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Equal divisions of the Komornik–Loreti Seventh, or the Kleventh which has a size of ~1005.2719677332628 cents. The Kleventh is the Komornik–Loreti constant used as a musical interval. Using the Komornik–Loreti constant as an interval is a completely arbitrary choice.

Correspondence of EDKL to EDO

Tuning Equivalent EDO Comment
2edkl N/A
5edkl 6edo
6edkl 7edo
10edkl 12edo Has a good fifth (~0.1% off a just fifth)
11edkl 13edo
12edkl 14edo
13edkl 16edo Has a phenomenal major third (~0.01% off a just major third)
14edkl 17edo
15edkl 18edo
16edkl 19edo
17edkl 20edo
26edkl 31edo
31edkl 37edo
36edkl 43edo
62edkl 74edo
88edkl 105edo

To see correspondences of EDKLs to other equal tunings go here.