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← 9edo 10edo 11edo →
Prime factorization 2 × 5
Step size 120¢ 
Fifth 6\10 (720¢) (→3\5)
Semitones (A1:m2) 2:0 (240¢ : 0¢)
Consistency limit 7
Distinct consistency limit 3
Special properties

10 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 10edo or 10ed2), also called 10-tone equal temperament (10tet) or 10 equal temperament (10et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 10 equal parts of exactly 120 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/10, or the 10th root of 2.


10edo can be thought of as two circles of 5edo separated by 120 cents (or 5 circles of 2edo). It adds to 5edo a small neutral second (or large minor 2nd) and its inversion a large neutral seventh (or small major 7th); an excellent approximation of 13/8 and its inversion 16/13; and the familiar 600-cent tritone that appears in every even-numbered edo.

Taking the the 360 cent large neutral third as a generator produces a heptatonic moment of symmetry scale of the form 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 (3L 4s, or "mosh"), which is the most diatonic-like scale in 10edo excluding the 5edo degenerate diatonic scale.

While not an integral or gap edo, 10edo is a zeta peak edo. 10edo is also the smallest edo that maintains 25% or lower relative error on all of the first eight harmonics of the harmonic series.

One way to interpret it in terms of a temperament of just intonation is as a subgroup, such that 105/104, 225/224, 43904/43875, and 16807/16384 are tempered out. It can also be treated as a full 13-limit temperament, but it is a closer match to the aforementioned subgroup.

Thanks to its sevenths, 10edo is an ideal tuning for its size for metallic harmony.

Prime harmonics

Approximation of prime harmonics in 10edo
Harmonic 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31
Error Absolute (¢) +0.0 +18.0 -26.3 -8.8 +48.7 -0.5 +15.0 -57.5 -28.3 +50.4 +55.0
Relative (%) +0.0 +15.0 -21.9 -7.4 +40.6 -0.4 +12.5 -47.9 -23.6 +42.0 +45.8


Degree Cents Approximate ratios[1] Additional ratios
of 3, 5 and 9[2]
Interval names Ups and downs notation
(EUs: vvA1 and m2)
0 0 1/1 256/243, 50/49, 25/24 unison unison, min 2nd P1, m2 D, Eb
1 120 16/15, 15/14, 14/13 10/9, 13/12, 81/80 neutral second mid 2nd ~2 ^D, vE
2 240 8/7, 15/13, 144/125, 224/195 9/8, 7/6 hemifourth, major second, minor third maj 2nd, min 3rd M2, m3 E, F
3 360 16/13 5/4 neutral third mid 3rd ~3 ^F, vG
4 480 64/49, 169/128 4/3, 9/7, 13/10 perfect fourth maj 3rd, perf 4th M3, P4 F#, G
5 600 91/64, 128/91, 169/120, 240/169 7/5, 10/7, 13/9, 18/13 hemioctave, tritone up 4th, down 5th ^4, v5 ^G, vA
6 720 49/32, 256/169 3/2, 14/9, 20/13 perfect fifth perf 5th, min 6th P5, m6 A, Bb
7 840 13/8 8/5 neutral sixth mid 6th ~6 ^A, vB
8 960 7/4, 26/15, 125/72, 195/112 16/9, 12/7 hemitwelfth, major sixth, minor seventh maj 6th, min 7th M6, m7 B, C
9 1080 15/8, 28/15, 13/7 9/5, 24/13, 160/81 neutral seventh mid 7th ~7 ^C, vD
10 1200 2/1 243/128, 49/25, 48/25 octave maj 7th, octave M7, P8 C#, D
  1. based on treating 10edo as a temperament
  2. adding the ratios of 3, 5 and 9 introduces greater error while giving several more harmonic identities to the 10-edo intervals


Ups and downs notation

The interval table above shows the diatonic notation, generated by 5ths (6\10, representing 3/2). Alternative notations include pentatonic fifth-generated and heptatonic 3rd-generated.

Pentatonic 5th-generated

D * E * G * A * C * D (generator = 3/2 = 6\10 = perfect 5thoid)

D - D^/Ev - E - E^/Gv - G - G^/Av - A - A^/Cv - C - C^/Dv - D

1 - ^1/vs3 - s3 - ^s3/v4d - 4d - ^4d/v5d - 5d - ^5d/vs7 - s7 - ^s7/v8d - 8d (s = sub-, d = -oid)

pentatonic circles of fifths: ...D - A - E - C - G - D... and ...^D - ^A - ^E - ^C - ^G - ^D... (or equivalently ...vD - vA - vE - vC - vG - vD...)

pentatonic circles of fifths: ...1 - 5d - s3 - s7 - 4d - 1... and ...^1 - ^5d - ^s3 - ^s7 - ^4d - ^1... (or equivalently ...v1 - v5d - vs3 - vs7 - v4d - v1...)

(s- = sub-, -d = -oid, see 5edo notation)

Enharmonic unison: vvs3

Heptatonic 3rd-generated

D E * F G * A B * C D (generator = 3\10 = perfect 3rd)

D - E - E#/Fb - F - G - G#/Ab - A - B - B#/Cb - C - D

P1 - m2 - M2 - P3 - m4 - M4/m5 - M5 - P6 - m7 - M7 - P8

genchain of 3rds: ...Db - Fb - Ab - Cb - E - G - B - D - F - A - C - E# - G# - B# - D#... ("Every good boy deserves fudge and candy")

genchain of 3rds: ...d8 - d3 - m5 - m7 - m2 - m4 - P6 - P1 - P3 - M5 - M7 - M2 - M4 - A6 - A1...

Enharmonic unison: d2

See below: 3L 4s Mosh notation

3L 4s (mosh) notation

See above: Heptatonic 3rd-generated notation.

The notation of Neutral[7]. Notes are denoted as LsLssLs = CDEFGABC, and raising and lowering by a chroma (L − s), 1 step in this instance, is denoted by ♯ and ♭.

Degree Cents Note Name Associated ratio
0 0 C Perf 1sn 1/1
1 120 Db Min 2nd 12/11
2 240 D, Eb Maj 2nd, dim 3rd 9/8, 32/27
3 360 E Perf 3rd 11/9, 27/22
4 480 Fb Min 4th 4/3
5 600 F, Gb Maj 4th, min 5th 11/8, 16/11
6 720 G Maj 5th 3/2
7 840 A Perf 6th 18/11, 44/27
8 960 A#, Bb Aug 6th, min 7th 16/9, 27/16
9 1080 B Maj 7th 11/6
10 1200 C Perf 8ve 2/1

Sagittal notation

This notation is a subset of the notations for EDOs 20 and 30 and a superset of the notation for 5-EDO.

Evo and Revo flavors

10-EDO Sagittal.svgSagittal notationPeriodic table of EDOs with sagittal notationapotome-fraction notation

Evo-SZ flavor

10-EDO Evo-SZ Sagittal.svgSagittal notationPeriodic table of EDOs with sagittal notationapotome-fraction notation

Because it contains no Sagittal symbols, this Evo-SZ Sagittal notation is also a Stein-Zimmerman notation.

Approximation to JI

Selected just intervals by error

Selected 13-limit intervals

alt : Your browser has no SVG support.

Zeta peak index

Tuning Strength Closest edo Integer limit
ZPI Steps per octave Step size (cents) Height Integral Gap Edo Octave (cents) Consistent Distinct
26zpi 10.0084563372591 119.898609691954 4.477141 1.082282 14.181485 10edo 1198.98609691954 8 5

Regular temperament properties

Subgroup Comma list Mapping Optimal
8ve stretch (¢)
Tuning error
Absolute (¢) Relative (%)
2.3.5 25/24, 256/243 [10 16 23]] -0.089 9.27 7.73 25/24, 28/27, 49/48 [10 16 23 28]] +0.718 8.15 6.79 25/24, 28/27, 40/39, 49/48 [10 16 23 28 37]] +0.603 7.30 6.08
  • 10et is lower in relative error than any previous equal temperaments in the 7- and 17-limit. The next equal temperaments doing better in those subgroups are 12 and 19eg, respectively.
  • 10et is prominent in the,,, and subgroup. The next equal temperaments doing better in those subgroups are 17, 19, 36 and 31, respectively.

Uniform maps

13-limit uniform maps between 9.5 and 10.5
Min. size Max. size Wart notation Map
9.5000 9.5935 10bccddeeeffff 10 15 22 27 33 35]
9.5935 9.6837 10bccddeeeff 10 15 22 27 33 36]
9.6837 9.6902 10bccddeff 10 15 22 27 34 36]
9.6902 9.7794 10bddeff 10 15 23 27 34 36]
9.7794 9.7957 10ddeff 10 16 23 27 34 36]
9.7957 9.8637 10eff 10 16 23 28 34 36]
9.8637 9.9727 10e 10 16 23 28 34 37]
9.9727 10.1209 10 10 16 23 28 35 37]
10.1209 10.1339 10c 10 16 24 28 35 37]
10.1339 10.1519 10cf 10 16 24 28 35 38]
10.1519 10.2618 10cdf 10 16 24 29 35 38]
10.2618 10.4042 10cdeef 10 16 24 29 36 38]
10.4042 10.4103 10cdeefff 10 16 24 29 36 39]
10.4103 10.5000 10bbcdeefff 10 17 24 29 36 39]


10et tempers out the following commas. This assumes the val 10 16 23 28 35 37].

Ratio[note 1] Monzo Cents Color name Name(s)
3 256/243 [8 -5 90.22 Sawa Blackwood comma, Pythagorean limma
5 25/24 [-3 -1 2 70.67 Yoyo Dicot comma, classic chroma
5 16875/16384 [-14 3 4 51.12 Laquadyo Negri comma, double augmentation diesis
5 (16 digits) [-25 7 6 31.57 Lala-tribiyo Ampersand comma
5 2048/2025 [11 -4 -2 19.55 Sagugu Diaschisma
7 525/512 [-9 1 2 1 43.41 Lazoyoyo Avicennma, Avicenna's enharmonic diesis
7 49/48 [-4 -1 0 2 35.70 Zozo Semaphoresma, slendro diesis
7 50/49 [1 0 2 -2 34.98 Biruyo Jubilisma, tritonic diesis
7 686/675 [1 -3 -2 3 27.99 Trizo-agugu Senga
7 64/63 [6 -2 0 -1 27.26 Ru Septimal comma, Archytas' comma, Leipziger Komma
7 (18 digits) [-10 7 8 -7 22.41 Lasepru-aquadbiyo Blackjackisma
7 1029/1024 [-10 1 0 3 8.43 Latrizo Gamelisma
7 225/224 [-5 2 2 -1 7.71 Ruyoyo Marvel comma, septimal kleisma
7 16875/16807 [0 3 4 -5 6.99 Quinru-aquadyo Mirkwai comma
7 (24 digits) [11 -10 -10 10 5.57 Saquinbizogu Linus comma
7 2401/2400 [-5 -1 -2 4 0.72 Bizozogu Breedsma
11 243/242 [-1 5 0 0 -2 7.14 Lulu Rastma
11 385/384 [-7 -1 1 1 1 4.50 Lozoyo Keenanisma
11 441/440 [-3 2 -1 2 -1 3.93 Luzozogu Werckisma
11 540/539 [2 3 1 -2 -1 3.21 Lururuyo Swetisma
11 3025/3024 [-4 -3 2 -1 2 0.57 Loloruyoyo Lehmerisma
13 91/90 [-1 -2 -1 1 0 1 19.13 Thozogu Superleap comma, biome comma
13 196/195 [2 -1 -1 2 0 -1 8.86 Thuzozogu Mynucuma
13 676/675 [2 -3 -2 0 0 2 2.56 Bithogu Island comma, parizeksma

Rank-2 temperaments

per 8ve
Generator Temperament(s)
1 1\10 Negri, miracle (out-of-tune)
1 3\10 Dicot / beatles / neutral
2 1\10 Pajara (out-of-tune)
2 2\10 Decimal, lemba (out-of-tune)
5 1\10 Blackwood / blacksmith


MOS scales

  • Decimal/Lemba[6] 4L 2s (period = 5\10, gen = 2\10): 2 2 1 2 2 1
  • Dicot[7] 3L 4s (gen = 3\10): 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
  • Negri[9] 1L 8s (gen = 1\10): 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

Other scales


1\10 MOS
1\10 mos with 1L 1s, 1L 2s, 1L 3s, 1L 4s, 1L 5s, 1L 6s, 1L 7s, and 1L 8s
3\10 mos with 1L 1s, 1L 2s, 3L 1s, 3L 4s


10edo wheel.png


10edo lends itself exceptionally well to guitar (and other fretted strings), on account of the fact that five of its flat 4ths (at 480 cents) exactly spans two octaves (480 × 5 = 2400), meaning the open strings can be uniformly tuned in 4ths. This allows for greater uniformity in chord and scale fingering patterns than in 12edo, making it exceptionally easy to learn. For instance, the fingering for an "E" chord would be 0-2-2-1-0-0 (low to high), an "A" chord would be 0-0-2-2-1-0, and a "D" chord would be 1-0-0-2-2-1. This is also the case in all edos which are multiples of 5, but in 10-edo it is particularly simple.

Retuning a conventional keyboard to 10edo may be done in many ways, but neglecting or making redundant the Eb and Ab keys preserves the sLsLsLs scale on the white keys. Redundancy may make modulation easier, but another option is tuning the superfluous keys to selections from 20edo which approximates the 11th harmonic with relative accuracy, among other features.

A Decaphonic (10edo) Classical Guitar



See also: Category:10edo tracks


  1. Ratios longer than 10 digits are presented by placeholders with informative hints.