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The 21-odd-limit is the set of all rational intervals for which neither the numerator nor the denominator of the frequency ratio exceeds 21, once all powers of 2 are removed. To the 19-odd-limit, it adds 6 interval pairs involving 21.

Below is a list of all octave-reduced intervals in the 21-odd-limit.

Ratio Size (¢) Color name Name(s)
22/21 80.537 1or1 loru unison undecimal chromatic semitone
21/20 84.467 zg2 zogu 2nd septimal chromatic semitone / greater septimal chroma
21/19 173.268 19uz2 nuzo 2nd small undevicesimal whole tone
21/17 365.825 17uz3 suzo 3rd septendecimal submajor third
26/21 369.747 3or3 thoru 3rd tridecimal submajor third
21/16 470.781 z4 zo 4th septimal sub-fourth
32/21 729.219 r5 ru 5th septimal super-fifth
21/13 830.253 3uz6 thuzo 6th tridecimal supraminor sixth
34/21 834.175 17or6 soru 6th septendecimal supraminor sixth
38/21 1026.732 19or7 noru 7th large undevicesimal minor seventh
40/21 1115.533 ry7 ruyo 7th large septimal major seventh
21/11 1119.463 1uz8 luzo octave undecimal diminished octave

The smallest equal division of the octave which is consistent in the 21-odd-limit is 94edo (by virtue of it being consistent through the 23-odd-limit); that which is distinctly consistent in the same is 282edo (by virtue of it being distinctly consistent through the 23-odd-limit as well).