Schismic–Mercator equivalence continuum

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The schismic–Mercator equivalence continuum is a continuum of 5-limit temperaments which equate a number of schismas (32805/32768) with Mercator's comma ([-84 53). This continuum is theoretically interesting in that the temperaments associated with its various commas are all 5-limit microtemperaments.

All temperaments in the continuum satisfy (32805/32768)n ~ [-84 53. Varying n results in different temperaments listed in the table below. It converges to schismic as n approaches infinity. If we allow non-integer and infinite n, the continuum describes the set of all 5-limit temperaments supported by 53edo (due to it being the unique equal temperament that tempers both commas and thus tempers all combinations of them). The just value of n is approximately 1.8503390493…, and temperaments having n near this value tend to be the most accurate ones.

For a similar but perhaps more intuitive and practical concept, see Syntonic–chromatic equivalence continuum.

Temperaments with integer n
n Temperament Comma
Ratio Monzo
0 Mercator (52 digits) [-84 53
1 Counterschismic (44 digits) [-69 45 -1
2 Monzismic (36 digits) [54 -37 2
3 Tricot (28 digits) [39 -29 3
4 Vulture (22 digits) [24 -21 4
5 Amity 1600000/1594323 [9 -13 5
6 Kleismic 15625/15552 [-6 -5 6
7 Orson 2109375/2097152 [-21 3 7
8 Submajor (22 digits) [-36 11 8
9 Untriton (32 digits) [-51 19 9
Schismic 32805/32768 [-15 8 1

We may invert the continuum by setting m such that 1/m + 1/n = 1. This may be called the counterschismic–Mercator equivalence continuum, which is essentially the same thing. The just value of m is 2.17600… While the counterschisma is of comparable size as the schisma, it is way more complex, so this continuum does not contain as many useful temperaments at integer points.

Temperaments with integer m
m Temperament Comma
Ratio Monzo
0 Mercator (52 digits) [-84 53
1 Schismic 32805/32768 [-15 8 1
2 Monzismic (36 digits) [54 -37 2
Counterschismic (44 digits) [-69 45 -1
Temperaments with fractional n and m
Temperament n m
53 & 3684 11/6 = 1.83 11/5 = 2.2
53 & 4190 13/7 = 1.857142 13/6 = 2.16
Countritonic 9/2 = 4.5 9/7 = 1.285714
Quartonic 11/2 = 5.5 11/9 = 1.2
Ditonic 13/2 = 6.5 13/11 = 1.18


Comma list: [-84 53

Mapping: [53 84 123], 0 0 1]]

Wedgie⟨⟨ 0 53 84 ]]

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~531441/524288 = 1\53, ~5/4 = 386.264

Optimal ET sequence53, 477, 530, 583, 636, 689, 742, 795, 848, 901, 1749, 2650

Badness: 0.2843


Counterschismic is much like schismic, but the harmonic 5 is located at +45 fifths instead of schismic's -8. They unite in 53edo, of course.

Subgroup: 2.3.5

Comma list: [-69 45 -1

Mapping: [1 2 21], 0 -1 -45]]

Wedgie⟨⟨ 1 45 69 ]]

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~2 = 1\1, ~3/2 = 701.9175

Optimal ET sequence53, 412, 465, 518, 571, 624, 677, 730, 2973, 3703, 4433, 5163, 11056

Badness: 0.09123


For extensions, see Ragismic microtemperaments #Countritonic and Hemifamity temperaments #Countriton.

Subgroup: 2.3.5

Comma list: [33 -34 9

Mapping: [1 6 19], 0 -9 -34]]

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~2 = 1\1, ~14348907/10240000 = 588.636

Optimal ET sequence53, 263, 316, 369, 422, 475, 528, 2587b, 3115b, 3643b

Badness: 0.256

53 & 3684

Subgroup: 2.3.5

Comma list: [-339 230 -11

Mapping: [1 2 11], 0 -11 -230]]

Wedgie⟨⟨ 11 230 339 ]]

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~2 = 1\1, ~10737418240/10460353203 = 45.2769

Optimal ET sequence53, 3684, 11105

Badness: 0.276036

53 & 4190

Subgroup: 2.3.5

Comma list: [393 -267 13

Mapping: [1 6 93], 0 -13 -267]]

Wedgie⟨⟨ 13 267 393 ]]

Optimal tuning (CTE): ~2 = 1\1, ~[-60 41 -2 = 407.5419

Optimal ET sequence53, 4190, 4243, 4296

Badness: 0.173433