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The 3-limit consists of intervals that are either an integer whose only prime factors are 2 and 3, the reciprocal of such an integer, the ratio of a power of 2 to a power of 3, or the ratio of a power of 3 to a power of 2. All 3-limit intervals can be written as [math]2^a \cdot 3^b[/math], where a and b can be any (positive, negative or zero) integer. Some examples of 3-limit intervals are 3/2, 4/3, 9/8. Confining intervals to the 3-limit is known as Pythagorean tuning, and the Pythagorean tuning used in Europe during the Middle Ages is the seed out of which grew the common-practice tradition of Western music, as well as genres derived from it. The 3-limit can be considered a rank-2 temperament which tempers out no commas.


A 3-limit interval is also known as a Pythagorean interval. Recently, composers Catherine Lamb and Marc Sabat have adopted tertial for intervals of HC3[citation needed], not to be confused with tertian which is the adjective associated with the third diatonic degree.

Edo approximation

Edos which do relatively well at approximating 3-limit intervals can be found as the denominators of the convergents and semiconvergents of the continued fraction for the logarithm of 3 base 2. These are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 29, 41, 53, 94, 147, 200, 253, 306, …

Another approach is to find edos which have more accurate approximation to 3 than all smaller edos. This results in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 29, 41, 53, 200, 253, 306, 359, 665, 8286, 8951, 9616, 10281, 10946, 11611, 12276, 12941, 13606, 14271, 14936, 15601, 31867, … (OEIS: A060528)

Table of intervals

3-limit intervals up to odd-limit 19683:

Ratio Monzo Size (¢) Color Name Diatonic Category
1/1 [0 0.000 w1 wa unison P1 C
2187/2048 [-11 7 113.685 Lw1 lawa 1sn A1 C#
256/243 [8 -5 90.225 sw2 sawa 2nd m2 Db
9/8 [-3 2 203.910 w2 wa 2nd M2 D
19683/16384 [-14 9 317.595 Lw2 lawa 2nd A2 D#
32/27 [5 -3 294.135 w3 wa 3rd m3 Eb
81/64 [-6 4 407.820 Lw3 lawa 3rd M3 E
8192/6561 [13 -8 384.360 sw4 sawa 4th d4 Fb
4/3 [2 -1 498.045 w4 wa 4th P4 F
729/512 [-9 6 611.730 Lw4 lawa 4th A4 F#
1024/729 [10 -6 588.270 sw5 sawa 5th d5 Gb
3/2 [-1 1 701.955 w5 wa 5th P5 G
6561/4096 [-12 8 815.640 Lw5 lawa 5th A5 G#
128/81 [7 -4 792.180 sw6 sawa 6th m6 Ab
27/16 [-4 3 905.865 w6 wa 6th M6 A
32768/19683 [15 -9 882.405 sw7 sawa 7th d7 Bbb
16/9 [4 -2 996.090 w7 wa 7th m7 Bb
243/128 [-7 5 1109.775 Lw7 lawa 7th M7 B
4096/2187 [12 -7 1086.315 sw8 sawa 8ve d8 Cb
2/1 [1 1200.000 w8 wa 8ve P8 C


E8 Heterotic
Peter 'Rush' Kosmorsky
Zhea Erose

See also