User:Moremajorthanmajor/5L 3s (15/7-equivalent)

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↖ 4L 2s⟨15/7⟩ ↑ 5L 2s⟨15/7⟩ 6L 2s⟨15/7⟩ ↗
← 4L 3s⟨15/7⟩ 5L 3s<15/7> 6L 3s⟨15/7⟩ →
↙ 4L 4s⟨15/7⟩ ↓ 5L 4s⟨15/7⟩ 6L 4s⟨15/7⟩ ↘
Scale structure
Step pattern LLsLLsLs
Equave 15/7 (1319.4 ¢)
Period 15/7 (1319.4 ¢)
Generator size(ed15/7)
Bright 3\8 to 2\5 (494.8 ¢ to 527.8 ¢)
Dark 3\5 to 5\8 (791.7 ¢ to 824.7 ¢)
Related MOS scales
Parent 3L 2s⟨15/7⟩
Sister 3L 5s⟨15/7⟩
Daughters 8L 5s⟨15/7⟩, 5L 8s⟨15/7⟩
Neutralized 2L 6s⟨15/7⟩
2-Flought 13L 3s⟨15/7⟩, 5L 11s⟨15/7⟩
Equal tunings(ed15/7)
Equalized (L:s = 1:1) 3\8 (494.8 ¢)
Supersoft (L:s = 4:3) 11\29 (500.5 ¢)
Soft (L:s = 3:2) 8\21 (502.6 ¢)
Semisoft (L:s = 5:3) 13\34 (504.5 ¢)
Basic (L:s = 2:1) 5\13 (507.5 ¢)
Semihard (L:s = 5:2) 12\31 (510.8 ¢)
Hard (L:s = 3:1) 7\18 (513.1 ¢)
Superhard (L:s = 4:1) 9\23 (516.3 ¢)
Collapsed (L:s = 1:0) 2\5 (527.8 ¢)

5L 3s⟨15/7⟩ is a 15/7-equivalent (non-octave) moment of symmetry scale containing 5 large steps and 3 small steps, repeating every interval of 15/7 (1319.4 ¢). Generators that produce this scale range from 494.8 ¢ to 527.8 ¢, or from 791.7 ¢ to 824.7 ¢.

Any ed15/7 with an interval between 494.8¢ and 527.8¢ has a 5L 3s scale. 13ed15/7 is the smallest ed15/7 with a (non-degenerate) 5L 3s scale and thus is the most commonly used 5L 3s tuning.

Standing assumptions

The TAMNAMS system is used in this article to name 5L 3s<15/7> intervals and step size ratios and step ratio ranges.

The notation used in this article is G Mixolydian Mediant (LLsLLsLs) = GABCQDEFG, unless specified otherwise. We denote raising and lowering by a chroma (L − s) by # and f "flat (F molle)".

The chain of perfect 4ths becomes: ... Ef Af Qf Ff Bf Df G C E A Q F B D ...

Thus the 13ed15/7 gamut is as follows:

G/F# G#/Af A A#/Bf B/Cf C/B# C#/Qf Q Q#/Df D/Ef E/D# E#/Ff F/Gf G

The 18ed15/7 gamut is notated as follows:

G F#/Af G# A Bf A#/Cf B C B#/Qf C# Q Df Q#/Ef D E D#/Ff E#/Gf F G

The 21ed15/7 gamut:

G G# Af A A# Bf B B#/Cf C C# Qf Q Q# Df D D#/Ef E E# Ff F F#/Gf G


The author suggests the name Neapolitan-oneirotonic.


The table of Neapolitan-oneirotonic intervals below takes the fourth as the generator. Given the size of the fourth generator g, any oneirotonic interval can easily be found by noting what multiple of g it is, and multiplying the size by the number k of generators it takes to reach the interval.

Notation (1/1 = G) name In L's and s's # generators up Notation of 15/7 inverse name In L's and s's
The 8-note MOS has the following intervals (from some root):
0 G perfect unison 0L + 0s 0 G “perfect” minor 9th 5L + 3s
1 C natural 4th 2L + 1s -1 Df minor 6th 3L + 2s
2 E major 7th 4L + 2s -2 Bf minor 3rd 1L + 1s
3 A major 2nd 1L + 0s -3 Ff diminished octave 4L + 3s
4 Q perfect 5th 3L + 1s -4 Qf diminished 5th 2L + 2s
5 F perfect octave 5L + 2s -5 Af minor 2nd 0L + 1s
6 B major 3rd 2L + 0s -6 Ef minor 7th 3L + 3s
7 D major 6th 4L + 1s -7 Cf diminished 4th 1L + 2s
The chromatic 13-note MOS (either 5L 8s, 8L 5s, or 13ed15/7) also has the following intervals (from some root):
8 G# augmented unison 1L - 1s -8 Gf diminished 9th 4L + 4s
9 C# augmented 4th 3L + 0s -9 Dff diminished 6th 2L + 3s
10 E# augmented 7th 5L + 1s -10 Bff diminished 3rd 0L + 2s
11 A# augmented 2nd 2L - 1s -11 Fff doubly diminished octave 3L + 4s
12 Q# augmented 5th 4L + 0s -12 Qff doubly diminished 5th 1L + 3s

Tuning ranges

Simple tunings

Table of intervals in the simplest Neapolitan-oneirotonic tunings:

Degree Size in 13ed15/7 (basic) Size in 18ed15/7 (hard) Size in 21ed15/7 (soft) Note name on G #Gens up
unison 0\13, 0.00 0\18, 0.00 0\21, 0.00 G 0
minor 2nd 1\13, 101.496 1\18, 73.302 2\21, 125.661 Af -5
major 2nd 2\13, 202.991 3\18, 219.907 3\21, 188.492 A +3
minor 3rd 3\13, 304.487 4\18, 293.210 5\21, 314.153 Bf -2
major 3rd 4\13, 405.982 6\18, 439.814 6\21, 376.984 B +6
diminished 4th 5\18, 366.511 7\21, 439.814 Cf -7
natural 4th 5\13, 507.478 7\18, 513.117 8\21, 502.645 C +1
diminished 5th 6\13, 608.974 8\18, 586.419 10\21, 628.306 Qf -4
perfect 5th 7\13, 710.469 10\18, 733.024 11\31, 691.137 Q +4
minor 6th 8\13, 811.965 11\18, 806.326 13\21, 816.798 Df -1
major 6th 9\13, 913.460 13\18, 952.931 14\21, 879.629 D +7
minor 7th 12\18, 879.629 15\21, 942.459 Ef -6
major 7th 10\13, 1014.956 14\18, 1026.233 16\21, 1005.290 E +2
diminished octave 11\13, 1116.452 15\18, 1099.536 18\21, 1130.951 Ff -3
perfect octave 12\13, 1217.942 17\18, 1246.140 19\21, 1193.782 F +5


Hypohard Neapolitan-oneirotonic tunings (with generator between 5\13 and 7\18) have step ratios between 2/1 and 3/1.

Hypohard Neapolitan-oneirotonic can be considered " superpythagorean Neapolitan-oneirotonic". This is because these tunings share the following features with superpythagorean diatonic tunings:

    • The large step is near the Pythagorean 9/8 whole tone, somewhere between as in 12edo and as in 17edo.
    • The major 3rd (made of two large steps) is a near-Pythagorean to Neogothic major third.

EDIXs that are in the hypohard range include 13ed15/7, 18ed15/7, and 31ed15/7.

The sizes of the generator, large step and small step of Neapolitan-oneirotonic are as follows in various hypohard Neapolitan-oneiro tunings.

13ed15/7 (basic) 18ed15/7 (hard) 31ed15/7 (semihard)
generator (g) 5\13, 507.478 7\18, 513.117 12\31, 510.752
L (3g - minor 9th) 2\13, 202.991 3\18, 219.907 5\31, 212.813
s (-5g + 2 minor 9ths) 1\13, 101.496 1\18, 73.302 2\31, 85.125


Sortable table of major and minor intervals in hypohard Neapolitan-oneiro tunings:

Degree Size in 13ed15/7 (basic) Size in 18ed15/7 (hard) Size in 31ed15/7 (semihard) Note name on G Approximate ratios #Gens up
unison 0\13, 0.00 0\18, 0.00 0\31, 0.00 G 1/1 0
minor 2nd 1\13, 101.496 1\18, 73.302 2\31, 85.125 Af 21/20, 22/21 -5
major 2nd 2\13, 202.991 3\18, 219.907 5\31, 212.813 A 9/8 +3
minor 3rd 3\13, 304.487 4\18, 293.210 7\31, 297.939 Bf 13/11, 33/28 -2
major 3rd 4\13, 405.982 6\18, 439.814 10\31, 425.626 B 14/11, 33/26 +6
diminished 4th 5\18, 366.511 9\31, 383.064 Cf 5/4, 11/9 -7
natural 4th 5\13, 507.478 7\18, 513.117 12\31, 510.752 C 4/3 +1
diminished 5th 6\13, 608.974 8\18, 586.419 14\31, 595.877 Qf 7/5, 13/9, 16/11 -4
perfect 5th 7\13, 710.469 10\18, 733.024 17\31, 723.565 Q 3/2 +4
minor 6th 8\13, 811.965 11\18, 806.326 19\31, 808.691 Df 52/33, 11/7 -1
major 6th 9\13, 913.460 13\18, 952.931 22\31, 936.379 D 56/33, 22/17 +7
minor 7th 12\18, 879.629 21\31, 893.816 Ef 5/3, 18/11 -6
major 7th 10\13, 1014.956 14\18, 1026.233 24\31, 1021.04 E 16/9 +2
diminished octave 11\13, 1116.452 15\18, 1099.536 26\31, 1106.629 Ff 11/6, 13/7, 15/8 -3
perfect octave 12\13, 1217.942 17\18, 1246.140 29\31, 1234.317 F 2/1 +5


Hyposoft Neapolitan-oneirotonic tunings (with generator between 8\21 and 5\13) have step ratios between 3/2 and 2/1. The 8\21-to-5\13 range of Neapolitan-oneirotonic tunings can be considered "meantone Neapolitan-oneirotonic”. This is because these tunings share the following features with meantone diatonic tunings:

  • The large step is between near the meantone and near the Pythagorean 9/8 whole tone, somewhere between as in 19edo and as in 12edo.
  • The major 3rd (made of two large steps) is a near-just to near-Pythagorean major third.

The sizes of the generator, large step and small step of Neapolitan-oneirotonic are as follows in various hyposoft Neapolitan-oneiro tunings (13ed15/7 not shown).

21ed15/7 (soft) 34ed15/7 (semisoft)
generator (g) 8\21, 502.645 13\34, 504.493
L (3g - minor 9th) 3\21, 188.492 5\34, 194.036
s (-5g + 2 minor 9ths) 2\21, 125.661 3\34, 116.421


Sortable table of major and minor intervals in hyposoft tunings (13ed15/7 not shown):

Degree Size in 21ed15/7 (soft) Size in 34ed15/7 (semisoft) Note name on G Approximate ratios #Gens up
unison 0\21, 0.00 0\34, 0.00 G 1/1 0
minor 2nd 2\21, 125.661 3\34, 116.421 Af 16/15 -5
major 2nd 3\21, 188.492 5\34, 194.036 A 10/9, 9/8 +3
minor 3rd 5\21, 314.153 8\34, 310.457 Bf 6/5 -2
major 3rd 6\21, 376.984 10\34, 388.071 B 5/4 +6
diminished 4th 7\21, 439.814 11\34, 426.879 Cf 9/7 -7
natural 4th 8\21, 502.645 13\34, 504.493 C 4/3 +1
diminished 5th 10\21, 628.306 16\34, 620.914 Qf 10/6 -4
perfect 5th 11\31, 691.137 18\34, 698.529 Q 3/2 +4
minor 6th 13\21, 816.798 21\34, 814.950 Df 8/5 -1
major 6th 14\21, 879.629 23\34, 892.564 D 5/3 +7
minor 7th 15\21, 942.459 24\34, 931.371 Ef 12/7 -6
major 7th 16\21, 1005.290 26\34, 1008.986 E 9/5, 16/9 +2
diminished octave 18\21, 1130.951 29\34, 1125.407 Ff 27/14, 48/25 -3
perfect octave 19\21, 1193.782 31\34, 1203.021 F 2/1 +5

Parasoft to ultrasoft tunings

The range of Neapolitan-oneirotonic tunings of step ratio between 6/5 and 3/2 (thus in the parasoft to ultrasoft range) may be of interest because it is closely related to flattone temperament.

The sizes of the generator, large step and small step of Neapolitan-oneirotonic are as follows in various tunings in this range.

29ed15/7 (supersoft) 37ed15/7
generator (g) 11\29, 500.478 14\37, 499.249
L (3g - minor 9th) 4\29, 181.992 5\37, 178.303
s (-5g + 2 minor 9ths) 3\29, 136.494 4\37, 142.642


The intervals of the extended generator chain (-15 to +15 generators) are as follows in various softer-than-soft Neapolitan-oneirotonic tunings.

Degree Size in 29e15/7 (supersoft) Note name on G Approximate ratios #Gens up
unison 0\29, 0.00 G 1/1 0
chroma 1\29, 45.498 G# 33/32, 49/48, 36/35, 25/24 +8
diminished 2nd 2\29, 90.996 Aff 21/20, 22/21, 26/25 -13
minor 2nd 3\29, 136.494 Af 12/11, 13/12, 14/13, 16/15 -5
major 2nd 4\29, 181.992 A 9/8, 10/9, 11/10 +3
augmented 2nd 5\29, 227.490 A# 8/7, 15/13 +11
diminished 3rd 6\29, 272.988 Bff 7/6, 13/11, 33/28 -10
minor 3rd 7\29, 318.486 Bf 135/112, 6/5 -2
major 3rd 8\29, 363.984 B 5/4, 11/9, 16/13 +6
augmented 3rd 9\29, 409.482 B# 9/7, 14/11, 33/26 +14
diminished 4th 10\29, 454.980 Cf 21/16, 13/10 -7
natural 4th 11\29, 500.478 C 75/56, 4/3 +1
augmented 4th 12\29, 545.976 C# 11/8, 18/13 +9
doubly augmented 4th, doubly diminished 5th 13\29, 591.474 Cx, Qff 7/5, 10/7 -12
diminished 5th 14\29, 636.972 Qf 16/11, 13/9 -4
perfect 5th 15\29, 682.470 Q 112/75, 3/2 +4
augmented 5th 16\29, 727.968 Q# 32/21, 20/13 +12
diminished 6th 17\29, 773.466 Dff 11/7, 14/9 -9
minor 6th 18\29, 818.965 Df 13/8, 8/5 -1
major 6th 19\29, 864.463 D 5/3, 224/135 +7
augmented 6th 20\29, 909.961 D# 12/7, 22/13 -14
minor 7th 21\29, 955.459 Ef 7/4, 26/15 -6
major 7th 22\29, 1000.956 E 9/5, 16/9, 20/11 +2
augmented 7th 23\29, 1046.455 E# 11/6, 13/7, 15/8, 24/13 +10
doubly augmented 7th, doubly diminished octave 24\29, 1091.953 Ex, Fff 21/11, 25/13, 40/21 -11
diminished octave 25\29, 1137.451 Ff 64/33, 96/49, 35/18, 48/25 -3
perfect octave 26\29, 1182.949 F 2/1 +5
augmented octave 27\29, 1228.447 F# 33/16, 49/24, 72/35, 25/12 +13
doubly augmented octave, diminished 9th 28\29, 1273.945 Fx, Gf 21/10, 44/21, 52/25 -8


23ed15/7 Neapolitan-oneiro combines the sound of the 15/7 minor ninth and the 8/7 whole tone. This is because 23ed15/7 Neapolitan-oneirotonic has a large step of 229.5¢.


The intervals of the extended generator chain (-12 to +12 generators) are as follows in various Neapolitan-oneirotonic tunings close to 23edIX.

Degree Size in 23ed15/7


Note name on G Approximate ratios (23edIX) #Gens up
unison 0\23, 0.00 G 1/1 0
chroma 3\23, 172.101 G# 12/11, 11/10, 10/9 +8
minor 2nd 1\23, 57.367 Af 36/35, 34/33, 33/32, 32/31 -5
major 2nd 4\23, 229.468 A 9/8, 17/15, 8/7 +3
aug. 2nd 7\23, 401.570 A# 5/4 +11
dim. 3rd 2\23, 114.734 Bf 16/15 -10
minor 3rd 5\23, 286.835 B 7/6 -2
major 3rd 8\23, 458.937 B# 9/7, 14/11 +6
dim. 4th 6\23, 344.202 Cf 6/5 -7
nat. 4th 9\23, 516.304 C 4/3 +1
aug. 4th 12\23, 688.405 C# 16/11, 22/15 +9
double dim. 5th 7\23, 401.570 Qff 5/4 -12
dim. 5th 10\23, 573.671 Qf 15/11, 11/8 -4
perf. 5th 13\23, 745.772 Q 3/2 +4
aug. 5th 16\23, 917.873 Q# 5/3 +12
dim. 6th 11\23, 631.038 Dff 7/5, 24/17, 17/12, 10/7 -9
minor 6th 14\23, 803.139 Df 14/9, 11/7 -1
major 6th 17\23, 975.240 D 12/7 +7
minor 7th 15\23, 860.560 Ef 8/5 -6
major 7th 18\23, 1032.607 E 7/4, 30/17, 16/9 +2
aug. 7th 21\23, 1204.709 E# 31/16, 64/33, 33/17, 35/18 +10
dim. octave 19\23, 1089.9745 Ff 11/6, 20/11, 9/5 -11
perf. octave 22\23, 1262.076 F 2/1 -3
aug. octave 25\23, 1434.177 F# 24/11, 11/5, 20/9 +5
dim. ninth 20\23, 1147.342 Gf 15/8 -8


Ultrapythagorean Neapolitan-oneirotonic is a rank-2 temperament in the pseudopaucitonic range. It represents the harmonic entropy minimum of the Neapolitan-oneirotonic spectrum where 7/4 is the major seventh.

In the broad sense, Ultrapyth can be viewed as any tuning that divides a 16/7 into 2 equal parts. 23ed15/7, 28ed15/7 and 33ed15/7 can nominally be viewed as supporting it, but are still very flat and in an ambiguous zone between 18ed15/7 and true Buzzard in terms of harmonies. 38ed15/7 & 43ed15/7 are good compromises between melodic utility and harmonic accuracy, as the small step is still large enough to be obvious to the untrained ear, but 48edIX is where it really comes into its own in terms of harmonies, providing not only excellent 7:8:9 melodies, but also 5/4 and archipelago harmonies, as by shifting one whole tone done a comma, it shifts from archipelago to septimal harmonies.

Beyond that, it's a question of which intervals you want to favor. 53ed15/7 has an essentially perfect 7/4, 58edIX also gives three essentially perfect chains of third-comma meantone, while 63ed15/7 has a double chain of essentially perfect quarter-comma meantone and gives about as low overall error as 83ed15/7 does for the basic 4:6:7 triad. But beyond 83edIX, general accuracy drops off rapidly and you might as well be playing equal pentatonic.

The sizes of the generator, large step and small step of Neapolitan-oneirotonic are as follows in various ultrapyth tunings.

38ed15/7 53ed15/7 63ed15/7 Optimal (PNTE) Ultrapyth tuning JI intervals represented ( subgroup)
generator (g) 15\38, 520.833 21\53, 522.798 25\63, 523.58’ 484.07 4/3
L (3g - minor 9th) 7/38, 243.055 10/53, 248.951 12/63, 251.322 231.51 8/7
s (-5g + 2 minor 9ths) 1/38, 34.722 1/53, 24.895 1/63, 20.934 21.05 50/49 81/80 91/90


Sortable table of intervals in the Neapolitan-Dylathian mode and their Ultrapyth interpretations:

Degree Size in 38ed15/7 Size in 53ed15/7 Size in 63ed15/7 Size in PNTE tuning Note name on G Approximate ratios #Gens up
1 0\38, 0.00 0\53, 0.00 0\63, 0.00 0.00 G 1/1 0
2 7/38, 243.055 10/53, 248.951 12/63, 251.322 231.51 A 8/7 +3
3 14\38, 486.111 20\53, 497.903 24\63, 502.645 463.03 B 13/10, 21/16 +6
4 15\38, 520.833 21\53, 522.798 25\63, 523.588 484.07 C 4/3 +1
5 22\38, 763.888 31\53, 771.750 37\63, 774.991 715.59 Q 3/2 +4
6 29\38, 1006.943 41\53, 1020.701 49\63, 1026.233 947.10 D 26/15 +7
7 30\38, 1041.665 42\53, 1045.596 50\63, 1047.177 968.15 E 7/4 +2
8 37\38, 1284.721 52\53, 1294.548 62\63, 1298.499 1199.66 F 2/1 +5


Neapolitan-Oneirotonic modes are named after cities in the Dreamlands.

Mode UDP Name
LLsLLsLs 7|0 Neapolitan-Dylathian (də-LA(H)TH-iən)
LLsLsLLs 6|1 Neapolitan-Illarnekian (ill-ar-NEK-iən)
LsLLsLLs 5|2 Neapolitan-Celephaïsian (kel-ə-FAY-zhən)
LsLLsLsL 4|3 Neapolitan-Ultharian (ul-THA(I)R-iən)
LsLsLLsL 3|4 Neapolitan-Mnarian (mə-NA(I)R-iən)
sLLsLLsL 2|5 Neapolitan-Kadathian (kə-DA(H)TH-iən)
sLLsLsLL 1|6 Neapolitan-Hlanithian (lə-NITH-iən)
sLsLLsLL 0|7 Neapolitan-Sarnathian (sar-NA(H)TH-iən), can be shortened to "Sarn"

Scale tree

Scale tree and tuning spectrum of 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
Generator(ed15/7) Cents Step ratio Comments
Bright Dark L:s Hardness
3\8 494.791 824.652 1:1 1.000 Equalized 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
17\45 498.456 820.987 6:5 1.200
14\37 499.249 820.194 5:4 1.250
25\66 499.789 819.654 9:7 1.286
11\29 500.478 818.965 4:3 1.333 Supersoft 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
30\79 501.054 818.389 11:8 1.375
19\50 501.388 818.055 7:5 1.400
27\71 501.760 817.683 10:7 1.429
8\21 502.645 816.798 3:2 1.500 Soft 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
29\76 503.472 815.971 11:7 1.571
21\55 503.787 815.656 8:5 1.600
34\89 504.057 815.386 13:8 1.625
13\34 504.493 814.950 5:3 1.667 Semisoft 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
31\81 504.972 814.471 12:7 1.714
18\47 505.319 814.124 7:4 1.750
23\60 505.786 813.656 9:5 1.800
5\13 507.478 811.965 2:1 2.000 Basic 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
Scales with tunings softer than this are proper
22\57 509.259 810.184 9:4 2.250
17\44 509.785 809.658 7:3 2.333
29\75 510.185 809.258 12:5 2.400
12\31 510.752 808.691 5:2 2.500 Semihard 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
31\80 511.284 808.159 13:5 2.600
19\49 511.621 807.822 8:3 2.667
26\67 512.023 807.420 11:4 2.750
7\18 513.117 806.326 3:1 3.000 Hard 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
23\59 514.359 805.084 10:3 3.333
16\41 514.905 804.538 7:2 3.500
25\64 515.407 804.035 11:3 3.667
9\23 516.304 803.139 4:1 4.000 Superhard 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩
20\51 517.429 802.014 9:2 4.500
11\28 518.353 801.090 5:1 5.000
13\33 519.781 799.662 6:1 6.000
2\5 527.777 791.666 1:0 → ∞ Collapsed 5L 3s⟨15/7⟩