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← 6edϕ 7edϕ 8edϕ →
Prime factorization 7 (prime)
Step size 119.013¢ 
Octave 10\7edϕ (1190.13¢)
Twelfth 16\7edϕ (1904.21¢)
Consistency limit 9
Distinct consistency limit 3


Steps Cents Approximate ratios
0 0 1/1
1 119 12/11, 13/12, 14/13, 15/14, 16/15, 17/16, 18/17, 19/18, 21/20
2 238 7/6, 8/7, 9/8, 13/11, 15/13, 17/15, 19/17, 20/17
3 357 5/4, 6/5, 11/9, 16/13, 17/14, 21/17
4 476.1 4/3, 9/7, 13/10, 17/13, 21/16
5 595.1 7/5, 10/7, 11/8, 13/9, 17/12, 18/13
6 714.1 3/2, 14/9, 17/11, 20/13
7 833.1 5/3, 8/5, 11/7, 13/8, 18/11, 19/12, 21/13


Approximation of harmonics in 1ed119.013c
Harmonic 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Error Absolute (¢) -9.9 +2.3 -19.7 -49.0 -7.6 -36.5 -29.6 +4.5 -58.9 +14.1 -17.5 -37.0 -46.3 -46.8 -39.5
Relative (%) -8.3 +1.9 -16.6 -41.2 -6.4 -30.6 -24.9 +3.8 -49.5 +11.9 -14.7 -31.1 -38.9 -39.3 -33.2
Steps 10 16 20 23 26 28 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40

