Functional harmony in rank-2 temperaments

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Using functonal harmony in rank-2 temperaments can be challenging. Diatonic functional harmony is virtually based on one temperament over the centuries: meantone, but what works in meantone may or may not work in other rank-2 temperaments. This guide discusses some techniques that may be helpful for transferring functional harmony to those temperaments.

Functions based on septimal harmony

In septimal meantone, the interval class of 5 is reached by a relatively low number of generator steps whereas the interval class of 7 is way more complex, so classical intervals are very accessible in the diatonic scale whereas septimal intervals are only available in the chromatic or even enharmonic scale (except for ~7/5, which is mapped to the tritone). This greatly shapes the way we use harmony in it: the classical chords are the basis of harmony, and septimal chords are only used sparingly for additional spices. For other temperaments generated by a fifth, the condition tends to differ. In superpyth, the interval class of 7 is only -2 generator steps, while the interval class of 5 is +9 steps away, so the temperament inherently favors prime 7 over 5. If we continue to use it the old way, the harmonic resource we get from a finite scale will be sparse. To address that, septimal chords can be used as the basic form of harmony, with classical chords occasionally inserted for additional spices.

Example: superpyth

Intuitively, one can think of the basic form of septimal harmony as follows:

  • 1–7/6–3/2 (0–(−3)–1)
  • 1–9/7–3/2 (0–4–1)

As Flora Canou's essay Analysis on the 13-Limit Just Intonation Space: Episode I has identified, the classical triads 1–5/4–3/2 and 1–6/5–3/2 are rooted and uprooted, respectively, but these septimal triads are not. Another possible complaint is that the chroma between the "major" and "minor" triads is too large. One solution is to insert another tone to the chords, resulting in

  • 1–7/6–21/16–3/2 (0–(−3)–(−1)–1)
  • 1–8/7–9/7–3/2 (0–2–4–1)

Particular to superpyth, note that 1–7/6–21/16–3/2 can also be expressed as 1–7/6–4/3–3/2 and that 1–8/7–9/7–3/2 can also be expressed as 1–9/8–9/7–3/2.

Another solution, proposed in the essay, is to adopt semiquartal harmony, a chord construction scheme analogous to tertian harmony but for septimal chords:

  • 1–8/7–4/3 (0–2–(−1))
  • 1–7/6–4/3 (0–(−3)–(−1)))

Flora specifically proposes this voicing:

  • 1–7/4–3 (0–(−2)–1)
  • 1–12/7–3 (0–3–1))

which is suppoed to sound better with very wide voicing variations.

Superpyth[7], the diatonic scale of superpyth, contains 3 copies of the tetrads and 4 copies of the rooted/uprooted triads, and with Superpyth[12], the chromatic scale, classical chords are available here and there.

Role swapping vs breaking out of mos

A greater problem arises when the temperament in question is not generated by a perfect fifth (3/2). In septimal meantone, the most consonant interval besides the octave, the perfect fifth, is a generator, so that the most consonant interval is also the most abundant interval in any mos scale. This is not true for any temperament that is not generated by a perfect fifth. In these temperaments, we have to choose what our dominant and subdominant functions are based on.

Here we discuss the technique where "dominant" and "subdominant" are no longer related to tonic by the fifth, but by the generator. This can be called role swapping as we are essentially swapping the functional roles of harmonic 3 and a higher harmonic according to their temperamental complexities (number of generator steps). Since mos scales are created from stacking generators, this leads to an approach closely adherent to mos scales, and depending on the specific scale pattern, it can sound very xenharmonic.

In contrast to role swapping, the one-for-all solution to harmony in temperaments regardless of how far the primes are on the generator chain entails using the same old chords as the basis of harmony, and keeping the roles of each prime as in meantone. This means dominant is always a perfect fifth over tonic, for example. A consequence is we must step out of the logic of mos scales, as they are often too restrictive without the many fifths to stack. Try starting unlimited and thinking directly about ratios and comma pumps. You might end up with a diatonic-like scale with comma-level inflections here and there, but it is also possible to slap whatever scale you like, using inflections to reach the ratios.

Example: magic

In terms of generator steps of magic, the just major triad (1–5/4–3/2) and just minor triad (1–6/5–3/2) are 0–1–5 and 0–4–5; this is similar, but also in clear contrast to the 0–4–1 and 0–(−3)–1 of meantone. These chords can be used as the basis of harmony, with the roles of 3 and 5 swapped according to their temperamental complexities. Thus a "dominant" chord is 5/4 over tonic; a "subdominant" chord is 5/4 under tonic. The 7-tone mos contains a tonic and a "dominant" chord. The 10-tone mos is good for encapsulating tonic, "pre-dominant", and "dominant" functions. The suspended chord of meantone is made of two generators stacked, and doing the same in magic, we also have the augmented triad (1–5/4–14/9) as the magic analog of the suspended chord of meantone.

Instead of thinking about mos scales, we can keep the tonic, dominant, and subdominant functions related by fifths. The classical major triad on tonic is 0–1–5; on dominant, 5–6–10; and on subdominant, (-5)–(-4)–0. This is essentially working in a rank-3 space (or 2-dimensional lattice up to octave equivalence) but the edges are wrapped around due to the equivalence from the commas tempered out. The only thing that distinguishes it from JI is that you should in some way use the commas tempered out to prove the worth of the intonational compromises; otherwise you could simply choose JI.

Example: hanson

In terms of generator steps of hanson, the just major triad (1–5/4–3/2) and just minor triad (1–6/5–3/2) are 0–5–6 and 0–1–6; like in magic, these chords can be used as the basis of harmony, but the intervals whose roles are being swapped here are 3 and 3/5. A "dominant" chord is 6/5 over tonic; a "subdominant" chord is 6/5 under tonic. The 11-tone mos might be a good place to start since the 7-tone mos barely contains anything more a tonic chord.

If instead we keep the tonic, dominant, and subdominant functions related by fifths, then the classical major triad on tonic is 0–5–6; on dominant, 6–11–12; and on subdominant, (-6)–(-1)–0.

Example: orwell

Orwell is generated by ~7/6, so chords could be built around it as 1–7/6–3/2 (0–1–7) and 1–9/7–3/2 (0–6–7), or 1–7/4–3 (0–8–7) and 1–12/7–3 (0–(-1)–7), or tetrads such as 1–7/6–3/2–7/4 (0–1–7–8). The intervals whose roles are being swapped here are 3 and 5 and then 5 and 7. Since two generator steps give ~11/8, 1–11/8–3/2–7/4 (0–2–7–8) is also a characteristic otonal tetrad of orwell. To 1–7/6–3/2–7/4 we may add 11/8, or to 1–11/8–3/2–7/4 we may add 7/6, to form an essentially tempered pentad, 1–7/6–11/8–3/2–7/4 (0–1–2–7–8). Its inverse is 1–12/11–9/7–3/2–12/7 (0–5–6–7–(-1)), which can serve as a minor counterpart. A "dominant" chord is either 7/6 or 12/7 over tonic; a "subdominant" chord is either 7/6 or 12/7 under tonic. The 9-tone mos contains a tonic and a "dominant" triad. The 13-tone mos is good for encapsulating tonic, "pre-dominant", and "dominant" functions, triads to pentads alike.

If instead we keep the tonic, dominant, and subdominant functions related by fifths, then the above pentad on tonic is 0–1–2–7–8; on dominant, 7–8–9–14–15; and on subdominant, (-7)–(-6)–(-5)–0–1.

Example: sensi

Sensi is generated by ~9/7, so chords could be built around it as 1–9/7–3/2 (0–1–7) and 1–7/6–3/2 (0–6–7). The intervals whose roles are being swapped here are 3 and 5 and then 5 and 9/7. Since two generator steps give ~5/3, 1–7/6–3/2–5/3 (0–6–7–2) is also a characteristic otonal tetrad of sensi; its inverse is 1–9/7–3/2–9/5 (0–1–7–5). In addition, 1–9/7–3/2–5/3 (0–1–7–2) is a very characteristic essentially tempered tetrad; its inverse is 1–7/6–3/2–9/5 (0–6–7–5). A "dominant" chord is 9/7 over tonic; a "subdominant" chord is 9/7 under tonic. The 11-tone mos might be a good place to start since the 8-tone mos barely contains anything more than a tonic chord.

If instead we keep the tonic, dominant, and subdominant functions related by fifths, then the above tetrads on tonic are 0–6–7–2 and 0–1–7–2; on dominant, 7–13–14–9 and 7–8–14–9; and on subdominant, (-7)–(-1)–0–(-5) and (–7)–(-6)–0–(-5).

Example: würschmidt

Würschmidt is just about on the complexity level where role swapping stops to work. The 10-tone mos contains a tonic and a "dominant" chord. For full analog of traditional harmony you need an unwieldy 13-tone mos, with more notes than the traditional chromatic scale and nearly twice the number of notes as the diatonic scale.

If instead we keep the tonic, dominant, and subdominant functions related by fifths, then the classical major triad on tonic is 0–1–8; on dominant, 8–9–16; and on subdominant, (-8)–(-7)–0.


We abstract the following hierarchy of functional roles for intervals of 3, 5, and 7 from meantone:

Primary role
The spine on which the functions are defined.
Secondary role
The main flavors for harmony.
Tertiary role
The additional spices for harmony.

Note that "intervals of 5" may be 5, 5/3, sometimes 9/5 or even 15, all depending on the temperament; same with intervals of 7. Other primes may be swapped in too. For instance, intervals of 13 have a great tertiary role in hanson. The following table shows a more typical role swapping result in orwell.

Functional roles in meantone and orwell
Temperament Intervals of 3 Intervals of 5 Intervals of 7
Meantone Primary Secondary Tertiary
Orwell Secondary Tertiary Primary

We can, as a bonus, identify the "nullary" role for prime 2:

Nullary role
The interval of equivalence.

Adding that to the table, it might give us a clue about using temperaments in non-octave settings.