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Interval information
Ratio 171885556953/171798691840
Factorization 2-35 × 317 × 5-1 × 113
Monzo [-35 17 -1 0 3
Size in cents 0.8751279¢
Name triagnoshenisma
Color name trila-trilo-agu negative 3rd, L31o3g-3
FJS name [math]\text{d}{-3}^{11,11,11}_{5}[/math]
Special properties reduced
Tenney height (log2 nd) 74.6446
Weil height (log2 max(n, d)) 74.6453
Wilson height (sopfr(nd)) 159
Harmonic entropy
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
~1.20538 bits
Comma size unnoticeable
Open this interval in xen-calc

The triagnoshenisma, is an unnoticeable 11-limit comma (specifically of the subgroup) with a ratio of 171885556953/171798691840, and a size of roughly 0.88 cents.

Its name comes from two of the main ways of conceptualizing it. Firstly, it is the amount by which a stack of three 1024/891 inframinor thirds falls short of a 243/160 lamb fifth, hence the first part of the comma's name – from the Latin tri- prefix plus the Latin word agnus, with the linking -o- replacing the ending of "agnus". Secondly, it is the amount by which a stack of three 8192/8019 inframinor seconds falls short of a 16/15 minor second, which, since both of these intervals are types of second in diatonic-based interval naming schemes, leads to the second part of the comma's name – from the Hebrew word shení, meaning "second".

In terms of commas it can be thought of as the amount by which a stack of two schismas exceeds the wizardharry comma. It is also the sum of the parimo and the frameshift comma.

Although this comma is unnoticeable, it is tempered out in EDOs such as 29edo, 65edo, 99edo and 159edo.