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Interval information
Ratio 46/45
Subgroup monzo [1 -2 -1 1
Size in cents 38.05063¢
Name 23rd-partial chroma
Color name 23og2, twethogu comma
FJS name [math]\text{P1}^{23}_{5}[/math]
Special properties superparticular,
Tenney height (log2 nd) 11.0154
Weil height (log2 max(n, d)) 11.0471
Wilson height (sopfr(nd)) 36
Harmonic entropy
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
~4.51856 bits
Comma size medium
open this interval in xen-calc

46/45 is a 23-limit superparticular interval of about 38.1 ¢.


Ben Johnston's notation

This interval is the 23rd-partial chroma (23-limit formal comma) used to express 23-limit intervals in Ben Johnston's notation, being expressed with a "23", while its reciprocal is denoted as 23 (a turned 23). If the base note is C, then 23/16 is represented by C–F#+23. Note the + (for 81/80) is required.

Sagittal notation

In the Sagittal system, this comma (possibly tempered) is represented by the sagittal ⁠ ⁠ and is called the 23/5 small diesis, or 23/5S for short, because the simplest interval it notates is 23/5 (equiv. 23/20), as for example in C-D⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠. The downward version is called 5/23S or 23/5S down and is represented by ⁠ ⁠.

See also