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Interval information
Ratio 1540/1539
Factorization 22 × 3-4 × 5 × 7 × 11 × 19-1
Monzo [2 -4 1 1 1 0 0 -1
Size in cents 1.124543¢
Name kevolisma
Color name 19u1ozy1,
nulozoyo 1sn,
Nulozoyo comma
FJS name [math]\text{P1}^{5,7,11}_{19}[/math]
Special properties superparticular,
Tenney height (log2 nd) 21.1765
Weil height (log2 max(n, d)) 21.1774
Wilson height (sopfr(nd)) 58
Harmonic entropy
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
~1.2109 bits
Comma size unnoticeable
S-expression S55 × S56
Open this interval in xen-calc

1540/1539, the kevolisma, is an unnoticeable 19-limit (specifically superparticular comma of about 1.12 cents. It is the amount by which 140/81, a stack consisting of 10/9 and 14/9, exceeds 19/11. It is also the amount by which a stack consisting of 10/9 and 11/9 exceeds 19/14, and by which a stack consisting of 14/9 and 11/9 exceeds 19/10.

Commatic relations

This comma is the difference between the following superparticular pairs:

Or as a relation in the four formal commas defined by Functional Just System and Helmholtz–Ellis notation:

It factors into the following superparticular pairs:

* relation within the subgroup


By tempering it out is defined the kevolismic temperament, which enables the kevolismic chords.


The name kevolisma was named by Xenllium in 2023. It refers to 1540 Kevola, the asteroid, which in turn was named after an observatory in Finland.

See also