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The 9-odd-limit is the set of all rational intervals for which neither the numerator nor the denominator of the frequency ratio exceeds 9, once all powers of 2 are removed. To the 7-odd-limit, it adds 3 interval pairs involving 9.

Below is a list of all octave-reduced intervals in the 9-odd-limit.

Ratio Size (¢) Color name Name(s)
10/9 182.404 y2 yo 2nd classic whole tone
minor whole tone
9/8 203.910 w2 wa 2nd Pythagorean whole tone
major whole tone
9/7 435.084 r3 ru 3rd septimal supermajor third
14/9 764.916 z6 zo 6th septimal subminor sixth
16/9 996.090 w7 wa 7th Pythagorean minor seventh
9/5 1017.596 g7 gu 7th classic minor seventh

The smallest equal division of the octave which is consistent in the 9-odd-limit is 5edo; that which is distinctly consistent in the same is 41edo.

See also