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Martin Aurell's diagram showing Orwell[9] generated in 31 tone equal temperament.

Orwell – so named because 19 steps of 84edo, i.e. 19\84, is a possible generator – is an excellent 7-limit temperament and an amazing 11-limit temperament because of the simplicity of harmonic 11.

In orwell, the just perfect twelfth (3/1) is divided into 7 equal steps. One of these steps represents 7/6; three represent 8/5. Alternately, the 5th harmonic (5/1) divided into 3 equal steps also makes a good orwell generator, being ~12/7.

In the 11-limit, two generators are equated to 11/8 (meaning 99/98 is tempered out). This means that three stacked generators makes the orwell tetrad 1–7/6–11/8–8/5, a chord in which every interval is a (tempered) 11-odd-limit consonance. Other such chords in orwell are the keenanismic chords and the swetismic chords.

Compatible equal temperaments include 22edo, 31edo, 53edo, and 84edo. Orwell is in better tune in lower limits than higher ones; the optimal patent val is 296edo in the 5-limit, 137edo in the 7-limit, and 53edo in the 11-limit. It tempers out the semicomma in the 5-limit, and so belongs to the semicomma family. In the 7-limit it tempers out 225/224, 1728/1715, 2430/2401 and 6144/6125, and in the 11-limit, 99/98, 121/120, 176/175, 385/384 and 540/539. By adding 275/273 to the list of commas it can be extended to the 13-limit as tridecimal orwell, and by adding instead 66/65, winston temperament. See Orwell extensions for details about 13-limit extensions.

See Semicomma family #Orwell for technical details.

Interval chain

Odd harmonics 1–21 and their inverses are in bold.

# Cents* Approximate ratios
0 0.00 1/1
1 271.46 7/6
2 542.91 11/8, 15/11
3 814.37 8/5
4 1085.82 15/8, 28/15
5 157.28 12/11, 11/10, 35/32
6 428.73 14/11, 9/7, 32/25
7 700.19 3/2
8 971.64 7/4
9 43.10 49/48, 36/35, 33/32
10 314.55 6/5
11 586.01 7/5
12 857.46 18/11
13 1128.92 21/11, 27/14, 48/25
14 200.37 9/8, 28/25
15 471.83 21/16
16 743.28 49/32, 54/35
17 1014.74 9/5
18 86.19 21/20
19 357.65 27/22, 49/40
20 629.10 36/25
21 900.56 27/16, 42/25
22 1172.01 63/32

* In 11-limit CWE tuning

Chords and harmony

The fundamental otonal consonance of orwell, voiced in a roughly tertian manner, is 4:5:6:7:9:11. In terms of generator steps this is 0–(-3)–7–8–14–2, only available in a 22-tone mos. However, some subsets of this chord are way simpler, such as 8:11:12:14, which is 1–11/8–3/2–7/4 (0–2–7–8).

The generator, ~7/6, is a septimal interval, so chords could instead be built around it as 1–7/6–3/2 (0–1–7), 1–7/4–3 (0–8–7), or tetrads such as 1–7/6–3/2–7/4 (0–1–7–8).

To 1–7/6–3/2–7/4 we may add 11/8, or to 1–11/8–3/2–7/4 we may add 7/6, to form an essentially tempered pentad, 1–7/6–11/8–3/2–7/4 (0–1–2–7–8). Its inverse is 1–12/11–9/7–3/2–12/7 (0–5–6–7–(-1)), which can serve as a minor counterpart. This is similar, but also in clear contrast to the 1–5/4–3/2 (0–4–1) and 1–6/5–3/2 (0–(−3)–1) chords of meantone. Two approaches to functional harmony thus arise.

First, we can treat the septimal chords above as the basis of harmony, but swapping the roles of 3 and 7 according to their temperamental complexities (number of generator steps). Thus a "dominant" chord is either 7/6 or 12/7 over tonic; a "subdominant" chord is either 7/6 or 12/7 under tonic. This leads to an approach closely adherent to mos scales. The 9-tone mos contains a tonic and a "dominant" triad. The 13-tone mos is good for encapsulating tonic, "pre-dominant", and "dominant" functions, triads to pentads alike.

Second, we can treat the same chords as the basis of harmony, and keeping the role of the chain of fifths as the spine on which the functions are defined. This means dominant is still 3/2 over tonic, for example. A consequence is we must step out of the logic of mos scales, as they are often too restrictive without the many fifths to stack. This is essentially working in JI, but using the commas tempered out in some way to lock into the identity of the temperament.


MOS scales

9-tone scales (sLsLsLsLs, proper)

in POTE tuning

in 22edo

in 53edo

Small ("minor") interval 114.29 228.59 385.72 500.02 657.15 771.44 928.57 1042.87
JI intervals represented 15/14~16/15 8/7 5/4 4/3 16/11 14/9~11/7 12/7 11/6
Large ("major") interval 157.13 271.43 428.56 542.85 699.98 814.28 971.41 1085.71
JI intervals represented 12/11~11/10 7/6 14/11~9/7 11/8 3/2 8/5 7/4 15/8
13-tone scales (LsLLsLLLsLLsL, improper)
Small ("minor") interval 42.84 157.13 271.43 314.26 428.56 542.85 585.69 699.98 814.28 857 971.41 1085.71
JI intervals represented 12/11~11/10 7/6 6/5 14/11~9/7 11/8 7/5 3/2 8/5 18/11 7/4 15/8
Large ("major") interval 114.29 228.59 342.88 385.72 500.02 614.31 657.15 771.44 885.74 928.57 1042.87 1157.16
JI intervals represented 15/14~16/15 8/7 11/9 5/4 4/3 10/7 16/11 14/9~11/7 5/3 12/7 11/6
22-tone scales

Transversal scales



7-limit prime-optimized tunings
Unskewed Skewed
Equilateral CEE: ~7/6 = 271.3553¢ CSEE: ~7/6 = 271.3339¢
Tenney CTE: ~7/6 = 271.5130¢ CWE: ~7/6 = 271.5097¢
CBE: ~7/6 = 271.5725¢ CSBE: ~7/6 = 271.5741¢
11-limit prime-optimized tunings
Unskewed Skewed
Equilateral CEE: ~7/6 = 271.4920¢ CSEE: ~7/6 = 271.3038¢
Tenney CTE: ~7/6 = 271.5597¢ CWE: ~7/6 = 271.4552¢
CBE: ~7/6 = 271.5915¢ CSBE: ~7/6 = 271.5302¢
DR and equal-beating tunings
Optimized chord Generator value Polynomial Further notes
3:4:5 (+1 +1) ~7/6 = 272.890 f10 − 8f3 + 8 = 0 1–3–5 equal-beating tuning
4:5:6 (+1 +1) ~7/6 = 271.508 f10 + 2f3 - 8 = 0 1–3–5 equal-beating tuning

Tuning spectrum

Generator (¢) Comments
2\9 266.667 Lower bound of 7-odd-limit diamond monotone
7/6 266.871
15/11 268.475
11/7 269.585
11/6 270.127
15/14 270.139
49/48 270.633
21/11 270.728
7\31 270.968 Lower bound of 9- and 11-odd-limit diamond monotone
11/9 271.049
7/4 271.103
7/5 271.137 7- and 11-odd-limit minimax
5/4 271.229
21/20 271.359
21/16 271.385
19\84 271.429 84e val
25/24 271.487
64/63 271.488
5/3 271.564 5-odd-limit minimax
9/5 271.623 9-odd-limit minimax
81/80 271.661
12\53 271.698
3/2 271.708
17\75 272.000
15/8 272.067
36/35 272.086
9/7 272.514
5\22 272.727 Upper bound of 7-, 9- and 11-odd-limit diamond monotone
11/10 273.001
11/8 275.659

* Besides the octave

Non-octave settings


By switching the roles of the period and generator, we end up with a nonoctave temperament that is to orwell what angel and devadoot are to meantone and magic, respectively. There is an interesting mos with 7 notes per period; if this is derived as a subset of 84edt (which has 12 notes per period, and is almost identical to 53edo), the resulting mos has the same structure as the 12edo diatonic scale, only compressed so that the period is ~272 cents rather than an octave. Thus, a piano keyboard for this mos would look exactly the same as a typical keyboard, only what looks like an octave would not be one anymore. This temperament could be called watcher, a reference to a class of angels whose very name carries Orwellian connotations. The 12-integer-limit otonality (1::12) and utonality (1/(1::12)) both have complexity 4. If we consider these to be the fundamental consonances, then using the 7-note-per-period mos, there are exactly 3 of each type per period, which again is analogous to the diatonic scale. While angel and devadoot do not perform well past the 10-integer-limit, watcher handles the 12-integer-limit with ease. Straight-fretted watcher guitars could be built as long as the strings were all tuned to period-equivalent notes.

Rank-3 temperaments

Following is a list of rank-3, or planar temperaments that are supported by orwell temperament.

Rank-3 temperament Among others, rank-3 temperament is also supported by…
7-limit 11-limit
9tet 22tet 31tet 53tet
Marvel Negri, septimin, august,
amavil, enneaportent
Magic, pajara, wizard, porky Meantone, miracle, tritonic,
slender, würschmidt
Garibaldi, catakleismic
Marvel Negri, septimin, enneaportent Magic, pajarous, wizard Meanpop, miracle, tritoni, slender Garibaldi, catakleismic
Minerva Negric, august, amavil Telepathy, pajara Meantone, revelation, würschmidt Cataclysmic
Artemis* Wilsec Divination, hemipaj, porky Migration, oracle, tritonic
Hewuermity Triforce, armodue,
Porcupine, astrology, shrutar,
hendecatonic, septisuperfourth
Hemiwürschmidt, valentine,
mohajira, grendel
Amity, hemischis,
Zeus Triforce, armodue,
Porcupine, astrology, shrutar,
Hemiwur, valentine, mohajira Hitchcock,
Jupiter Septisuperfourth Hemiwürschmidt, grendel Amity, hemischis
Orwellismic Beep, secund, infraorwell,
Superpyth, doublewide,
Myna, mothra, sentinel,
Quartonic, buzzard
Orwellian Pentoid, secund Suprapyth, doublewide Myno, mothra, sentinel
Guanyin Infraorwell, niner Superpyth, fleetwood, echidna Myna, mosura, semisept Quartonic, buzzard
Nuwell Progression, superpelog Quasisuper, hedgehog Squares, nusecond Tricot, hamity
Big brother Progression, superpelog Quasisupra, hedgehog Squares, nusecond Tricot, hamity
Horwell Bisupermajor, escaped,
Hemithirds, worschmidt,
Countercata, pontiac
Zelda Bisupermajor, sensa Hemithirds, worschmidt, tertia Countercata

* Weak extension (one or more generators from the parent temperament are split)


Tarkan Grood
Andrew Heathwaite
Peter Kosmorsky
Löis Lancaster (Roncevaux)
Claudi Meneghin
Herman Miller
Gene Ward Smith
Chris Vaisvil


To play interactive versions of these keyboards, check out Vito Sicurella's plugin, which works with REAPER:


