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Chord information
Harmonics 6:7:9
Subharmonics 1/(21:18:14)
Intervals from root 1/1 – 7/6 – 3/2
Cents from root 0¢ 267¢ 702¢
Step intervals 7/6, 9/7
Step cents 267¢, 435¢
Color name zo or z
Prime limit 7
Genus 32 ⋅ 7 (63)
Intervallic odd limit 9
Otonal odd limit 9
Utonal odd limit 21
Consistent edos (d≥2) 5edo*, 14edo*, 17edo*, 19edo*, …

6:7:9, a subminor triad or septimal minor triad, is a triad in the 7-limit sometimes used in place of a minor triad.

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This chord may be closely connected to 7-limit interpretations of the Blues scale.