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Hypopent or hypopental edo is an equal division of the octave which has a just fifth that is less than a syntonic comma flat. It is juxtaposed by hyperpent or hyperpental edo tuning systems.


"Hypo-" is the Greek prefix for low or below and "pent" is Greek for five. The term is loosely associated with "meantone," but specifically refers to equal division of the octave that result in any fifth tempered flat.

Large edo's are generally "amphipent," meaning both hyperpent and hypopent, because they contain multiple representations of the fifth that may be sharp and flat. Some edo's may contain no intervals in the span of a just fifth plus or minus a syntonic comma, and thus are neither hyperpent nor hypopent, and are refered to as "anpent."

For more information and analysis, see hyperpent.