Major and minor triads

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Major and minor triads refer to triads containing a fifth alongside a major and minor third respectively.

In tempered scales

In diatonic (5L 2s) scales, "major third" and "minor third" are precisely defined intervals corresponding to 81/64 and 32/27 in Pythagorean tuning, but generated by a tempered fifth.

  • In 12edo, major is 400 ¢ and minor is 300 ¢.
  • In 19edo, major is 379 ¢ and minor is 316 ¢.
  • In 22edo, major is 436 ¢ and minor is 273 ¢.
  • If we pretend that 16edo's fifth generates a diatonic scale, this places major at 300 ¢ and minor at 375 ¢, leading to the controversial "harmonic notation" of 16edo.

In terms of mediants, minor triads tend to range between a mediant of 37% and 47%, and major triads tend to range between 53% and 63%, corresponding to simple 5-limit or septimal intervals. More extreme than major and minor are tendo and arto, corresponding to interseptimal and tridecimal intervals, and ultimately suspended, corresponding to simple 3-limit intervals; less extreme than major and minor are neutral triads.

In just intonation

In just intonation, 4:5:6 and 10:12:15 are the canonical tunings for the major and minor triads. Major and minor triads may also be tuned to simple septimal intervals, for example, to 14:18:21 and 6:7:9. Further details lie below.

Simple major triads

English Wikipedia has an article on:

A major triad is a triad comprising a root, major third, and perfect fifth.

In the 7-limit:

  • 14:18:21, a supermajor triad, is a 9-odd-limit chord that tunes the third sharper than the 5-limit major.

In the 5-limit:

  • 4:5:6 is found on the I (11), IV (43), and V (32) of Ptolemy's intense diatonic scale (Zarlino).

In the 3-limit:

Simple minor triads

English Wikipedia has an article on:

A minor triad is a triad comprising a root, minor third, and fifth.

In the 7-limit:

  • 6:7:9, a subminor triad, is a 9-odd-limit chord that tunes the third flatter than the 5-limit minor.

In the 5-limit:

  • 10:12:15 is found on the iii (54) and vi (53) of Ptolemy's intense diatonic scale (Zarlino), perhaps the most common 5-limit diatonic.
  • 27:32:40 is found on the ii (98) of Ptolemy's intense diatonic scale.

In the 3-limit:

  • 54:64:81 is found on the ii (98), iii (8164), and vi (2716) of the Pythagorean diatonic scale.

SCL files

.SCL files for the classical major and minor triads are provided below:

! majortriad.scl
The major triad as a wakalix
! Fokblock([25/24, 16/15], [1, 0]) = Fokblock([25/24, 10/9], [2, 0]) = Fokblock([16/15, 10/9], [0, 1])
! minortriad.scl
The minor triad as a wakalix
! Fokblock([25/24, 16/15], [0, 0]) = Fokblock([25/24, 10/9], [1, 0]) = Fokblock([16/15, 10/9], [1, 0])