Medium comma

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A medium comma is a comma whose size is approximately between 30 and 100 cents. These commas are easily perceptible. Many schools do not consider them true commas. In Sagittal notation, intervals in the smaller part of this category are dieses, and intervals in the larger part of this category are semitones[1].

For commas over 100 cents, see Large comma; for commas under 30 cents, see Small comma; for such under 3.5 cents see Unnoticeable comma.

Except for the 3-limit commas, the color name refers to both the comma and the temperament created when it is tempered out.

List of commas, by prime limit

3-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Pythagorean limma, blackwood comma Sawa sw2 256 / 243 [8 -5 90.225
301-comma Wa-301 w-301 [-477 301 88.455
248-comma Wa-248 w-248 [-393 248 84.840
111-comma Wa-111 w-111 [176 -111 82.995
142-comma Wa-142 w-142 [-225 142 77.610
217-comma Wa-217 w-217 [344 -217 75.765
89-comma Wa-89 w-89 [-141 89 73.995
Gothic comma, Pythagorean gothma, 17-comma Wa-17 ssw3 134217728 / 129140163 [27 -17 66.765 Flora Canou (2023) for Pyth. gothma and gothic comma
289-comma Wa-289 w-289 [-458 289 64.995
70-comma Wa-70 w-70 [111 -70 63.150
183-comma Wa-183 w-183 [-290 183 57.765
176-comma Wa-176 w-176 [279 -176 55.920
229-comma Wa-229 w-229 [363 -229 52.305
77-comma Wa-77 w-77 [-122 77 50.535
Mystery comma, 29-comma Wa-29 w-29 70368744177664 /
[46 -29 43.305
277-comma Wa-277 w-277 [-439 277 41.535
224-comma Wa-224 w-224 [-355 224 37.920
135-comma Wa-135 w-135 [214 -135 36.075
171-comma Wa-171 w-171 [-271 171 34.305
118-comma Wa-118 w-118 [-187 118 30.690

5-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Hogzilla comma Lala-yoyo LLyy-2 4428675 / 4194304 [-22 11 2 94.132
Mavila comma, major chroma Layobi Ly1 135 / 128 [-7 3 1 92.179
Quasisuper comma Sasagu ssg3 8388608 / 7971615 [23 -13 -1 88.271
Bohpier comma, 13edt comma Satheyo sy13-2 1220703125 / 1162261467 [0 -19 13 84.933
Ripple comma Quingu g52 6561 / 6250 [-1 8 -5 84.071
Dodecoid comma Sasa-sepgu ssg74 536870912 / 512578125 [29 -8 -7 80.164 CompactStar (2023)
Doublewide comma Quadbiyo y8-2 390625 / 373248 [-9 -6 8 78.78
Sevond comma Sasepyo sy71 5000000 / 4782969 [6 -14 7 76.826 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Nusecond comma Legu g113 51018336 / 48828125 [5 13 -11 75.964
Sentinel comma Trila-quadyo L3y4-3 8968066875 / 8589934592 [-33 15 4 74.580
Hypovishnuzma Saquadtrigu sg124 254803968 / 244140625 [20 5 -12 74.010 ArrowHead294 (2024)
Stump comma Latriyo Ly3-2 273375 / 262144 [-18 7 3 72.626
Dicot comma, classic(al) chroma Yoyo yy1 25 / 24 [-3 -1 2 70.672
Superpyth comma, grave minor second Sayo sy2 20480 / 19683 [12 -9 1 68.719
Diminished comma, major diesis Quadgu g42 648 / 625 [3 4 -4 62.565 Paul Erlich, Carl Lumma (2002)
Passion comma Saquingu sg53 262144 / 253125 [18 -4 -5 60.611 Paul Erlich (2004)
Shibboleth comma Tritriyo y9-2 1953125 / 1889568 [-5 -10 9 57.273 Paul Erlich (2002)
Mynic comma Quinbigu g103 10077696 / 9765625 [9 9 -10 54.458
Tritonic comma Lala-quinyo LLy5-3 553584375 / 536870912 [-29 11 5 53.074
Magus comma Salegu sg114 50331648 / 48828125 [24 1 -11 52.504 ArrowHead294 (2024)
Negri comma, double augmentation diesis Laquadyo Ly4-2 16875 / 16384 [-14 3 4 51.120 Paul Erlich (2002)
Goldis comma Trisa-quadtrigu s3g125 549755813888 / 533935546875 [39 -7 -12 50.550 Userminusone (2021)
Porcupine comma, maximal diesis Triyo y31 250 / 243 [1 -5 3 49.166 Herman Miller (1999)
Mowgli comma, 15edt comma Laquintrigu Lg153 31381059609 /
[0 22 -15 48.304
Immunity comma Sasa-yoyo ssyy2 1638400 / 1594323 [16 -13 2 47.212 Mike Battaglia (2011)
Python comma Lalagu LLg-2 43046721 / 41943040 [-23 16 -1 44.966 CompactStar (2023)
Augmented comma, diesis Trigu g32 128 / 125 [7 0 -3 41.059 Paul Erlich, Carl Lumma (2002)
Wizard comma Lala-quadtriyo LLy12-4 2197265625 / 2147483648 [-31 2 12 39.675
Sycamore comma Laleyo Ly11-3 48828125 / 47775744 [-16 -6 11 37.721 Paul Erlich (2002)
Absurdity comma Lala-sepgu LLg71 10460353203 /
[-17 21 -7 36.859 Mike Battaglia (2011)
Fifive comma Saquinbiyo sy10-2 9765625 / 9565938 [-1 -14 10 35.767 Petr Pařízek (2011)
Unicorn comma Laquadbigu Lg82 1594323 / 1562500 [-2 13 -8 34.905 Paul Erlich (2002)
Valentine comma Satritrigu sg93 1990656 / 1953125 [13 5 -9 32.952 Paul Erlich (2002)
Aenima comma Trisa-quadbiyo s3y82 209715200000000 /
[29 -30 8 31.860 Douglas Blumeyer (2023)
Ampersand comma, Ampersand's comma Lala-tribiyo LLy6-3 34171875 / 33554432 [-25 7 6 31.567
Mabila comma Sasa-quinbigu ssg104 268435456 / 263671875 [28 -3 -10 30.998

7-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Hexadecatone comma, 16-7-comma Sasa-quadquadrubi ssr16-6 35184372088832 /
[45 0 0 -16 98.785
Gamelismic minor second Trizo z33 343 / 324 [-2 -4 0 3 98.658 Jerdle (2021)
29-7/5-comma Twenezogu z29g2919 [-14 0 -29 29 92.854
47-35-comma Thela-fosezoyo L13z47y476 [-241 0 47 47 91.562
Septimal minor semitone Zogu zg2 21 / 20 [-2 1 -1 1 84.467
39-7/5-comma Thetriruyo r39y39-24 [19 0 39 -39 82.024
6561/6272 Laruru Lrr-2 6561 / 6272 [-7 8 0 -2 77.988
36-7-comma Quinla-quadtritrizo L5z3614 [-101 0 0 36 77.733
Prograde comma, ed7/4 microdiatonic comma Zozotrigu zzg33 392 / 375 [3 -1 -3 2 76.756 OffsuitKnave (2022)
Bapbo comma Rurugu rrg1 256 / 245 [8 0 -1 -2 76.034 +merlan #flirora (2021)
18-21-comma Quinla-tritribizo L5z186 [-79 18 0 18 74.056
15-35-comma Quadsa-quintrirugu s4r15g15-2 [77 0 -15 -15 72.906
slendro integer cents comma[clarification needed] [1123 0 0 -400 69.637
47-7-comma Sepsa-foseru s7r47-17 [132 0 0 -47 65.182
35 large diesis Lazoyo Lzy1 8505 / 8192 [-13 5 1 1 64.915 Douglas Blumeyer (2024)
33-21-comma Tritrisa-letriru s9r33-9 [145 -33 0 -33 64.23
Trienstonic comma, septimal third-tone Zo z2 28 / 27 [2 -3 0 1 62.961
31-7/5-comma Thiwezogu z31g3120 [-15 0 -31 31 57.878
Septimal 2/7-tone Lazozogu Lzzg2 1323 / 1280 [-8 3 -1 2 57.203 Eliora (2022)
Greenwoodma Ruruyo rry-2 405 / 392 [-3 4 1 -2 56.482 Francium (2023)
21-7-comma Trisa-septriru s3r21-8 576460752303423488 /
[59 0 0 -21 54.656
Harrison's comma Laru Lr-2 59049 / 57344 [-13 10 0 -1 50.724
39-35-comma Lela-thetrizoyo L11z39y395 [-200 0 39 39 50.445
Keega Trizogu z3g33 1029 / 1000 [-3 1 -3 3 49.492 Gene Ward Smith (2005)
Mint comma, septimal quartertone Rugu rg1 36 / 35 [2 2 -1 -1 48.77 Mike Battaglia (2012)
37-7/5-comma Thiseruyo r37y37-23 [18 0 37 -37 47.049
5-21-comma Saquinru sr5-2 4194304 / 4084101 [22 -5 0 -5 46.095
Nonary comma 7247757312/7061881225 [28 3 -2 -10 44.98 Fitzgerald Lee (2024)
Cloudy comma Laquinzo Lz53 16807 / 16384 [-14 0 0 5 44.13 +merlan #flirora (2021)
Avicennma, Avicenna's enharmonic diesis Lazoyoyo Lzyy1 525 / 512 [-9 1 2 1 43.408
Skwares comma Laquadru Lr4-3 19683 / 19208 [-3 9 0 -4 42.291
Septimal inframinor second Sazoyo szy2 2240 / 2187 [6 -7 1 1 41.456 FloraC (2023)
Septimal octatonic comma Lala-quadbizoyo LLz8y82 2251875390625 /
[-41 0 8 8 41.117 ArrowHead294 (2024)
Mabilisma Latrizo-aquinyo Lz3y51 1071875 / 1048576 [-20 0 5 3 38.046
Semaphoresma, large septimal diesis, slendro diesis Zozo zz2 49 / 48 [-4 -1 0 2 35.697
Arcturus comma Larutribiyo Lry6-2 15625 / 15309 [0 -7 6 -1 35.371
Jubilisma, small septimal diesis, tritonic diesis Biruyo rryy-2 50 / 49 [1 0 2 -2 34.976
Eric Sepru r7-4 839808 / 823543 [7 8 0 -7 33.859
German sixth comma Quadla-thiwezo L4z3112 [-87 0 0 31 33.603
Llywelynsma, llywelyn comma Sasepru-agu sr7g-3 4194304 / 4117715 [22 0 -1 -7 31.905 +merlan #flirora (2021)
23-35-comma Sepsa-twetherugu s7r23g23-3 [118 0 -23 -23 31.789

11-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Axirabian limma Lulubi 1uu2 128 / 121 [7 0 0 0 -2 97.364 Dawson Berry (2021)
11-cycle major seventh prote, 35-11-comma Quinla-sepquinlo L51o35-8 [-121 0 0 0 35 96.128
Undecimal minor semitone Loru 1or1 22 / 21 [1 -1 0 -1 1 80.537
Wormwoodma Lolozogu 1oozg2 847 / 810 [-1 -4 -1 1 2 77.328 Jerdle (2023)
11-cycle chroma, 11-11-comma Lala-lelo LL1o11-3 285311670611 /
[-38 0 0 0 11 64.497
Undecimal major diesis Lalu L1u1 729 / 704 [-6 6 0 0 -1 60.412
Jug comma Lulutrityo 1uuy31 125 / 121 [0 0 3 0 -2 56.305 CompactStar (2024)
Io comma, undecimal quartertone, al-Farabi quartertone Ilo 1o1 33 / 32 [-5 1 0 0 1 53.273 CompactStar (2024) for io comma
25·11/7 medium diesis Luzogugu 1uzgg2 567 / 550 [-1 4 -2 1 -1 52.701 Douglas Blumeyer (2024)
Sterno Lotriru 1or3-2 352 / 343 [5 0 0 -3 1 44.84
Alpharabian paralimma Satrilu s1u32 4096 / 3993 [12 -1 0 0 -3 44.091 Dawson Berry (2021)
Luzoquinyo 1uzy51 21875 / 21384 [-3 -5 5 1 -1 39.302 Budjarn Lambeth (2024, short name)
R-4981 (2024, long name)
Undecimal 1/5-tone Luyo 1uy1 45 / 44 [-2 2 1 0 -1 38.906
Hunt flat 5 comma Salu s1u2 8192 / 8019 [13 -6 0 0 -1 36.952
11/7 comma Laluzo L1uz1 45927 / 45056 [-12 8 0 1 -1 33.148 Douglas Blumeyer (2024)
Igs boson, 13-11-comma Sasa-thelu ss1u134 35184372088832 /
[45 0 0 0 -13 32.867
Telepathma Loyo 1oy1 55 / 54 [-1 -3 1 0 1 31.767 Gene Ward Smith (2014)
Hunt 11-cycle comma Trila-quadtribilo L31o24-6 [-83 0 0 0 24 31.631
Undecimal diesis, konbini comma Luzogu 1uzg2 56 / 55 [3 0 -1 1 -1 31.194

13-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
55/52 Thuloyo 3u1oy1 55 / 52 [-2 0 1 0 1 -1 97.104
Large tridecimal 1/3-tone Thogugu 3ogg2 26 / 25 [1 0 -2 0 0 1 67.900
Small tridecimal 1/3-tone Thu 3u1 27 / 26 [-1 3 0 0 0 -1 65.337
Superflat comma, tridecimal quartertone,
Hunt minor submediant comma
Latho L3o1 1053 / 1024 [-10 4 0 0 0 1 48.348 Flora Canou (2020) for tridecimal quartertone
CompactStar (2023) for superflat comma
Tridecimal ennealimma Tritritho 3o93 10604499373 / 10319560704 [-19 -9 0 0 0 47.154 ArrowHead294 (2024)
416/405 Thogu 3og2 416 / 405 [5 -4 -1 0 0 1 46.394
Tridecimal minor diesis Thuyo 3uy1 40 / 39 [3 -1 1 0 0 -1 43.831
Keladisma Thotriru 3or3-2 351/343 [0 3 0 -3 0 1 39.915 Lériendil (2024)
Astbury Latribitho L3o62 4826809 / 4718592 [-19 -2 0 0 0 6 39.256 Peter Kosmorsky (2012)
13/7 small diesis Lathuzo L3uz1 1701 / 1664 [-7 5 0 1 0 -1 38.073 Douglas Blumeyer (2024)

17-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Small septendecimal semitone, Arabic lute index finger Su 17u1 18 / 17 [1 2 0 0 0 0 -1 98.955
Septendecimal ~20edo-step Sulogu 17u1og1 88 / 85 [3 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 60.049 Budjarn Lambeth (2024)
12 semitone comma Lala-quadtriso LL17o126 582622237229761 /
[-49 0 0 0 0 0 12 59.465
Large septendecimal quartertone Solu 17o1u2 34 / 33 [1 -1 0 0 -1 0 1 51.682 Flora Canou (2021)
Small septendecimal quartertone Suzoyo 17uzy1 35 / 34 [-1 0 1 1 0 0 -1 50.184 Flora Canou (2021)
11 semitone comma Sasa-lesu ss17u11-5 35184372088832 /
[45 0 0 0 0 0 -11 45.49
Large septendecimal 1/6-tone, 17th-partial chroma Sogugu 17ogg2 51 / 50 [-1 1 -2 0 0 0 1 34.283 Flora Canou (2023)
Small septendecimal 1/6-tone Sutho 17u3o1 52 / 51 [2 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 33.617 Xenllium (2023)
Hunt 17-cycle comma Quinsa-sebisu s517u-34-14 [139 0 0 0 0 0 -34 31.516

19-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Large undevicesimal semitone Ino 19o2 19 / 18 [-1 -2 0 0 0 0 0 1 93.603 Xenllium (2019)
Small undevicesimal semitone Nuyo 19uy1 20 / 19 [2 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 88.801 Xenllium (2019)
Undevicesimal 2/9-tone Nutho 19u3o1 39 / 38 [-1 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 44.97 Xenllium (2023)
Hendrix comma Noru 19or1 57 / 56 [-3 1 0 -1 0 0 0 1 30.642

23-limit commas

Name(s) Color Name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Large vicesimotertial semitone Twetholu 23o1u2 23 / 22 2.11.23 [-1 -1 1 76.956 Xenwolf (2020)
Small vicesimotertial semitone Twethu 23u1 24 / 23 2.3.23 [3 1 -1 73.681 Xenwolf (2020)
Undecimisma Twethosusutho 23o17uu3o1 299 / 289 13.17.23 [1 -2 1 58.891 Inisil (2024)
Lipsett comma Labitwethu L23uu-2 2187 / 2116 2.3.23 [-2 7 -2 57.136 Budjarn Lambeth (2024)
Vicesimotertial 1/5-tone Twethogu 23og2 46 / 45 [1 -2 -1 1 38.051 Flirora (2023)

Higher-limit commas

Name(s) Color name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
47-limit ~quartertone comma Safoso s47o2 752 / 729 2.3.47 [4 -6 1 53.777 Stephen Weigel (2023)
37-limit Wyschnegradsky ~quartertone Thiso 37o2 37 / 36 2.3.37 [-2 -2 1 47.434 Stephen Weigel (2023)
Oxidizer comma 729 / 712 2.3.89 [-3 6 -1 40.850 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
Lutra comma Latrithiwo L31o3-3 268119 / 262144 2.3.31 [-18 2 3 39.017 Budjarn Lambeth (2024)
Canine comma 1000 / 979 [3 3 -1 -1 36.743 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)
48/47 Fosu 47u1 48 / 47 2.3.47 [4 1 -1 36.448
248/243 248 / 243 2.3.31 [3 -5 1 35.261
Vicesimononal comma Tweno 29o1 261 / 256 2.3.29 [-8 2 1 33.487 Stephen Weigel (2023)
Attic comma 7921 / 7776 2.3.89 [-5 -5 2 31.985 Budjarn Lambeth (2023)

List of irrational commas

For intervals expressible as edosteps, see Interval size measure. We skip them here for brevity.

Name(s) Color name Ratio Monzo Cents Named by
Engineer's comma π / 3 79.840 Eliora (2022)
