Neutral third

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A neutral third (n3) is an interval that spans two steps of the diatonic scale with a quality between major and minor. It exists in neutralized diatonic scales as exactly one half of a perfect fifth.

In just intonation, an interval may be classified as a neutral third if it is reasonably mapped to 2\7 and 7\24 (precisely two steps of the diatonic scale and three and a half steps of the chromatic scale).

As a concrete interval region, it is typically near 350 cents in size, distinct from the minor third of roughly 300 cents and the major third of roughly 400 ¢. A rough tuning range for the neutral third is 330 to 370 ¢ according to Margo Schulter's theory of interval regions.

Two neutral thirds stack to a perfect fifth, and as such the neutral third range is generally divided at roughly 350 ¢ into artoneutral (flatter) and tendoneutral (sharper) thirds. As such, neutral thirds tend to exist in pairs.

In just intonation

By prime limit

The 3-limit and 5-limit do not have simple neutral thirds, so we start with the 7-limit:

  • The 7-limit artoneutral and tendoneutral thirds are the ratios of 60/49 and 49/40 respectively, and they are slightly flat of and slightly sharp of 351 ¢ respectively.
  • The 11-limit alpharabian artoneutral and tendoneutral thirds are the ratios of 11/9 and 27/22 respectively, and they are about 347 and 355 ¢ respectively.
  • The 13-limit artoneutral and tendoneutral thirds are the ratios of 39/32 and 16/13 respectively, and they are about 342 and 359 ¢ respectively.
  • The 17-limit supraminor and submajor thirds are the ratios of 17/14 and 21/17 respectively, and they are about 336 and 366 ¢ respectively.

By delta

See Delta-N ratio.

Delta 2 Delta 3 Delta 4 Delta 5
11/9 347 ¢ 16/13 359 ¢ 21/17 365 ¢ 26/21 370 ¢
17/14 336 ¢ 23/19 330 ¢ 27/22 355 ¢
28/23 341 ¢

In edos

The following table lists the best tuning of 39/32 and 16/13 in various significant edos. For applicable edos, it also lists one half of the edo's perfect fifth, approximating 1\2edf, which, while not a just interval, is the "canonical" neutral third tuning, as stacking two of them gives 3/2.

Edo 1\2edf 39/32 16/13
7 343 ¢
17 353 ¢
24 350 ¢
25 336 ¢
26 * 369 ¢
27 356 ¢
29 331 ¢ *
31 348 ¢
34 353 ¢
41 351 ¢
53 340 ¢ 362 ¢

In regular temperaments

Temperaments generated by neutral thirds often involve tempering a pair of neutral thirds together. As such, each pair of neutral thirds has a corresponding temperament, which equates both neutral thirds to half of a perfect fifth:

Pair of neutral thirds Temperament
60/49, 49/40 Breedsmic
11/9, 27/22 Rastmic
39/32, 16/13 Temperament of 512/507
17/14, 21/17 Temperament of 294/289

VTEInterval regions
Seconds and thirds Comma and diesisSemitoneNeutral secondMajor second • (Interseptimal second-third) • Minor thirdNeutral thirdMajor third
Fourths and fifths (Interseptimal third-fourth) • Perfect fourth • (Semiaugmented fourth) • Tritone • (Semidiminished fifth) • Perfect fifth • (Interseptimal fifth-sixth)
Sixths and sevenths Minor sixthNeutral sixthMajor sixth • (Interseptimal sixth-seventh) • Minor seventhNeutral seventhMajor seventhOctave