Interval information |
nuluzozogu 2nd,
Nuluzozogu comma
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
S96 × S97 × S98
3136/3135, the neomirkwaisma or neomirkwai comma, is a 19-limit (also subgroup) superparticular comma of about 0.55 cents. It is the amount by which a stack consisting of 11/8, 15/14 and 19/14 falls short of an octave.
Commatic relations
This comma is the difference between the following superparticular pairs:
- 56/55 and 57/56 *
- 96/95 and 99/98 *
- 196/195 and 209/208
- 210/209 and 225/224 *
- 343/342 and 385/384 *
- 441/440 and 513/512 *
- 476/475 and 561/560
- 1540/1539 and 3025/3024 *
- 2058/2057 and 5985/5984
- 2080/2079 and 6175/6174
- 2376/2375 and 9801/9800 *
- 2401/2400 and 10241/10240 *
- 2432/2431 and 10830/10829
- 2926/2925 and 43681/43680
It factors into the following superparticular pairs:
- 5929/5928 and 6656/6655
- 5776/5775 and 6860/6859 *
- 4200/4199 and 12376/12375
- 4096/4095 and 13377/13376
- 3250/3249 and 89376/89375
* relation within the subgroup
By tempering it out is defined the neomirkwaismic temperament, which enables the neomirkwaismic chords.
The names neomirkwaisma and neomirkwai comma were named by Xenllium in 2023. The indra temperament (31&41&80, an 11-limit extension of the mirkwai temperament) can be extended to the subgroup by tempering out 400/399, 1540/1539, 2304/2299 or 3136/3135.