♯, v4D♭
107 1070 13/7 v3C♯, v3D♭
108 1080 28/15 vvC♯, vvD♭
109 1090 15/8 vC♯, vD♭
110 1100 17/9 C♯, D♭
111 1110 19/10 ^C♯, ^D♭
112 1120 21/11 ^^C♯, ^^D♭
113 1130 ^3C♯, ^3D♭
114 1140 29/15 ^4C♯, ^4D♭
115 1150 33/17 ^5C♯, v5D
116 1160 41/21, 43/22, 45/23 v4C𝄪, v4D
117 1170 v3C𝄪, v3D
118 1180 vvC𝄪, vvD
119 1190 vC𝄪, vD
120 1200 2/1 D