12L 6s

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↖ 11L 5s ↑ 12L 5s 13L 5s ↗
← 11L 6s 12L 6s 13L 6s →
↙ 11L 7s ↓ 12L 7s 13L 7s ↘
Scale structure
Step pattern LLsLLsLLsLLsLLsLLs
Equave 2/1 (1200.0¢)
Period 1\6 (200.0¢)
Generator size
Bright 1\18 to 1\12 (66.7¢ to 100.0¢)
Dark 1\12 to 2\18 (100.0¢ to 133.3¢)
TAMNAMS information
Descends from 6L 6s
Ancestor's step ratio range 1:1 to 2:1 (soft-of-basic)
Related MOS scales
Parent 6L 6s
Sister 6L 12s
Daughters 18L 12s, 12L 18s
Neutralized 6L 12s
2-Flought 30L 6s, 12L 24s
Equal tunings
Equalized (L:s = 1:1) 1\18 (66.7¢)
Supersoft (L:s = 4:3) 4\66 (72.7¢)
Soft (L:s = 3:2) 3\48 (75.0¢)
Semisoft (L:s = 5:3) 5\78 (76.9¢)
Basic (L:s = 2:1) 2\30 (80.0¢)
Semihard (L:s = 5:2) 5\72 (83.3¢)
Hard (L:s = 3:1) 3\42 (85.7¢)
Superhard (L:s = 4:1) 4\54 (88.9¢)
Collapsed (L:s = 1:0) 1\12 (100.0¢)

12L 6s is a 2/1-equivalent (octave-equivalent) moment of symmetry scale containing 12 large steps and 6 small steps, with a period of 2 large steps and 1 small step that repeats every 200.0¢, or 6 times every octave. 12L 6s is a child scale of 6L 6s, expanding it by 6 tones. Generators that produce this scale range from 66.7¢ to 100¢, or from 100¢ to 133.3¢. Scales of the true MOS form, where every period is the same, are proper because there is only one small step per period.


Modes of 12L 6s
UDP Cyclic
12|0(6) 1 LLsLLsLLsLLsLLsLLs
6|6(6) 2 LsLLsLLsLLsLLsLLsL
0|12(6) 3 sLLsLLsLLsLLsLLsLL


Intervals of 12L 6s
Intervals Steps
Range in cents
Generic Specific Abbrev.
0-mosstep Perfect 0-mosstep P0ms 0 0.0¢
1-mosstep Diminished 1-mosstep d1ms s 0.0¢ to 66.7¢
Perfect 1-mosstep P1ms L 66.7¢ to 100.0¢
2-mosstep Perfect 2-mosstep P2ms L + s 100.0¢ to 133.3¢
Augmented 2-mosstep A2ms 2L 133.3¢ to 200.0¢
3-mosstep Perfect 3-mosstep P3ms 2L + s 200.0¢
4-mosstep Diminished 4-mosstep d4ms 2L + 2s 200.0¢ to 266.7¢
Perfect 4-mosstep P4ms 3L + s 266.7¢ to 300.0¢
5-mosstep Perfect 5-mosstep P5ms 3L + 2s 300.0¢ to 333.3¢
Augmented 5-mosstep A5ms 4L + s 333.3¢ to 400.0¢
6-mosstep Perfect 6-mosstep P6ms 4L + 2s 400.0¢
7-mosstep Diminished 7-mosstep d7ms 4L + 3s 400.0¢ to 466.7¢
Perfect 7-mosstep P7ms 5L + 2s 466.7¢ to 500.0¢
8-mosstep Perfect 8-mosstep P8ms 5L + 3s 500.0¢ to 533.3¢
Augmented 8-mosstep A8ms 6L + 2s 533.3¢ to 600.0¢
9-mosstep Perfect 9-mosstep P9ms 6L + 3s 600.0¢
10-mosstep Diminished 10-mosstep d10ms 6L + 4s 600.0¢ to 666.7¢
Perfect 10-mosstep P10ms 7L + 3s 666.7¢ to 700.0¢
11-mosstep Perfect 11-mosstep P11ms 7L + 4s 700.0¢ to 733.3¢
Augmented 11-mosstep A11ms 8L + 3s 733.3¢ to 800.0¢
12-mosstep Perfect 12-mosstep P12ms 8L + 4s 800.0¢
13-mosstep Diminished 13-mosstep d13ms 8L + 5s 800.0¢ to 866.7¢
Perfect 13-mosstep P13ms 9L + 4s 866.7¢ to 900.0¢
14-mosstep Perfect 14-mosstep P14ms 9L + 5s 900.0¢ to 933.3¢
Augmented 14-mosstep A14ms 10L + 4s 933.3¢ to 1000.0¢
15-mosstep Perfect 15-mosstep P15ms 10L + 5s 1000.0¢
16-mosstep Diminished 16-mosstep d16ms 10L + 6s 1000.0¢ to 1066.7¢
Perfect 16-mosstep P16ms 11L + 5s 1066.7¢ to 1100.0¢
17-mosstep Perfect 17-mosstep P17ms 11L + 6s 1100.0¢ to 1133.3¢
Augmented 17-mosstep A17ms 12L + 5s 1133.3¢ to 1200.0¢
18-mosstep Perfect 18-mosstep P18ms 12L + 6s 1200.0¢

Scale tree

Scale Tree and Tuning Spectrum of 12L 6s
Generator(edo) Cents Step ratio Comments(always proper)
Bright Dark L:s Hardness
1\18 66.667 133.333 1:1 1.000 Equalized 12L 6s
6\102 70.588 129.412 6:5 1.200
5\84 71.429 128.571 5:4 1.250
9\150 72.000 128.000 9:7 1.286
4\66 72.727 127.273 4:3 1.333 Supersoft 12L 6s
11\180 73.333 126.667 11:8 1.375
7\114 73.684 126.316 7:5 1.400
10\162 74.074 125.926 10:7 1.429
3\48 75.000 125.000 3:2 1.500 Soft 12L 6s
11\174 75.862 124.138 11:7 1.571
8\126 76.190 123.810 8:5 1.600
13\204 76.471 123.529 13:8 1.625
5\78 76.923 123.077 5:3 1.667 Semisoft 12L 6s
12\186 77.419 122.581 12:7 1.714
7\108 77.778 122.222 7:4 1.750
9\138 78.261 121.739 9:5 1.800
2\30 80.000 120.000 2:1 2.000 Basic 12L 6s
9\132 81.818 118.182 9:4 2.250
7\102 82.353 117.647 7:3 2.333
12\174 82.759 117.241 12:5 2.400
5\72 83.333 116.667 5:2 2.500 Semihard 12L 6s
13\186 83.871 116.129 13:5 2.600
8\114 84.211 115.789 8:3 2.667
11\156 84.615 115.385 11:4 2.750
3\42 85.714 114.286 3:1 3.000 Hard 12L 6s
10\138 86.957 113.043 10:3 3.333
7\96 87.500 112.500 7:2 3.500
11\150 88.000 112.000 11:3 3.667
4\54 88.889 111.111 4:1 4.000 Superhard 12L 6s
9\120 90.000 110.000 9:2 4.500
5\66 90.909 109.091 5:1 5.000
6\78 92.308 107.692 6:1 6.000
1\12 100.000 100.000 1:0 → ∞ Collapsed 12L 6s

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